Cold salted cucumbers: cooking features, best recipes and recommendations

In cooking, there are many recipes for pickling cucumbers, which differ in the amount of added salt, the composition of seasonings and herbs. All products are quite tasty, they are added to various soups and main dishes. Cucumbers turn out to be very crispy and fragrant, while a cold ambassador is considered the best option for their preparation. Many housewives use this method of salting, harvesting vegetables in oak barrels or jars. In doing so, they use some tricks and rules.

cucumbers cold ambassador

Selection of cucumbers

The basis for the success of delicious pickles is their right choice. Of course, the best option is a home-grown hand-grown product. But if one is not available, it is recommended to choose a small size young cucumbers. Cold ambassador It also requires the presence of vegetables with a non-smooth surface; they should have pimples and black spikes. Vegetables must be selected solid, not dark and without yellowness. They should not be bitter, with delicate thin skin. Varieties Rodnichok and Nezhensky are well suited in this case. Before harvesting the cucumbers, they are soaked for three hours: then they will turn out elastic. Large vegetables are placed on the bottom of the container in an upright position, and smaller cucumbers are placed on top. All of them are well tamped.

Water and spices

It is known that the cold ambassador of cucumbers for the winter can give a completely different result when using different water. It is best to use water from a well or spring. If this is not the case, use bottled water or one that has been filtered. Some cooks pre-defend it by adding a piece of copper or silver. This allows not only to purify the water, but also to improve its taste. Each hostess uses a set of spices at her discretion. In most cases, chefs use leaves of currant, cherry and oak, always put garlic and pepper, horseradish, dill, mint and much more. Coarsely chopped greens, lay on the bottom of the dishes, and then at the very end they also place on cucumbers. Salts are taken at the rate of sixty grams per liter of water, which is approximately two and a half tablespoons. It is recommended to use only rock salt, the other is not suitable for salting. Also, the cold ambassador of cucumbers in banks for the winter involves preliminary sterilization of containers. Cans are washed with soda, and then washed with soapy water, poured with boiling water and set to dry. The lid can also be rinsed with boiling water or boiled for several minutes in water.

cold cucumber ambassador for the winter

Cooking secrets

Below we will look at how to pickle cucumbers, the cold ambassador requires that they be stored in a cool place, because otherwise the cans can swell. The air temperature should be around zero degrees Celsius. Also, to eliminate the risk of bloating cans, several mustard seeds or one tablespoon of alcohol (vodka) are added to the brine. Horseradish helps prevent mold on vegetables. Oak leaves give cucumbers crispness and elasticity. To make the cucumbers pickle faster, they are pierced in several places with a fork or cut off the ends on both sides. And the ambassador of cucumbers in a cold way in the classic version allows you to enjoy a vegetable only after a month.

cold cucumber ambassador in banks

Salting cucumbers in a classic way


- for every liter of water, 60 grams of salt;

- 2 bay leaves;

- 3 sheets of currant and 3 leaves of cherry;

- 6 centimeters of horseradish root;

- 1 grape leaf;

- 3 sheets of oak;

- 2 dill umbrellas;

- 10 peas of pepper;

- half a chili pepper;

- 6 cloves of garlic;

- thyme, mint, tarragon and basil as desired.


Wash the cucumbers, put them in jars, where they pre-place half the herbs and spices. Prepare the brine. To do this, salt is diluted in a small amount of boiling water, ice water is added and vegetables are poured with marinade. Cans are covered with cloth or gauze, placed in a room where the air temperature is not more than thirty degrees for three days. Then the container is removed in the cold for twelve days. If you use a cold ambassador of cucumbers in banks for the winter, they should only stand in the cold, in another case, voids will appear in the vegetables due to the released gases that tear the tissue of the cucumber. It is recommended that you check product availability periodically. At the end of the fermentation process, it is necessary to add brine, roll up cans or seal well.

cold cucumber ambassador

Barrel pickling

Cucumbers are traditionally pickled in oak barrels , the cold ambassador involves pre-rubbing them with garlic. Next, put vegetables and spices in barrels in layers, pour brine prepared from ten liters of water and nine hundred grams of salt. The brine is poured into the barrel through the tongue-and-groove hole if it is closed and has a double bottom. If salted in an open way, the barrel is covered with gauze and put oppression. The container is left for several hours to infuse at a temperature of no more than twenty degrees Celsius, then it is rearranged in the cold. Vegetables will be ready in one month. To prevent mold from forming, mustard powder or sliced ​​sugar beets are added to the cucumbers first.

cold ambassador of cucumbers in banks for the winter

Salting cucumbers in a popular way


- 2 kilograms of cucumbers;

- 2 dill umbrellas;

- 5 currant and cherry leaves each;

- 1 clove of garlic;

- 20 grams of horseradish root or leaves ;

- 8 peas of pepper;

- 75 grams of salt;

- 50 grams of vodka;

- 1.5 liters of water.


Before salting the cucumbers in a cold way , it is necessary to rinse the vegetables and pour over boiling water. Then they are soaked in ice water for three hours. Cucumbers and spices are placed in prepared jars, alternating with layers, poured with cold marinade, add vodka and tightly closed. The container is sent immediately to a cold place. Ready-made cucumbers retain their original color and are stored for a long period of time.

Cold-salted salted cucumbers

Ingredients per liter jar:

- 5 grams of dill inflorescences;

- 30 grams of horseradish;

- 5 peas of pepper;

- 2 leaves of cherry and currant, bay leaf;

- 1 tablespoon with a slide of salt;

- water.


At first everyone is washed. Cucumbers with pre-cut ends are placed in a jar, salt is poured there and greens and spices are placed on top. Pour vegetables with cold water, put on top a piece of black bread (you can take rye), close the lid or wrap the neck of the jar with gauze. The jar is placed in a bowl and left in the room for two days. Over time, the product can be tried. At the same time, the longer vegetables are stored in the bank, the more vigorous they will become. If at hand there are no leaves of cherry and currant, you can completely do without them.

how to salt cucumbers in a cold way

Cucumbers in their own juice

Ingredients for one three-liter bottle:

- 1 kilogram of young and 0.5 kilogram of large old cucumbers;

- 100 grams of salt;

- herbs and spices at your discretion.


So, the cold ambassador of cucumbers for the winter suggests old vegetables together with a peel to grate. Then add salt, mix and set aside for a while, so that the juice appears. Put greens in a jar, then gruel with cucumber juice, then a layer of young vegetables. Then again put greens, pulp and vegetables. This continues until the bottle is full. Then it is put in cold storage. This recipe uses all the same greens that are put during salting of all vegetables. This horseradish, currant leaves, cherries, dill, pepper and more. Each hostess chooses the amount of greenery herself. The finished dish has an unusual taste, more intense and vigorous.

Thus, it is not difficult to pickle cucumbers in a cold way. This process is fast, in just one month you can enjoy the finished product.

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