"Neuroplant": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Depression is a disease accompanied by a depressed mood. This mental illness is one of the most common in the world. Unfortunately, at the initial stage, patients are not always aware of their condition, and a bad mood is attributed to fatigue. At the same time, the faster therapy is started, the more chances there are for a full recovery. To overcome the depressive state at an early stage, Neuroplant tablets will help. Reviews about the drug can be heard for the most part positive.

Description of the medication

The medicine in the form of film-coated tablets is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. The active ingredient is a dry extract of St. John's wort herb. Additionally, the following elements are included in the tablets: microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, ascorbic acid, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.

The drug Neuroplant

The drug "Neuroplant" composition is natural. A herbal medicine has a pronounced antidepressant effect. Hypericum herb extract has beneficial effects on the central nervous system. The medication normalizes sleep, improves performance, improves mood. The pharmacological activity of the drug is determined by a large number of biological substances that make up St. John's wort.

When to use pills?

Despite the fact that the medicine can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, it is not recommended to use it without a doctor’s prescription. In severe depressive states, the medication will not show a good result. Neuroplant tablets are usually prescribed at the initial stage of the disease. You can seek help from a doctor with a decrease in performance, a depressed mood, and frequent headaches.

You can start taking the drug with the development of apathy. It is this condition that often causes depression. Signs that should be alerted are slow thinking, an upset of the emotional sphere, a significant decrease in physical activity. However, you can not immediately start taking the tablets. It is important to identify the exact causes of this condition and try to eliminate them.

Bad mood

Apathy does not always have a direct connection with unpleasant events in life. Not in all cases the Neuroplant medicine is suitable. Reviews of doctors show that a suppressed emotional state can be triggered by chronic diseases or oncological pathologies. Elimination of symptoms will not show good results. It is important to carry out complex therapy.

When are tablets not used?

Categorically, you can not use the medication if a patient has photodermatitis. This is an allergic reaction to exposure to ultraviolet rays. People with increased sensitivity to the sun are called photosensitized. When using tablets with St. John's wort extract, unpleasant symptoms may intensify.

Due to the lack of sufficient data for the treatment of minor patients, Neuroplant tablets are not used. Reviews of doctors show that in pediatrics antidepressant drugs with a different composition are used.

Depressed state

The drug is contraindicated in case of galactose intolerance. You can not use tablets also during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If during treatment an increased sensitivity to one or more components of the drug develops, therapy should be discontinued. While taking the medicine with other medicines, you should consult your doctor.

Features of the reception

How to use Neuroplant tablets? Instructions for use indicate that you can use the drug regardless of food. The tablets are swallowed with plenty of fluids. In most cases, it is enough to take one tablet three times a day. If the reception was missed, you can not increase the dosage. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, treatment should be carried out for 4-6 weeks.

Girl drinks medicine

If within a month the symptoms remain the same, you must additionally consult with your doctor. It is possible that the specialist will decide to replace the drug.

Overdose and possible side effects

When using the drug in an increased dosage, convulsions, headaches, and nausea can be observed. In such cases, gastric lavage is performed, symptomatic treatment.

However, unpleasant signs can be observed with the correct use of the drug "Neuroplant". Reviews show that at the initial stage of treatment, side effects from the skin can be manifested: itching, minor rashes. If eczema begins, the drug should be discontinued. Some patients develop photosensitivity (often in HIV-infected people). Less often during treatment, pigmentation of the skin increases.

Neuroplant pills

In some cases, side effects from the nervous system develop. Despite the fact that the drug is intended to combat depressive symptoms, patients may become more restless at the initial stage of therapy. Sleep may be disturbed, fatigue may increase.

In rare cases, side effects from the digestive system are observed: bloating, heartburn, diarrhea, nausea.

Reviews on the drug "Neuroplant"

In most cases, patients who have experienced apathy respond well to the medicine. After just a few weeks of using the drug, sleep improves, negative thoughts go away, and performance increases. The cost of the Neuroplant tool is also pleasing. The price of the drug is about 400 rubles. The medication can be purchased without a prescription, however, you must first consult your doctor.

The medication has its drawbacks, according to reviews. During therapy, you can not spend much time in the open sun. Patients are more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, sunburn or pigmentation may form. In addition, drowsiness may occur during use of the tablets. Therefore, it is necessary to refrain from driving a vehicle or other complex mechanisms.

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