How to treat acne on the nipples

Today, many people are worried about the extreme problem, which is that from time to time skin rashes appear in the chest area in the form of acne. Such a defect as acne on the nipples provides a lot of discomfort and frustration to a person. And not always the complaint comes from adolescents.

Causes of the disease

Acne appears on the nipples due to a problem of psychological age, but not only. It is worth noting that hormonal imbalance in the human system is the most common reason for acne to appear on the nipples. However, to find the true cause of acne in the nipple, you can only consult with a specialist.

The appearance of acne in the nipple is not only associated with adolescence, most often, such a disease is observed when a person reaches maturity. After a young period of life, skin cells die more intensively, as a result of which some people experience clogging of pores and further inflammation. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the fact that an internal disease that proceeds secretly in the form of cosmetic defects can also cause acne in the nipple region.

If acne is on your nipples, and this bothers you, it is imperative to see a dermatologist, and you should not delay a visit to him. If you want to undergo a cardinal treatment of the nipple, then for a start you should undergo a wide examination: a diagnosis of possible diseases is carried out, medical tests are given, doctors are consulted.

Acne Treatment On Nipples

To begin with, it is worth noting that self-medication advertising cosmetics, the help of a cosmetologist - such things will not help you. If you really have a desire to permanently get rid of acne, then you need to prepare for radical changes in your lifestyle. Namely, you may need to strictly follow a diet, permanently isolate yourself from sweet, spicy, fried and salty.

Applying for a consultation to a dermatologist, regularly listening to it and fulfilling all the requirements of a specialist, having gone through the entire course of treatment, all this will help to get a good result. It is also recommended to use air baths for the mammary glands.

Strict adherence to simple rules of personal hygiene boosts the process of skin restoration in the nipple region. Effectively helps tar soap while washing the skin of the nipples and breast. Tar soap cleanses the skin well and reliably prevents relapse.

For the skin in the chest area, various masks based on natural substances will be required. Masks can be prepared at home from natural raw materials. Do not give up the benefits of such components as aloe juice or carrot juice.

If you find acne on your nipples, you should abandon synthetic and dense clothing that strongly hugs the body. It is necessary to be careful that the choice should fall only on things that are made on the basis of natural cotton or linen. Often, dermatologists advise their patients to wear clothes only of loose fit, since such material is made on the basis of natural raw materials and does not harm the skin

Listen to the advice of those who have already encountered the problem of acne in the nipple, regularly visit an experienced specialist. In this case, you will permanently get rid of acne in the nipple area and will be able to wear your favorite low-necked dresses, outfits made from unnatural raw materials.

Since they appear on the nipples, pimples try to hide or mask in different ways. In order not to force the disease again, it is better to proceed to the immediate treatment of your skin.

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