The drug "Brufen": instructions for use, composition, reviews

Painkillers and antipyretic drugs are the sales leader among all medicines. Such medicines are probably in every family medicine cabinet. The most popular among all are the active substances paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is about the latter that will be discussed later.

In the article, Brufen medication will be presented to your attention. Instructions for use and reviews about it you can find out more. It is worth saying about the composition of the drug and its release forms.

brufen instructions for use

What is Brufen?

Instructions for use informs that this medicine is anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic. The drug is available in the form of tablets, suspensions and powder.

The composition of the drug includes the substance ibuprofen. It is it that has the above effect on a person. In addition to it, there are additional components. They are determined by the form of release of the drug. It is worth noting that the manufacturer produces a medicine in a dose of 200, 400 and 600 mg. The Brufen 400 is in great demand. Instructions for use are attached to each package of the drug.

Brufen tablets instructions for use

Indications for the use of the medication

About the Brufen product, the instructions for use report that it is prescribed as a symptomatic drug. So, the medication is able to cope with the pain of any localization and red fever. It is not within the strength of the composition to lower the temperature only when the process is accompanied by vasospasm. Indications for use, of which the instructions for use speak to the Brufen preparation, are the following situations:

  • toothache and headache, including migraine at the initial stage of development;
  • joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • periodic pain in women;
  • with damage to soft tissues, mucous membranes and bones;
  • fever, regardless of the cause.

The medicine is not used as a prophylaxis. The medication can be combined with other drugs, however, before choosing a treatment regimen, you should consult a doctor.

brufen powder instructions for use

Contraindications to treatment

In what cases should I refuse to use the composition of "Brufen"? Instructions for use indicate that the medicine in tablets is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age. Also, the drug is not prescribed for infants weighing less than 7 kilograms (usually up to three months).

The composition is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Only in some cases can a doctor make an exception and prescribe an individual dosage to a future or new mother.

The drug is not used for certain diseases of the stomach and intestines, it is not used during exacerbation of renal and hepatic pathologies. If there is an increased sensitivity to the components of the described medicine, then it is also forbidden to use.

Brufen 600 instructions for use

The use of the drug in adults and young patients

About the drug "Brufen" (tablets), the instructions for use report the following. It is taken without prior grinding. It must be washed down with plenty of water. The composition is recommended to be used after eating, every 4-8 hours. A single dose of the drug for adults is from 200 to 800 milligrams. The portion depends on the severity of symptoms and the nature of the pathology.

For children, it is recommended to use the liquid form of the medicine or Brufen (powder). Instructions for use informs that the medicine is prescribed in a daily dose of 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight of the child. In this case, the resulting portion should be divided into several stages. So, if a child weighs 15 kilograms, then he is prescribed 300 milligrams of the drug per day.

The instructions for use report on the composition of Brufen 600 that it is used in special cases. The dose of this medication is selected so that the patient needs only one capsule to get the effect of the treatment. It should be noted that a much smaller portion of the composition also helps many consumers.

brufen syrup instructions for use

Treatment reactions: side effects

The summary informs the consumer that this medication may have adverse reactions. Most of them are manifested by urticaria, rash or itching. These unpleasant symptoms are eliminated with antihistamines. Less commonly, bronchospasm develops.

Some patients (usually with improper use of the drug) may experience abdominal pain, indigestion, headache, and weakness. If these signs occur, urgently need to cancel the drug and consult a doctor.

If you have chronic pathologies of the kidneys, liver, organs of vision and blood formation, then they may worsen during the course of the described drug. That is why before starting use, you must always consult a doctor.

Brufen 400 instructions for use

Consumer Reviews on Use

On the preparation "Brufen" (syrup), the instructions for use report that it is quite easy to drink. Consumers confirm that the product has a pleasant sweet taste. This is what makes it possible to carry out treatment in children without much difficulty.

The medication is fast. Already 15 minutes after its administration, a decrease in painful sensations is noted. An hour later, the patient can feel much better and completely get rid of the fever. Consumers say that the composition lasts an average of 6-8 hours. This allows you to take medicine before bedtime and not worry during the night.

Many expectant mothers report that they have taken medication during pregnancy. Despite the fact that doctors strongly do not recommend doing this, nothing happened with future babies. The composition can not be taken in the third trimester of pregnancy. Such a ban is explained by the likelihood of bleeding. In the first third of the term, the medicine can have a negative effect on the formation of the fetus. However, there is no exact data on this.

how to use brufen

To summarize the information provided

You have learned about the Brufen medicine. Its analogues and substitutes are the compounds "Ibuprofen" and "Nurofen." They are more common in Russia. The described medicine is produced in Ukraine. That is why domestic doctors have not heard much about him. However, this does not make the drug less effective. The medicine has long been proven to be effective and safe. It is ibuprofen-based drugs that are prescribed for young children to prevent vaccination complications.

Before using the medication, carefully read the instructions. This will allow you to avoid the negative consequences of taking. Have a good health!

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