Ferrolex iron preparation: instructions for use

Anemia is called a hematological syndrome, which is characterized by a violation of hemoglobin synthesis due to a lack of iron in the body. The main causes of this condition are significant blood loss, as well as a lack of food rich in this element.

ferroplex instructions for use

To make up for iron deficiency, doctors recommend taking medications containing the mentioned component. One of them is the "Ferroplex" medication. Reviews, features and method of use of this medication are presented below.

Description, composition, packaging, form

What form is inherent in the medicine "Ferroplex"? The instruction for use claims that this medication is made in the form of smooth, round and convex tablets of white color or with a gray tint. They are available in glass jars of 100 pieces.

Ferroplex contains iron sulfate and ascorbic acid, as well as auxiliary components such as stearin, potato starch, magnesium oxide, lactose monohydrate, talc, sucrose, vegetable oil and acacia gum.

The characteristic of the drug

The drug "Ferroplex", the instructions for use of which is contained in a pack of cardboard, is an antianemic drug, a stimulator of hematopoiesis.

Iron sulfate, which is part of the drug, is an important component of many organs and tissues. This element is directly involved in erythropoiesis, and is also part of the bone marrow and red blood cells.

As for an ingredient such as ascorbic acid, it improves the absorption of iron sulfate, including with various disorders in the functioning of the digestive tract. This happens due to the stabilization of Fe 2 + ions.

ferroplex reviews

Drug kinetics

What are the kinetic parameters of Ferroplex tablets? According to the instructions, iron is absorbed from the small intestine (mainly in its upper parts), and then enters the target organs.

Depending on how much of this element is required by the body, only a certain part of it is absorbed. As for unused iron, it is excreted along with feces.


The drug "Ferroplex" during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is prescribed very often. It is also used for the prevention and treatment of anemia caused by iron deficiency, which was triggered by the following conditions:

  • during the intensive growth of the human body or for the purpose of its recovery after past illnesses;
  • with prolonged bleeding, including diseases of the digestive tract;
  • with iron deficiency in food or its complete absence;
  • with severe diarrhea, which is accompanied by a violation of the intestinal microflora.


When should you not take Ferroplex tablets? Reviews of doctors allow us to conclude that this tool is prohibited to prescribe:

Ferroplex tablets

  • with aplastic anemia ;
  • the presence of hypersensitivity to iron and its derivatives, as well as ascorbic acid and other components of the drug;
  • severe bleeding;
  • after resection of the stomach ;
  • children under four years old.

Also, special care should be taken with peptic ulcer.

The drug "Ferroplex": instructions for use

The tablets in question are taken orally, 2 hours before the meal or an hour after. If the patient has diseases of the digestive tract, then the drug can be consumed with food.

In severe anemia, adults are prescribed 150-300 mg of the drug per day, and with moderate or mild degree - 60-120 mg. The frequency of taking this tool is two to three times a day.

The course of therapy with this drug can last up to three months. If, after the specified time, it is necessary to continue taking the dragee, then the daily dose should be reduced to one tablet three times a day.

Instructions for use for children from 4 years

For teens, as well as babies from 4 years old, this medication is prescribed 1 tablet three times a day.

In order to avoid the development of side effects, you can adhere to a different therapy regimen: 2 tablets 1 or 2 times a week for 3 months.

ferroplex preparation

Method of use for pregnant women

At what dosage should Ferroplex be used by pregnant women? Instructions for use say that in this situation, women need to use a medicine of 30 mg per day. Long-term medication is determined by the doctor.

Side effects

Taking the medication in question, patients can observe for themselves: stomach discomfort, digestive upset, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, increased gas, diarrhea, heartburn, constipation.

In the event that treatment was started with low dosages followed by their increase, the likelihood of all these manifestations is significantly reduced.

Hypersensitivity reactions in the form of skin rashes are also possible.

Special recommendations

This medication is ineffective in case of anemia of a different origin (except iron deficiency).

While taking the tablets, feces may turn black.

It is forbidden to combine this medicine with other means containing iron.

ferroplex during pregnancy


Most often, the drug in question is prescribed for pregnant women. Most of them leave only positive reviews about the drug.

According to consumers, this medication is highly effective and rarely causes side effects. Only in some cases, during the course of therapy, patients experience a decrease in appetite, as well as nausea and pain in the stomach.

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