The most popular twins comedies

In the world of cinema there is a category of films that are based on the fact that the main characters of the film are twins. Comedy films about twins and their lives are very common. So. The following films can be included in the list of twins comedies: “Two: Me and My Shadow”, “Trap for Parents” and “Nannies”. In this article, you can learn about the plot and heroes of these films.

"Two: me and my shadow"

"Two: me and my shadow"

The twins comedy “Two: Me and My Shadow” was released in the USA in 1995. This is a story about two girls who look like each other like two drops of water, but in the story they are not sisters.

One of the heroines - Amanda - is very restless and courageous. She lives in a shelter and dreams of finding a family that will love her. Amanda is sociable, cheerful and loves to invent all kinds of pranks. The guardian of the girl in the shelter is Diana. The heroine loves her very much, since she takes care of her as her own child. Diana is a very kind and sympathetic woman who has not yet met her love.

The complete opposite of Amanda is a heroine named Alyssa. Despite the fact that the girls are not so similar in character, outwardly they represent a copy of each other. Alyssa was born and raised in a wealthy family, she is very balanced and calm. The mother of the heroine died, and she lives with her father, who wants to marry Clarissa. Roger, Amanda's father, is a kind man, madly in love with his daughter, but Clarissa wants to marry him only because of money. The meeting of the twins in the comedy, Alyssa and Amanda, happened completely by accident, but they immediately decided at all costs to unite Roger and Diana together and become one family. For this, the girls decided to swap roles.

Comedy about the twins "Nannies"

movie "Nannies"

In the film "Nannies" there are as many as two pairs of twins, who are the main characters in the story. This film is very popular among viewers and is one of the best in its genre. The plot of the comedy about the twins “Nannies” tells the story of two boys who are the nephews of one large and influential businessman. In order to isolate them from troubles, the uncle hires them in defense of two rolling brothers, who are twins. The boys are also twins, but they both have a difficult character. Heroes are unhappy that they have nannies assigned to them and are not going to put up with it. Together, the brothers arrange various surprises for their bodyguards in order to get them crazy. However, in the end, the boys and their nannies become best friends. The uncle of the main characters was not in vain worried about his nephews, since for the ransom the boys were being abducted from the house. Their nannies are not going to leave their wards to their fate and go to save the main characters.

Parent Trap

"Parent Trap"

Another popular twins comedy is The Parent Trap. An interesting fact about the film is that the same actress plays the role of twins. This is a story about two sisters who were separated in childhood. Holly and Annie do not know about each other, their parents divorced when the girls were very young. Holly lives with his father, and Annie with his mother. By happy coincidence, they fall into the same camp and meet each other. The heroines learn the secret of their parents and decide to reconcile them. This comedy about twins tells about how hard it is to live away from your closest and closest people.

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