Sausages - a kind of short raw sausages. Their main difference from others in appearance. With a small length, the sausages should be slightly thicker than ordinary sausages. Interestingly, in some other countries, these similar meat products are not divided into several categories. Regardless of the name, these mouth-watering little sausages are loved by everyone: both adults and children. Having served them for breakfast, lunch or dinner with a different side dish (mashed potatoes, pasta or loose porridge), you can be sure that the family will be full and happy. Does it matter how and how much to cook sausages? This question usually arises in novice housewives. How not to digest a dish? Do I need to defrost them first? But first, a little about the history of the interesting name of the dish.
“Sausage” and “sardines” - what is common?
Oddly enough, but the name of short and plump appetizing meat products came precisely from the name of this sea fish. Nobody already knows the exact reason. But one thing is known: approximately in the XVIII century the word "sausage" fell into the Russian language from Polish. Most likely, the point is the external similarity of shape and size, but not of taste, is it?
Frequently asked questions during cooking
Perhaps some of the problems listed below have long been familiar to you. Let us dwell on the most common ones, for sure to find out how and how much to cook sausages:
- Is it necessary to pre-clean products from the shell or is it better to do this after cooking?
- Do I need to defrost the product before heat treatment?
- How much do you need to cook sausages so that they do not burst?
- Does the final result depend on the quality of the products?
- How many minutes to cook sausages raw and frozen?
- What are the features of different heat treatment options?
- How often can I eat this product as food?
Useful tips on how and how much to cook sausages
Consider the problems encountered in order:
- The shell of the products may be natural or artificial. In the first case, you can not pre-clean the product, but do it already in a welded state. If then this stage is difficult, which as a result leads to the removal together with the “skin” of the meat mass, it is better to remove the shell before work. It is advisable to remove the artificial film before cooking.
- Frozen sausages can be cooked immediately without waiting for thawing. This will not affect the taste of the dish.
- With any preparation, you can not cook sausages for more than 12-15 minutes. Otherwise, you will get the bursting products in an unattractive, "expanded" form.
- The higher the content of natural ingredients in the product and, accordingly, the better the product, the finished dish will look better. That is, products, which contain many different additional components, can be very boiled down.
- Typical cooking times are eight to ten minutes. Cook frozen a little longer. But the time how much to cook the sausages, largely depends on the quality of the product.
- Often sausages are fried in a pan, grill or in the oven. The dish is tastier and more aromatic.
- Sausages are not a completely natural product, because if you read the label, there are many different additives in the form of dyes, emulsifiers and other artificial fillers. Therefore, do not get involved in them, including in the daily menu. Try to use sausages only in emergency cases for cooking fast food.