How to cook stuffed tomatoes? Cheese and Garlic Recipe

Snacks are an indispensable component of both the daily menu and the festive feast. Without them, life becomes boring, and food becomes fresher. And not the last place among a variety of snacks is stuffed with tomatoes. A recipe with cheese and garlic, salads or seafood, legumes or herbs - there is plenty to choose from even for the most picky gourmet. An additional plus in such dishes is the simplicity of their preparation and the ability to “intercept” between the prescribed meals tasty, neat and useful.

stuffed tomatoes recipe with cheese and garlic

Some useful tips for housewives

A favorite of all ways to build stuffed tomatoes is a recipe with cheese and garlic. Cooking is available even to novice cooks, if they take into account some of the original subtleties. Firstly, the tomatoes themselves. It is necessary to take a vegetable fully ripened, but elastic, not wrinkled and not too soft. Size is average. Small tomatoes are difficult to stuff; large ones will fall apart when eaten. By the way, tomatoes can also be used oval. So that they do not tumble, the bottom is cut off from the bottom. Just have to show a little dexterity: the slice should not form a hole below.

Secondly, garlic. Even if you love him, do not go too far with the amount of this spice. Some of those present may not like it. And besides, the delicate smack of cheese and the aroma of tomatoes will clog.

Thirdly, the cheese component. It is worth paying special attention to. When stuffed tomatoes are cooked , a recipe with cheese and garlic usually suggests using hard varieties. However, this is not a prerequisite. You can use soft cheeses, processed and even cottage cheese. All these versions, spicy and interesting, we will bring to your attention below.

stuffed tomatoes with cheese and garlic recipe

Tomato Appetizer

First, we learn how to cook the most popular stuffed tomatoes, a recipe with cheese and garlic which also includes eggs. Six plump tomatoes are washed, wiped or dried. A “crown” is removed and thrown from each vegetable. It is advisable to cut it not too thick. With a teaspoon, the “insides” are taken out very carefully. They can be put on sauce or tomato soup. A minimum is left on the inner walls of the pulp. The main thing in the process is not to damage the integrity of the tomatoes.

At the same time, three eggs are boiled to coolness, cooled and finely chopped. Fans of extreme uniformity can rub them large. Hard cheese (grams 100-120) is rubbed into the same bowl and two garlic slices are pressed. For juiciness, the filling is mixed with three tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise. She tightly, with a small slide on top, stuffed tomatoes, laid out on parchment, with which a baking sheet is lined, and sent to the oven for 7-10 minutes.

It turns out very tasty and beautiful tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic (photo). The recipe advises them to serve warm and sprinkled with chopped spicy greens. Its amount is left to your discretion. You can add a little bit, just for aroma, or you can generously sprinkle it with tomatoes to enrich the taste.

stuffed tomatoes cheese and garlic recipe photo

Stuffed Tomatoes: Step-by-Step Recipe with Cheese and Garlic

Preliminary preparation of the base is the same, except that the caps are not thrown away. They will serve us as a kind of caps. If the tomatoes turn out to be too juicy, you need to salt the resulting cup from the inside and turn it over after “gutting”: excess liquid will drain. The following manipulations are provided:

  1. Hard cheese, about as much as was taken for the previous recipe, finely rubs.
  2. A small bunch of parsley is plucked. Leaflets are chopped as small as possible.
  3. 2-3 cloves of garlic are chopped (it is undesirable to press).
  4. All this is combined with two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and rubbed with a piece of softened butter (about 60 grams). You can add pepper and salt.
  5. The mass is seasoned with two tablespoons of the most fat sour cream. And after mixing it is packed up on tomatoes.

The lids return to their rightful place, the tomatoes cool slightly and rush to the table. You can put a twig of any greens on each.

stuffed tomatoes recipe with cheese and garlic cooking

Spinach Option

Very European stuffed tomatoes: recipe with cheese and garlic is complemented with spinach. And his lovers will certainly appreciate this innovation. Tomatoes themselves are cooked as standard. But the procedure with the preparation of the filling is somewhat more complicated than those described above. We take the mass of cheese as a reference point: 150 grams of this product will require 400 g of spinach. It must be washed, dried and ground, then extinguished in three tablespoons of melted butter until the liquid evaporates completely.

While it “comes to condition”, half a glass of walnuts are dried in a dry frying pan and choked with a rolling pin. Forget about the blender - puree from nuts in this recipe will not come in handy. Garlic, 2-3 cloves, crushed or chopped. The cheese is rubbed finely. When the spinach stops emitting steam, nuts and garlic are poured into it. The mass is pepper and salted. After a couple of minutes, the pan can be removed from the stove. Cheese is immediately poured there and actively interferes so that it is distributed evenly and melted. Stuffed tomatoes are stuffed, covered with cut hats - and in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

stuffed tomatoes step by step recipe with cheese and garlic

Cottage cheese is also cheese

You can make just great stuffed tomatoes with cheese and garlic with this ingredient. The recipe recommends supplementing the composition with pine nuts or hazelnuts - this will give the appetizer a simply unforgettable taste. Tomatoes are prepared already in our usual way. For the filling, a handful of peeled nuts are fried dry until golden and chopped. A fairly weighty bunch of parsley (only leaves) and a little dill are chopped, half a pack of cottage cheese (about 150 grams) is rubbed through a sieve.

Three cloves of garlic are driven through the press, a block of cheese (recommended Parmesan) is rubbed with medium chips. The components are connected. The filling is seasoned with pepper and salt, laid out on a tomato "cups". And the tomatoes are baked until cooked. The recipe indicates the time in a third of an hour, but it is worth focusing on the size of tomatoes: with small dimensions, time can be reduced by almost half. Best appetizer “goes” with brown bread toast.

stuffed tomatoes recipe with cheese and garlic

Brynza lovers

It will be a cold appetizer. For the filling of tomatoes, a very small onion is chopped, a couple of chives are choked. Vegetables are combined with pulled out tomato pulp and chopped parsley. The mass is seasoned with a mixture of vegetable oil and vinegar in equal proportions, mixed. And only after the chopped feta cheese is added. Stuffed tomatoes are decorated with slices of olives or olives and parsley leaves.

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