Pancakes with potatoes in a pan: cooking recipes

The cuisines of different nations of the world have their own recipes for cakes. They are cooked with various fillings: with cheese, greens, and potatoes as well. The most interesting recipes for making tortillas stuffed with potatoes are presented in our article.

Potatoes toppings

In the Caucasus, one of the national dishes of Karachais and Balkars is Khichin. These are thin cakes of wheat flour stuffed with cheese and herbs, meat or potatoes. They need to be rolled out as thin as possible, and should be fried in a dry pan.

tortillas with potatoes
Before proceeding with kneading the dough for hitch, it is necessary to prepare the filling, namely, cook peeled potatoes on the stove (2 pcs.). When it is ready, it is necessary to bring it to the consistency of mashed potatoes and cool. After that add brine cheese (200 g), garlic (2 cloves) and greens (optional) to the potatoes.

Khechina dough is kneaded from kefir (250 ml), flour (2.5 tbsp.) And salt (1 teaspoon). After it stops sticking to your hands, they form the same balls from it and leave them to "rest" on the table for 15 minutes. Then, each ball must be flattened by hand, put the filling inside (the size of a ball), pinch the edges up and turn the cake upside down. Now it needs to be rolled out, and then fry in a hot pan. After that, each tortilla with potatoes and cheese is greased with butter and stacked in a stack on the previous one. Serve instead of bread.

Tatar cakes with potatoes in a pan

Kystyby is a traditional dish of Tatar cuisine. Externally, it is thin cakes made of unleavened dough, which are served folded in half and stuffed with mashed potatoes. Ready cakes with potatoes turn out to be very satisfying.

To prepare the filling, boil the potatoes until tender. Then you need to crush it in mashed potatoes with milk and butter. Wrap the prepared mashed potatoes in a warm blanket so that it does not cool down while the cakes are fried.

From flour (2 ½ tbsp.), Water (200 ml) and salt, prepare a fresh dough. Give him a "rest" for 15 minutes, after which you can begin to roll the cakes. To do this, pinch small balls (50 g each) alternately from a common piece of dough and roll them thinly. Fry each cake on both sides in a hot pan. In the same way, cook all the cakes, greasing each with butter and stacking them in a pile.

Put a thick layer of mashed potatoes on half the prepared tortillas and cover with the second half. Top with butter.

Indian tortilla with potatoes: recipe with photo

In India, cakes are prepared as follows:

cakes with potatoes in a pan

  1. Knead the dough from flour (3 tbsp.), Water (1 ¼ tbsp.) And salt. If necessary, you can add water or flour to achieve the desired consistency of the dough. After kneading, set it aside until the filling is ready.
  2. Boil potatoes (2 pcs.) Until cooked. Cool slightly, then add the fried onions, coriander and caraway seeds (¼ teaspoon each), salt to taste.
  3. Form a cake. First, divide the dough into 12 parts. Roll each piece into a ball, then flatten it in your hands. Put some potatoes (the size of a tennis ball) in the center of the tortilla and cover it with dough on all sides. You should get a dough ball with a filling inside. Roll it with a rolling pin into a cake with a diameter of 15 cm.
  4. Fry the cake in a dry pan for 30 seconds on each side.

Ham and Potato Tortilla

Everyone loves fried pies, even though they are completely unprofitable. As an alternative, we offer a recipe for tortillas with potatoes, which are not fried in oil, but in a dry pan. The dough for them is made from kefir (1 tbsp.), Soda, salt, sugar (½ teaspoon each) and flour (how many will take). No need to add eggs. Form balls from the dough and set them aside to "rest" for 15 minutes.

potato pancakes recipe
For the filling, you need to boil the potatoes, mash it, add the ham and 2 raw eggs. Knead everything thoroughly and roll into balls the size of a dough. Next, you need to make a cake in a manner similar to the formation of hitchin. Ham cakes are fried in a dry pan and then greased with butter.

Pellets with potatoes are very satisfying. You can take them to work as a snack or give your child to school.

Lefsse (Norwegian potato cakes)

Tasty cakes can be prepared with potatoes not only in the form of a filling, but also as one of the ingredients of the dough. Roll them out quite hard. Potatoes make the dough too sticky, so you need to constantly sprinkle flour under the rolling pin.

tortilla with potatoes and cheese
Thin potato cakes are prepared in Norway, and they are called lefse. To prepare them, you need cold boiled potatoes (400 g), flour (200) and salt (1 teaspoon). Knead the dough from these ingredients. Depending on the type of potato, flour may need more (about 50 g). Divide the dough into 8 parts. Roll each ball into thin cakes one by one and fry in a dry pan. When “pockets” will not form in the cake, it's time to turn it over to the other side. Roll out the next cake only after the previous one is fried. Otherwise, they all stick to the table.

Fill the prepared cakes with potatoes in a stack and cover with a damp towel so that they become soft. From the specified number of ingredients, 8 potato cakes are obtained.

Finnish potato cakes Perunarieska

Another option for cooking potato cakes, this time Finnish. This is not only a very tasty alternative to bread, but also one of the ways to utilize stale (yesterday's) mashed potatoes. Potato cakes are made from dough, which includes flour (2 tbsp.), Cold mashed potatoes (2 tbsp.), Eggs (2 pcs.) And salt.

tortilla with potatoes recipe with photo
The dough obtained as a result of kneading must be divided into 4 parts. Flatten each ball of dough into a flat cake with a thickness of not more than 5 mm. Then chop each of them with a fork and send to the oven, preheated to 250 degrees for 15 minutes. Wrap the finished cakes in a clean towel so that they become soft, and you can immediately serve with butter.

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