How much and how to cook quail eggs?

Quail eggs are very valuable products for our body. In addition, they taste many times superior to the usual chicken. But how many and how to cook quail eggs, not everyone knows. In this article we will not only answer such an urgent question, but also share with you other interesting and useful information about the product.

How long does it take to cook quail eggs?

We give answers to the most important questions:

  • How to cook soft-boiled quail eggs ? To prepare such a dish will take 1-2 minutes.
  • How to cook hard-boiled quail eggs? Here you need to detect 5 minutes.

The weight of an average quail egg is about 10-15 g. Therefore, if you want to cook such a dish for breakfast, you will need a dozen per serving.

how to cook hard-boiled quail eggs

How to cook quail eggs?

Making an egg for yourself is probably everyone’s first culinary experience. We once successfully coped with the process. But the matter still concerned chicken products. And how to cook quail eggs? Maybe radically different?

Everything is actually very simple:

  1. Put the eggs in a saucepan, and then fill them with water (either cold or already hot) so that it overlaps the food a little.
  2. Now the container is put on fire. Wait for the water in the pan to boil.
  3. How many minutes to cook quail eggs after boiling, we have already told. For a royal breakfast (soft-boiled) - a maximum of 2 minutes.
  4. How to cook quail eggs for a child? We recommend about 5 minutes. Hard boiled eggs are also boiled for most salads, sandwiches and other dishes.
  5. Over time, drain boiling water from a saucepan, pour cold water. This is necessary to cool the product faster.
  6. After a few minutes, the water will become warm - drain it. You can eat a quail egg - bon appetit!

If you are preparing a product for any dish, then the process of cooling with cold water can be repeated 2-3 times - so that your hands feel comfortable working.

how much to cook quail eggs for a child

And now we will analyze the questions that may surely interest you.

Is it obligatory to cook?

Is it possible to eat quail eggs raw? Sure! And in this form, they are even much more useful than boiled ones, which research shows.

However, there is one but. When using raw products, there is a risk of contracting salmonellosis. Therefore, you can only eat eggs in such a way that you are 100% sure of the quality and safety.

What water to boil eggs in?

Another important issue. We know that a chicken egg cannot be immediately boiled in water. It may crack due to temperature differences. And what about quail?

This product can be placed for cooking in any water! Since the eggs are small, they will not crack, even if you pour boiling water right away! You can also place them in cold, warm, and hot water - this will only affect the onset of liquid boiling.

Remembering how much and how to cook hard-boiled and soft-boiled quail eggs, try not to forget later that we count the time from the moment of boiling water, and not placing the product in the liquid, even if the latter is hot. In order for the eggs to boil evenly, water should cover them with a small margin.

time to cook quail eggs

Can I cook in the microwave?

When asking how to cook quail eggs, many want to know if this can be done in the microwave. We do not welcome this option - due to uneven heating, the product can easily explode. Of course, the small size of the egg to some extent prevents this, but there is still a chance of spoiling it.

If you decide to take a chance, then we will present you a simple option for cooking quail eggs in a microwave oven:

  1. Select products of the same size - make sure that there are no cracked or otherwise damaged products among them.
  2. Pour boiling water. Discard the pop-up eggs.
  3. Now put the container in the microwave, cover with a protective cap.
  4. Eggs are boiled for 3 minutes with an average power of 400-500 watts.
how to cook hard-boiled quail eggs

How to peel a quail egg?

Let us draw your attention to the fact that quail eggs are very fragile. It’s easy to accidentally break them even when cooked! They are usually cleaned this way:

  1. Put a few pieces in a jar of the right size.
  2. Pour water into the container, close the lid.
  3. Then the jar is shaken vigorously for several seconds.
  4. As a result of shaking and hitting the eggs against each other, the shell will be covered with a network of cracks - it can easily be cleaned without damaging the contents.

And one moment. Quail eggs are very small, and if for some dishes you need a large number of them, then cleaning the shell turns into a laborious task. We’ll tell you how to simplify it:

  1. Pour nine percent vinegar into a suitable container.
  2. Soak the eggs in liquid for about 20 minutes.
  3. The substance promotes dissolution of the shell - you will need to simply peel off the film in conclusion!
  4. Be sure to rinse the eggs from vinegar under running water.

And how to break a small quail egg? Wrap the product with the sharp tip towards you and gently hit it with the tip of the knife. With the same tool, pry and detach the top of the shell. It remains to turn the egg and pour its contents.

how to cook quail eggs

Product benefits

More and more people prefer quail eggs to chicken. The point is a more pleasant and mild taste, miniature, which is very decorated with dishes. In addition, quail eggs cause allergic reactions in children much less than chicken eggs. And they contain much more useful substances:

  • Vitamins B1 and B2 - more than 2 times.
  • Iron - more than 4.5 times.
  • Potassium - 5 times more.

But what are the benefits of doctors and nutritionists:

  • Quail eggs are indicated for anemia.
  • Improve the general condition for chronic headaches, amnesia, acute respiratory viral infections, gastric ulcer and gastritis.
  • It is believed that they have a beneficial effect on mental abilities - therefore, it is advisable for students to eat them before exams.
  • The benefits are also invaluable for pregnant women - the product increases the level of hemoglobin and calcium in the body.

But that is not all. In quail eggs, the shell is also useful because of the high calcium content. It is preliminarily crushed to powder, after which 1/2 teaspoon is added to dishes. Most of all, such an additive is needed for a growing body - children from 1 year old.

Now you know how long it takes to cook quail eggs, and how best to do it. We recommend that you nevertheless carry out the process in a saucepan with water on the stove, and not in the microwave, so as not to spoil such a valuable product.

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