Brazilian TV series: ranking of the best

The soap opera industry in Brazil has an impressive history and rich tradition. The very first series did not go on TV at all, but were broadcast on the radio. Today, the main supplier of Brazilian television content is the Globo company, which is the second most popular after American ABC.

Behind Globo's shoulders are the best representatives of this industry, where the important authors of their time worked on the series: Janet Clare, Gloria Perez, Manuel Carlus, Benedito Rui Barbosa and others. The Russians got acquainted with the work of these people in the 90s of the last century. Brazilian series have been a stunning success with our compatriots and have become an integral part of the childhood and youth of entire generations.

Today they are watched much less often, unlike American and European films. Nevertheless, the company "Globo" continues to delight fans with interesting and romantic television stories.

So, we present to your attention the rating of the best Brazilian series in the opinion of the audience. The list includes past films as well as more modern films. The average points from IMDb and Kinopoisk resources were taken as a critical assessment.

List (rating) of the best Brazilian series:

  1. "Clone".
  2. "Roads of India."
  3. "Family bonds".
  4. "Love of life".
  5. Chocolate with pepper.
  6. "In the name of love".
  7. "Slave Izaura."
  8. Belissima.
  9. "The voice of the heart."
  10. "Coast of a dream."

Consider the participants in more detail.

No. 1. "Clone"

In the first place of our rating of the best Brazilian TV series in Russian is the legendary Clone tape, released in 2001. The film went exactly one year and became widely popular not only in Brazil and Russia, but also around the world.

Brazilian TV shows top rankings

The plot of the picture gives away fiction, but for the most part, of course, there is romance there. Geneticist Dr. Alibieri devoted his life to science, namely cloning, and it was not only about sheep, but more developed individuals.

The death of a loved one pushed the scientist to a crazy act. Taking a DNA sample from the brother of the deceased twin, Lucas, Alibieri set out to return the person he loved. The film is saturated with romance, drama and vicissitudes of love.

No. 2. "Roads of India"

In second place in our rating of Brazilian TV shows in Russian is the tape “Indian Road”. The serial film was released in 2009 and received high ratings from users, especially Russian-speakers.

Brazilian TV shows in Russian rating

The tape tells about the harsh social divisions in India. Wealthy residents are forbidden to have common business with the poor. But the work of Maya, which is a vivid representative of the upper class, mixed all her cards. A careless girl unexpectedly imbued with the problems of a poor young man and strive to help him arrange a difficult life.

Number 3. "Family bonds"

Another legendary tape that won third place in our ranking of the best Brazilian TV shows. The serial film was released in 2000 and literally riveted to the screens of many of our compatriots.

the best Brazilian TV shows in Russian rating

The plot of the tape is straightforward, but served extremely high quality. Enjoying success with the fair sex, Edu one day ran into business lady Elena. A tumultuous romance was not long in coming, but the adult daughter of a woman who returned from studies from abroad and fell in love with Eda brought spice to the relationship.

Number 4. "Love of life"

In fourth place in our ranking of Brazilian TV shows is the tape “Love for Life”. The film was released not so long ago - in 2013 and enjoyed well-deserved success with the audience. The series went on for exactly a year.

top Brazilian TV shows list rating

The plot is rather confusing, but because of this it becomes more interesting. A family of doctors decides to move to the city of Peru, so that the matured beautiful daughter Paloma goes to a local university. But their son, Felix, completely disagrees with the plans of the parents. His emotionality leads to rash acts, and later to tragedy.

No. 5. Chocolate with Pepper

On the fifth line of our rating of Brazilian TV shows is an interesting ribbon called Chocolate with Pepper. The serial film was released in 2003 and continued until 2004, having received many praise from both critics and ordinary viewers.

The purposeful girl Ane recklessly promised to fall in love with a handsome brunette. After some time, the proud lady herself falls under the influence of a young man's spell. A stormy romance began to develop quite rapidly, but the young man’s aunt prevents the couple from living quietly.

No. 6. "In the name of love"

In the sixth place of our rating of Brazilian TV shows is the drama “In the Name of Love”. The tape is quite old and came out back in 1997. The series lasted a year and managed to fall in love with many viewers during this time.

Brazilian TV shows rating of the best

The film takes place around the beautiful Elena, who is forced to sacrifice her personal happiness for the sake of her daughter's interests. Both girls become mothers on the same day, but the child of Edward, alas, dies. And Elena decides to take a difficult step, replacing him with her baby.

Number 7. "Slave Izaura"

Seventh place in our ranking of Brazilian TV shows is the old film, which can rightly be called a model of this format - “Slave Izaura”. The film was released in 1976 and lasted until 1988. In total, the tape goes 1040 minutes.

Slave Izaura

The plot develops around the pretty slave Isaur, who is hindered by her social status. Active attacks by her master’s son lead to dire consequences, but the girl does not lose heart and continues to search for ways to gain freedom.

Number 8. Belissima

The eighth place in the ranking of the best Brazilian serial films is occupied by the comedy melodrama Belissima. The tape came out in 2005 and went a little over a year. Viewers very warmly received the series, and some are still revising it.

The film takes place around two children of a brother and sister - Pedro and Julia. After a terrible tragedy, they remained orphans and the imperious and oppressive grandmother Bia took up their upbringing. The latter blamed the granddaughter for the death of her children.

No. 9. "The voice of the heart"

In ninth place in our ranking is the Brazilian serial film "Voice of the Heart." A melodramatic tape with notes of mysticism was released in 2005 and received many enthusiastic responses both from critics and from ordinary viewers.

Voice of the heart

The plot develops around a young man Raphael, who is engaged in growing roses. A man can not be called ugly and poor, but he never found a lady of his heart. But by chance, he meets the young ballerina Luna in the church and the young fall in love with each other at first sight.

The happiness of Raphael and his lover did not last very long. The girl was killed. But on this very day, the girl Siren was born and the soul of the Moon mystically was transferred to her body. Year after year, a young girl grows up and begins to see strange dreams. Following the call of her heart, she decides to go to the city where Rafael lives.

No. 10. "Coast of dreams"

In the last place of our rating is the drama “Coast of Dreams”. The series was released in 2001 and received good reviews from critics and ordinary viewers. The film takes place on the Cote d'Azur, where the poor fisherman Guma and the girl Libya met.

Dream Shore

They fell in love at first sight, but their happiness was hindered by numerous obstacles that needed to be overcome.

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