The best suppositories for cystitis: review and reviews

What are the best treatments for bladder inflammation? Suppositories for cystitis are an effective remedy that has shown its best side.

About the problem of cystitis in modern women

When this disease appears, the inflammatory process begins in the tissues of the bladder. In the acute form of cystitis, special medications are needed. Therapy includes the use of oral medications. In addition, the doctor prescribes vaginal and rectal suppositories for cystitis. Depending on the purpose for which the patient will use them, a certain remedy is chosen. Especially popular among the fair sex are candles "Hexicon". Indications for use of this drug: acute pain in the bladder. Statistics show that they are suitable for both prevention and treatment of the problem.

candles for cystitis

Varieties of candles, their purpose

Treatment of bladder inflammation is aimed at eliminating pathogenic symptoms through the use of special medical devices. In addition, with the help of warming procedures and medications, blood flow is restored in the problem area. Suppositories for cystitis help eliminate sources of pathogenic microflora. In the case of an acute form of the disease, the use of antibacterial suppositories with antimicrobial properties will be required. Thanks to such drugs, a local therapeutic effect occurs, the development of additional infections is prevented. In order to relieve pain for some time, you can use the antispasmodic drug Voltaren.

What is the difference between "Indomethacin" candles? Instructions, reviews of their action confirm that the pain after these funds is really reduced. Doctors note the absence of side effects in patients with their use.

candles for cystitis in women

Features of the Hexicon

For the treatment of cystitis , Hexicon suppositories are often prescribed. Indications for use - pain that is caused by an infection. The analogues of this drug are the means "Methyluracil", "Acylact". When choosing a drug, you need to consult a doctor. In the standard configuration of the drug "Hexicon": candles, instructions. The price of the drug is 272 rubles. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

For the rapid healing of injuries that occur due to an inflammatory process in the bladder, Methyluracil (suppository) is prescribed. Instructions for use, reviews have been carefully studied by doctors. No side effects have been identified so far. Patients suffering from cystitis since adolescence, after the use of "Methyluracil" feel a decrease in pain, the joy of life returns to them.

hexicon candles instruction Price

To eliminate a problem such as cystitis, you need an effective remedy. Determines the method of treatment with the drug "Hexicon" (candles) instruction. The price is low and affordable for everyone. This tool not only alleviates the main symptoms of inflammation, including severe pain, but also eliminates the source of infection.

Specificity of drug selection

The selection of drugs is carried out depending on the form of cystitis, the principle of the action of suppositories on the body. Currently, there are several types of suppositories. Rectal suppositories are suitable for insertion into the anus; vaginal preparations are prescribed for insertion into the vagina. All suppositories for cystitis have their own characteristics, and therefore deserve a detailed review. The appointment should be made by a doctor, self-medication can cause complications, serious problems.

candles hexicon indications for use

Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics

Antibacterial suppositories contain certain components that inhibit the development of bacteria and destroy cells of various pathogenic microorganisms. Such candles with cystitis help reduce the effect on the body of infection.

Reception of antibiotics is possible only after preliminary diagnosis, identification of the causative agent of the disease. After visiting the doctor, the patient submits a special microbiological analysis - bacterial culture. In more than 80 percent of all cases, pathogenic infection is caused by E. coli E. coli. That is why candles are prescribed for cystitis in women, which help to eliminate the bacteria of this group, Salmonella, Proteus and other harmful organisms. Synthomycin suppositories have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

candles for cystitis names

Types of remedies for cystitis

In modern pharmaceuticals, different suppositories for cystitis are presented. The names of many of them are familiar to doctors: "Urethritis", "Voltaren". Suppositories with polynomials are also effective. As an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal agent, you can consider the means "Voltaren". This drug has an antipyretic and analgesic effect. If the disease has a chronic or acute form, rectal preparations should be used, including natural plant components. Natural ingredients such as celandine, oak bark, which have valuable natural properties, are often included in candles. The names of the drugs may vary, but the specificity of their action is similar. These include the painkiller Diclofenac (candles). Instructions, reviews of specialists about this drug speak about its effectiveness. This coincides with the opinion of the patients who used it. Women who could not find a medicine in any way, and on the recommendation of the attending physician chose these candles, noted the high effectiveness of Diclofenac.

methyluracil suppository instructions for use reviews

Hematogenous and antispasmodic suppositories

In the case of urethritis, many patients experience severe pain resulting from a spasm in the tissue of the bladder. It can cause a violation of full circulation, so it is important to eliminate this symptom in a timely manner. For this purpose, drugs are used that are able to relieve spasm and discomfort.

Candles with belladonna

Experts advise using such painkillers in which belladonna extract is present . Among the effective means in the fight against spasmodic phenomena, Betiol candles are distinguished. This drug quickly relieves spasm, eliminates inflammation in the bladder. Suppositories containing papaverine are also effective for severe cramping.

In some cases, during the appearance of spasms in the bladder, problems arise with blood vessels passing through the walls of the internal organs. As a result, the pathogenesis of the disease is complicated, and recovery is significantly delayed.

indomethacin suppository instructions reviews

Restoration of blood circulation in the bladder

In order to speed up the process, it is important to stimulate blood circulation in the bladder. For such purposes, special vaginal suppositories have been developed that normalize blood flow in this organ. Rectal suppositories, in which there are substances that promote the activation of blood circulation, are suitable for a similar purpose. For example, you can pick up candles with red grape extract. The active components of the drug have excellent antioxidant properties, antispasmodic effect. After a course of treatment, the walls of small blood vessels will be strengthened, blood circulation restored, metabolism normalized.

On the advantages and disadvantages of cystitis drugs

Each drug designed to eliminate inflammatory processes in the bladder has its positive and negative features. That is why self-medication is so dangerous, the qualified consultation of a doctor is important when choosing candles. Analyzing the main advantages of suppositories for the elimination of cystitis, we pay attention to the fact that the active substances contained in their composition enter the blood much faster than when used in the form of tablets. Chemicals do not pass through the liver, which reduces the risk of side effects, increasing the effectiveness of the drug. Among the advantages, it is important to mention the minimal effect on the digestive system of the patient. Some pills for cystitis have side effects such as nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. From this point of view, the use of candles is absolutely safe. Suppositories use far fewer additional chemical components than tablets.

Candles have some drawbacks. For example, the active components of such drugs cause irritation of the mucous membranes, provoke the appearance of itching and burning. This side effect does not occur in all patients using suppositories for cystitis. The reason for such phenomena is mainly the individual intolerance to the drug.

Candle Tips

In order to quickly get rid of the inflammatory process in the bladder, eliminate painful sensations, effective and timely treatment is needed. You can cope with the disease only subject to certain rules.

Rectal suppositories should preferably be used after an enema. Since they often have a laxative effect, with a full intestine they will become completely useless. It is advisable to lie still for some time after introducing the candle.

When using vaginal suppositories, one should not forget about the elementary rules of intimate hygiene. Before using candles, it is necessary to wash with soap and warm water. The drug is injected into the vagina, so it is necessary to ensure the patient’s peace after its use.

Treatment for a serious illness such as cystitis should be timely. Candles for cystitis come to the rescue. In women, they become the most effective treatment for the disease. Otherwise, serious complications are possible due to the inflammatory process.

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