Atheroma: treatment at home. Folk remedies for the treatment of atheroma

There are many diseases affecting the skin. Many of them are similar in manifestations, but it is very important to be able to distinguish between them.

What is atheroma?

treatment of inflammation of atheroma on the back of the head, neck and face

Due to disruption of the sebaceous glands, clogging of pores may occur. This leads to the occurrence of such an unpleasant phenomenon as atheroma - a soft benign subcutaneous formation, which is also called a cyst. This is a fairly common problem affecting people of both sexes and different ages. Atheroma is a dense pouch filled with a viscous yellowish liquid, often having an unpleasant odor. Many doctors are sure that this is a hereditary disease.

atheroma treatment at home

Symptoms of the appearance of atheroma

Most often, a cyst can be seen on areas of the body and face that are rich in sebaceous glands. First of all, it is the scalp, genitals, back of the neck and armpits. Atheroma also often appears on the face, especially in the T-shaped zone. Its size can vary from a pea to a large hazelnut. Very often, an atheroma in the common people is called a wen.

atheroma treatment at home

Visually, it is a smooth, as if soldered to the rest of the skin surface, tumor. It is painless to the touch, and its consistency resembles a dough. If the inflammation is accompanied by secretions, then they have a viscous structure, a yellowish-white color and are accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

folk remedies for the treatment of atheroma at home

What causes the appearance of wen?

The cause of atheroma can be a variety of provoking factors. This is a hormonal failure, taking antibiotics, stress, nervous strain, hypothermia, malnutrition.

Atheroma is almost painless, so only a doctor can diagnose it. But when it is injured, the inflammatory process can begin, as the sebaceous gland secretions become an excellent medium for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms.

atheroma treatment with folk remedies at home

The course of the disease, its diagnosis

In order to identify a wen, you need to examine the area of ​​the skin on which it is located. Pathology will have clearly defined and pronounced boundaries. The formation is dense and mobile to the touch. The skin located above the atheroma does not deform in the folds. The cyst does not cause painful sensations if the inflammatory process does not start. Sometimes an atheroma is erroneously classified as a lipoma. For a final diagnosis, histological studies are necessary to exclude the possibility of a malignant neoplasm.

The consequences of atheroma

Most often, wen disappear without a trace. Cosmetic defects are less common. In severe cases, with the appearance of suppuration, atheroma can take a chronic course. Even without infection, the cyst can become inflamed and greatly increase in size. During an exacerbation of the disease, surgery is not allowed. Otherwise, its result may be the appearance of complications and an increase in the inflammatory process. If a provocative agent penetrates the circulatory system, sepsis is likely. But this happens extremely rarely.

treatment of atheroma folk remedies symptoms

The most severe and dangerous consequence of the appearance of a wen becomes malignant atheroma.

Atheroma: home treatment with lotions

Of course, in cases where the course of the disease is quite difficult, doctors recommend a surgical method of treatment. This is the most cardinal way out of the situation. But sometimes you can try folk remedies for treating atheroma at home. Only first you need to consult with your doctor. The use of "grandmother's" funds is primarily aimed at opening the capsule in which the fat has accumulated. The basis of various ointments and lotions are plants and other substances with drying, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Be careful when dealing with a disease such as atheroma. Treatment with alternative methods, which causes allergies, must be stopped immediately. If you find that after applying this or that remedy you have spots, a rash on your skin or itching, then one of the ingredients is contraindicated for you.

Atheroma treatment at home is very often done with a variety of lotions (usually in combination with other methods). They need to be applied two to three times a day and kept from forty minutes to an hour. Only in this case can success be achieved in the fight against the disease called atheroma. Treatment at home can be carried out using the three most famous and effective types of lotions:

  1. Take two tablespoons of ammonia and the same amount of drinking water at room temperature. Moisten a small piece of bandage or cotton wool in the solution and apply for five minutes to the atheroma. After that, wash the skin area with warm water. Repeat the procedure daily.
  2. A very effective decoction of leaves of coltsfoot. To prepare it, boil them in clean water, strain. Take a decoction every day for half a glass.
  3. Boil 2-4 tablespoons of peony root in 0.5 liters of water. Let it brew for a couple of hours. Soak a cotton swab with the resulting solution and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin.

Natural ointments

If you have overtaken atheroma, treatment with folk remedies at home can be carried out using effective rubbing. They are very easy to do on their own.

1. Grind burdock root in a blender or meat grinder. Mix the resulting powder with the interior of pork fat or butter (the first option is preferable). The mixture must be insisted in a dark place for three days. Squeeze the ointment well and periodically lubricate the atheroma until its symptoms become much weaker.

2. Onion treatment is very effective. The inflammation of atheroma on the back, head, neck and face can be reduced and pain can be removed using this simple but effective method. To do this, you need to take the same amount of laundry soap and baked onions, finely grated. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the wen. A gauze dressing should be applied on top. Update the applied mixture twice a day. Apply to reduce inflammation.

3. Well established in the treatment of atheroma and garlic. You need to grind two or three cloves on a grater and mix with a small amount of vegetable oil, preferably olive. Use this mixture as a medical ointment: rub into an inflamed area of ​​the skin and massage. When itching begins, the mixture is washed off with warm water. After some time, the procedure is repeated.

atheroma treatment with alternative methods

4. If you have overtaken atheroma, treatment at home may include the following mask. Salt, honey and sour cream in equal proportions should be thoroughly mixed, applied to the affected area and left for 20 minutes. It is very important to cleanse the skin and steam it lightly.

Alternative treatment for atheroma at home

There are several quite unusual, but long since used methods that will help to cope with the disease. One thing to keep in mind: treatment of atheroma with folk remedies is possible, the symptoms of which are not pronounced. If the discomfort and pain is very strong, it is best to consult a doctor.

So, we will consider alternative methods of treatment:

  • Mutton fat must be melted and cooled to the temperature of the human body. Rub directly into a sore spot. As the fat is absorbed, the procedure repeats.
  • If you are concerned about atheroma, treatment at home can be carried out using silver, whose ions specifically affect the wen. A product from this noble metal should be periodically applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. The course is quite long and is about a month and a half.
  • A chicken egg film should be applied directly to the atheroma. The first reaction to this method may be an exacerbation of inflammation, but soon it should come to naught.
  • Aloe juice, mixed in equal amounts with coltsfoot juice, will also help.

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