"Espumisan" for newborns: indications, instructions for use, composition, reviews

Babies up to 3-4 months are often worried about colic. The problem may remain for a longer period of time with adverse factors. A similar phenomenon causes discomfort to the baby, but in the absence of obvious pathologies is natural. Indeed, immediately after birth, the intestines of the baby are colonized by various bacteria that contribute to normal digestion. The stomach and the entire digestive tract learn to contract, but there are still not enough enzymes. As a result, peristalsis rises, there is increased gas formation, as a result, the baby is tormented by colic. To alleviate the condition, parents often look for special remedies. The most popular and effective is Espumisan for newborns.

Espumisan for newborns

In what cases is it necessary

The medicine is prescribed not only for children, but also for adults. But if we consider just infants, then the drug will help in the case of:

  • flatulence associated with improper nutrition of a nursing mother;
  • the occurrence of intestinal colic;
  • increased gas formation.

Also, a direct indication for the appointment may be:

  • preparation of the gastrointestinal tract for surgery and research;
  • dyspepsia;
  • poisoning with detergents (shampoo, soap, etc.).

Espumisan for newborns effectively copes with the task, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of parents.

Colic in a newborn

What is the action based on?

Colic torments the baby due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines. To eliminate them, carminative drugs are required. Espumisan for newborns, entering the intestines, literally envelops gas bubbles. At the same time, they are less stretched and do not burst inside the body, but gently go outside. Experts note that the drug has a good effect on the digestion process of the baby, promotes better absorption of food and eliminates colic.

Are there any contraindications

The drug can be prescribed to the smallest patients, it is recognized as practically safe. However, the medicine has a number of contraindications, which must be remembered. So, the tool can cause individual intolerance or provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, the first reception should be strictly limited, after which it is worthwhile to carefully monitor the baby.

A direct contraindication is intestinal obstruction. In this case, drugs against flatulence, spasm and colic are prescribed only by the attending physician. You need to know that sorbitol is present in the composition. Therefore, for children with fructose intolerance, this drug is not suitable, you must choose an analogue.

Side effects, judging by the reviews, occur extremely rarely. Mentioned only individual sensitivity, which is also written in the instructions. Parents often choose this tool because of the absence of side effects, quick action, and doctors approve of this choice.

How to cope with flatulence

Current composition

To alleviate the condition of the baby and relieve symptoms of flatulence, Espumisan is suitable. The composition for newborns is suitable, which is confirmed by the reviews of doctors and the instructions attached to the drug. Simethicone acts as the main component that envelops and removes gas bubbles. However, it is worth remembering that there are also auxiliary substances:

  • sorbic acid;
  • sodium saccharinade;
  • sodium cycladmad;
  • banana flavor;
  • specially prepared water.

Usually babies enjoy Espumisan with pleasure. The composition for newborns, although it involves a flavor, but it is natural and does not cause unpleasant consequences.

Opinions of experts

The drug has accumulated many reviews, not only from the parents of young children. Specialists also trust the remedy and often recommend Espumisan for newborns who are concerned about colic. Among the advantages of a medicine, doctors distinguish the following:

  • not addictive, therefore, it can be used for a long time without fear of abrupt cancellation and associated unpleasant symptoms;
  • can be used in newborns, because the active substance is not absorbed into the blood, but excreted along with the feces in an unchanged form;
  • the effect of admission comes quickly, and parents see an improvement in the condition of the baby in 15-20 minutes;
  • the composition is devoid of complex carbohydrates, therefore, the drug is not contraindicated in children suffering from lactose deficiency and with suspected diabetes;
  • a convenient form of release makes it easy to use, and the manufacturer offers the drug in liquid and tablet form.

Espumisan for newborns has mostly positive reviews. Doctors approve the composition of the drug, convince him of its harmlessness, and it is important for parents that the effect comes quickly enough and there are no harmful effects.

Espumisan in the form of an emulsion

It is important to choose the right form for Espumisan for newborns. Instructions for use say that regardless of the type of active substance they have the same thing. But still there are some differences.

The drug in the form of drops is available under the name "Espumisan L". Simethicone contains 40 mg per ml of product. The medicine looks like a slightly viscous milky liquid with a characteristic taste and aroma of banana. Espumisan syrup for newborns is convenient to dose due to a measuring cap.


The drug is supplied in bottles and has the name "Espumisan 40". In this case, a measuring spoon is placed in the kit, in which 5 ml of the medicine is placed. This dosage contains 40 mg of the active ingredient.

