How to bake delicious cakes in the oven

In order to bake the most delicious cakes in the world, you need to be a grandmother! Well, for now we will learn how to cook just delicious cakes in the oven. And to make it easier to figure it out, consider the whole process of making pies and subsequent baking in stages.


We need to make unsweetened yeast dough. To do this, you need flour, dry yeast, salt. We take all the ingredients to taste, depending on the number of pies to be baked.

Flour should be of the highest grade, sift it. Then we add a little dry yeast directly into the flour (ordinary Pakmaya is suitable), salt. Mix everything and fill it with warm water. If you had no previous experience kneading yeast dough, then add water little by little so that the result is not liquid. Then we begin to knead the dough. It should turn out elastic, soft, uniform.

We put the dough in a warm place and cover with a napkin. Many are covered on top with a simple plastic (disposable, transparent) bag so that a crust does not form. As soon as the dough is suitable (doubled), you can start cooking pies in the oven. True, baking pies in the oven should be preceded by their actual formation.

Cooking stuffing

Typically, for homemade pies, they choose the filling of potatoes with cottage cheese or cabbage. While the dough rises, prepare the filling:

  • From cabbage. To do this, take Β½ part of the middle cabbage and chop it, cut into thin strips. Then, fry 1 onion in vegetable oil and add 1 carrot (grated), 1 tablespoon of tomato if desired. After a while, add chopped cabbage, salt and pour water (so that it reaches half of the fried vegetable mass). Cover and simmer for 30-40 minutes. Once the cabbage is cooked, evaporate the remaining liquid and chop the greens (parsley or cilantro) on top.
  • From potatoes. Pies in the oven from potatoes are very tasty if you add any hard cheese or cottage cheese. The algorithm is as follows: boil peeled potatoes and pass through a meat grinder with a piece of cheese (grind in a blender), then add finely chopped onions and herbs (parsley), salt, black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. If the cheese was salty, then try and salt like that.

We form pies

Now we take the approached dough and thoroughly crush it in order to remove carbon dioxide. Then we sprinkle the working surface with flour and tear small pieces from the dough, approximately with a large plum. Roll out thinner circles, but there should be no holes or tears. Try to get an oval layer.

Then, in the middle of the layer, lay out the filling, distributing along the entire length. Just do not have to be zealous with quantity, because we still have to pinch the edges. They can be plucked with a wicker method or simply repaired like dumplings. Press the formed patties lightly with the palm of your hand so that the filling is distributed over the entire plane.

Bake pies in the oven

We now come to the main thing, to the answer to the question of how to make pies in the oven. To do this, preheat the oven, grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil. Then we stack the pies in rows, not right next to each other. If desired, you can grease with an egg. Pies in the oven are baked at 180 C for about 35-40 minutes.

Design and Submission

As soon as they are removed from the baking sheet, you need to spread each pie with butter and put on top of each other in a saucepan or enameled bowl, and then close the lid. In this condition, they should stand for about 10 minutes. This is done so that the pies do not dry out and do not harden, just do not need to collect their plastic bag. There the pies will β€œsweat” and become wet.

Serve them on the table in a large dish, with sour cream or other sauce.

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