Canned tuna pasta: recipes

Familiar and orderly fed up pasta today will not surprise anyone. But when you hear: “Today for lunch - pasta with canned tuna,” you begin to realize that now you will not eat ordinary spaghetti, but something unusual that is served only in Italian restaurants. In fact, everything is much simpler. To prepare such a dish is affordable even for a beginner or a completely inept housewife. If someone does not believe, then it is enough to recall our pasta in a navy manner. Does anyone even dare to admit that they can’t cook this dish? In the meantime, it is nothing but a Russian analogue of an overseas dish. Well, or almost equivalent. However, quite the lyrics. It's time to move from words to deeds.

So, the heroine of our review today is canned tuna pasta . We will reveal to you today the secrets of its preparation.

canned tuna paste


Do not be afraid of the overseas word "pasta." Even Italians mean the same spaghetti, pasta and other similar flour products. So the basis for the dish is well known to all of us. The only thing to do is choose them correctly. That is, we don’t grab the first bundle in the store, because “the price is right”, but carefully read what is written on the package. Ideally, it is advisable to go to the checkout counter with a package of products made from whole grain flour. By the way, they most of all contain fiber so much needed by our body. As a result, the dish will turn out dietary. If nevertheless the cost of the basic basis for a future masterpiece makes you fall into a stupor, opt for products that are made from durum wheat flour. But this is the threshold beyond which it is not worth crossing. Acquisition of Extra-class vermicelli will lead to the fact that the output is not overseas pasta, but pasta porridge a la dish from the local dining room.

canned tuna pasta recipe

When cooking, follow the golden rule: it’s better not to digest than to digest. Therefore, always try in the process: your pasta should already be soft, but still a little fragile.

And again: never rinse pasta under cold water! So you spoil not only the taste, but also the structure of the products. In simple words: your canned tuna pasta will look more like the same porridge, rather than an Italian dish. That’s probably all. Now, let's get acquainted with cooking options. And the first will be a recipe for pasta with canned tuna and tomatoes.

What do you need for cooking

By and large, if you are not particularly sophisticated, you can just make pasta with canned tuna - all the same, your home will say thanks at least for the fact that you diversified the usual menu.

canned tuna and tomato paste

Nevertheless, this dish still needs a few additional ingredients, thanks to which its taste will be truly rich and refined. So what do we need? We stock up:

  • Five hundred grams of pasta.
  • One small red chili pepper.
  • Also one, but already a big onion.
  • A bunch of basil.
  • A can of tuna.
  • A bunch of basil.
  • Tomatoes (fresh, or canned, but 800 g anyway).
  • A handful of grated parmesan.
  • Lemon.

How to cook

Pasta with canned tuna and tomatoes is prepared very simply. You need to start with the sauce. In a preheated stew-pan in olive oil, stew finely chopped basil stalks, hot pepper and onion. It will take about five minutes, no more. Next, in a blender, you need to chop (preliminarily remove the peel) tomatoes, add them to the stewpan along with mashed tuna with a fork. Hold on low heat for 29 minutes. While the sauce is being stewed, you need to cook pasta in boiling, always salted water. As mentioned above. Remember we don’t rinse them? Just drain the water, and then lay on the plates. Pour over the sauce, which by then is already ready, sprinkle with cheese, basil leaves. Drizzle with lemon juice. Shuffle. It's time to the table!

canned tuna pasta in cream sauce

Canned tuna pasta in creamy sauce

Another recipe. The cooking process is also quite simple, but with some of its nuances. We will need:

  • Canned tuna one jar.
  • Pasta (read: high-quality pasta) - the same five hundred grams.
  • One onion. A few cloves of garlic.
  • One hundred or one hundred and fifty milliliters of cream.
  • For lovers of spicy - a small hot pepper.

Cooking process

In olive or canned oil (if the tuna is not in its own juice), fry the chopped onion and garlic. To softness. Then add the finely chopped pepper. After - fish. Warm up. We warm up a couple of minutes. Then pour the cream, bring them to a boil and evaporate very slightly. Salt pepper. Drain the water from the ready-made pasta, and then add it to the sauce. Stir diligently, hold first two minutes on fire, and then as many without it. Just under the hood. We call home to the table. When serving, if you wish, you can sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.

canned tuna paste

As you can see, canned tuna pasta is prepared very simply. And, which is especially valuable today, quickly!

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