Suspension for newborns "Espumisan" looks like a milky fluid, almost devoid of color. The aroma is closer to fruity and the smell is appropriate.

Espumisan Baby - especially for newborns

This form is designed specifically for the smallest, however, and the above are effectively used in pediatric practice. However, in this case, the amount of active substance is increased. One ml of the product, which is 25 drops, already contains 100 mg of the active component. Such a composition is actively struggling with childhood colic, and the dosage can be easily determined using a dispenser located directly in the cap. The product is supplied in glass bottles containing 30 ml of the finished product.

"Espumisan" for newborns - instructions

Tablet form

Espumisan is also available in capsule form. You can purchase a package containing 25 or 50 pills. Each capsule also contains 40 mg of active simethicone, but this form is recommended for adults or children over six years of age.

Dosage regimen

The dosage of "Espumisan" for newborns depends on the age of the baby and the chosen form of medication. So, Espumisan Baby contains the most active substance, so babies up to a year must be offered from 5 to 10 drops at a time. A day is allowed to use the drug up to 5 times. If the child is already more than a year old, then 10 drops are supposed to be taken at one time.

If the Espumisan L form is chosen, then a single dose is 25 drops. This dosage corresponds to 1 ml of emulsion. The drug can be dosed by simply turning the bottle upside down and pouring the product into a teaspoon. But you can use the cap on which there are divisions.

Espumisan 40 is also suitable for treating infants. In this case, it is necessary to use the proposed measuring spoon. If the child is not even one year old, then one spoon of Espumisan for newborns will be required. How many times a day to offer a drug depends on age. If the child has not reached the age of one year, then it is recommended to offer the drug 1-3 times a day. Older children - from 3 to 5 times.

Reception Tips

To quickly eliminate flatulence, it is necessary to correctly use Espumisan for newborns. Instructions for use are always included in each package and details the methods of administration.

How to measure "Espumisan"

A few tips for the proper use of the drug:

  • the suspension must be thoroughly shaken before administration;
  • the drug acts more effectively if taken after a meal or directly during it;
  • for a better sleep, you can offer "Espumisan" to the baby at night, during the last feeding;
  • it is best to offer medicine to the child with a teaspoon or measuring spoon;
  • it is allowed to mix the drug with the milk mixture or breast milk;
  • the duration of admission depends on the condition of the baby and the severity of symptoms of flatulence;
  • the absence of the addictive effect allows the use of the medicine for a long period of time.

How much Espumisan acts for newborns may depend on the specific baby and the severity of the problem. But reviews indicate that the effect is observed very quickly. Usually after 15-20 minutes the child calms down, stops banging with legs, and excess gases gently depart.

Dosage "Espumisan" for newborns

Preventive use

Sometimes parents are overly worried about the state of their child and use Espumisan as a prophylaxis for flatulence and gas accumulation. However, the drug is not a prophylactic and does not prevent their excessive formation. It only connects the vesicles, reduces intestinal motility and relieves smooth muscle spasms. Therefore, it is not recommended to offer the drug as prevention, and it is useless. In addition, the emulsion is considered a medicine, and this form is permissible to use only to eliminate the existing problem.

Parent reviews

To cope with childhood colic, parents often use Espumisan for infants. The reviews they leave testify to its effectiveness and speed of eliminating the problem. It is noted that infants tolerate the drug well, side effects are extremely rare and are associated only with individual reactions of the child. The taste of the drug allows you to offer it even to the most capricious children, and they are happy to drink aromatic medicine.

Many people like that there are enough forms of release and you can choose the most convenient at any given moment. For dosing, a measuring cap or spoon is offered, drops are measured using a dispenser.

However, there are responses that the drug did not work in any way. Flatulence continues to torment the baby, and the remedy does not eliminate the problem. Sometimes you can see reviews that the reception provoked an allergic reaction, but this can be seen extremely rarely.

Reception of Espumisan


When choosing a drug, it is important that it is completely safe and fulfill the role assigned to it. Espumisan satisfies such requests, and also has a pleasant taste, which is important when used in children. The drug is often advised by pediatricians, and parents are satisfied with this choice.

The popularity of the drug is due to the simplicity of its administration. In addition, it is not absorbed by the intestines, which means it does not enter the bloodstream. The medicine performs its role of enveloping gas bubbles and is brought out. At the same time, it is noted that the reception does not adversely affect the baby's well-being, but here the pains from colic pass. It is important that sugar and lactose are completely excluded from the composition. Therefore, children with lactose deficiency and diabetes are allowed to use this drug.

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