The drug "Riabal" - instructions for use. "Riabal": price, analogues and reviews

ribal instruction
Intestinal colic is the most common cause of concern for babies. Children from this trouble do not sleep well at night, often cry, and the whole family experiences with them. The cause of this problem is a spasm of the walls of the stomach, as well as the air that the baby swallows during feeding. Young parents need to remember that colic is a temporary phenomenon, and it lasts up to about 3 months. But the child needs help to survive the difficult time, and for this there are drugs created specifically for babies. Our article provides information on the Riabal drug: instructions, recommendations for use, as well as other useful data. Read it carefully, especially if you intend to use this tool to treat the smallest children. Consulting a doctor will also help answer all your questions.

All about the drug: release form, composition

riabal for newborns

The tool "Riabal" for newborns is available in the form of a syrup, which must be taken orally. It can be mixed with milk or added to an adapted infant formula. The suspension is available in 60 ml bottles, the kit includes a pipette with a scale of divisions, which allows you to collect as much syrup as the baby needs. Riabal tablets, the instructions for which are attached to each package, are produced in 20 pieces per pack. Each tablet is coated. The main component of the drug is prinfinium bromide, it eliminates vomiting, relieves spasms and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which means that it removes the cause of the baby's anxiety. In addition to the main component, there are additional substances in the composition. The drug itself does not have toxic effects on the liver, kidneys and other internal organs of the child, which makes it absolutely safe, therefore it can be used from the first days of a baby's life. It is also possible prolonged use of the medication (up to 15 days).

Indications and contraindications for use

the use of riabal
The drug "Riabal", the instructions for which contain recommendations for use, is indicated for pain in the abdomen and intestines, with increased peristalsis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This drug is also prescribed for urolithiasis, vomiting, increased gas formation, infant colic and indigestion in babies. The following phenomena are contraindications to this drug:

  • hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug;
  • prolonged urinary retention;
  • bowel obstruction ;
  • glaucoma;
  • Down's disease in children;
  • cerebral palsy.

Drug treatment during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, you can also take the medicine "Riabal". The instruction advises only not to use it for treatment if the pregnancy proceeds with complications or is accompanied by gestosis. The use of the above drug is also possible during breastfeeding, since at the recommended doses it is harmless to the baby. Take the tool "Riabal" is required inside 3 times a day. When it comes to tablets, the daily dose is 6 pieces (2 tablets at a time). For children under 6 years of age, the doctor prescribes the medicine in the form of a syrup, in which case a single dose should not exceed 10 ml.

Side effects and overdose of the drug

where to buy riabal

Every mom is worried about possible side effects. The drug "Riabal", the instructions to which this confirms, rarely causes side effects, since it is recommended even to the smallest patients. After taking this medication, only dry mouth, drowsiness, and weakness are possible. But these phenomena are possible only theoretically. In practice, such cases are unknown. Like all medicines, with intolerance to certain components, Riabal can cause an allergic reaction. It can manifest itself in the form of a rash, itching, redness of the mucous membrane. An overdose of this drug occurs when the recommended dose is exceeded by more than 10 times. In this case, the patient experiences weakness, nausea, heart palpitations, hallucinations are possible. With these symptoms, the patient needs a gastric lavage. It is also important to know that the use of Riabal, although safe enough, is still unacceptable when using other painkillers, analgesics and antidepressants.

The price of the drug, terms of sale

Since the above drug gives a tangible effect, many young mothers have a question: "Where to buy Riabal?" It is not sold in every pharmacy, since it is not the most common medicine in Russia, but more common in Ukrainian cities. But to order it can be brought as soon as possible to any pharmacy. He is released without a prescription, but before the first appointment a specialist consultation is necessary. The price of the drug ranges from 150 to 180 rubles.

Analogues of the drug

riabal counterparts

Has the drug "Riabal" analogues - drugs that have the same effect. Such drugs include Espumisan, Bobotik, Plantex. They are also available in syrup form. These drugs have passed all the necessary clinical trials, in addition, they are intended even for the smallest children, so they can be safely given to babies. But many mothers are afraid to use unfamiliar drugs. To find out more information about a drug and dispel all doubts, it is recommended to read reviews about it.

What customers say about Riabal

Almost all who used the above medication were satisfied with the effect. Consumers note that the drug “Riabal” helps well from colic, quickly begins to act, and after a few minutes the child becomes calm, stops pressing her legs to her tummy and stops crying. Another advantage of this drug is a pipette, which is attached to the package with syrup and is built directly into the cap. It has a convenient shape and a bright, clear scale of divisions, so you can take just as much syrup as recommended by the age of the baby. And in this business accuracy is necessary. In addition, the pipette is convenient to wash with the lid. Most young mothers are satisfied with the pleasant taste of the syrup and consider this an important advantage of this medicine, intended for babies, because they know how difficult it is to give a child a not-so-tasty medicine.

ribal instruction Price
And the Riabal remedy is taken by small patients without whims. Some buyers fear that the syrup contains dyes. Experts note that there is nothing wrong with this, since the dyes are natural and do not cause any harm. And the active substance, which is present in the composition, will save the crumb even from strong and prolonged colic. Many mothers praise Riabal very much and claim that they have tried a great many of the same drugs, but nothing helped. And this tool quickly relieved the child of abdominal pain and improved bowel function. Despite the fact that this drug has many analogues, among which there are cheaper options, consumers purchase the Riabal remedy and do not express dissatisfaction with its cost. Since this medication is very effective, patients take it regularly and buy the above-mentioned remedy again and again. Everyone knows that you can’t save on your health and the quality of medicines.

Use of the drug during pregnancy

Riabal medication, an instruction the price of which is completely satisfied with consumers, as already mentioned, can be used during pregnancy. Expectant mothers also have stomach problems, and during this period you need to be especially careful about your health. And not every medicine can be taken. But the Riabal preparation is absolutely safe for mother and baby, it will quickly relieve the woman of pain, bring the bowels to normal, relieve problems with stools. All future mothers who used this remedy noticed a change in the state of the body for the better.

riabal tablets instruction
This drug can be taken even for a long time, it does not affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys and does not adversely affect the fetus. Doctors prescribe this medicine not only for newborns, but also for older children, because it relieves stomach pains and acts gently but effectively.

Use of the drug by adult patients

Also, adults are recommended to take the “Riabal” remedy. Specialists prescribe it for incessant vomiting, for problems with the pancreas and diseases of the stomach. Those who took the medication according to the instructions noticed relief after 10 minutes. The effect of the drug lasts for several hours, and for this time you can forget about pain. And with regular use, after a while, the disease recedes. Many consumers, having tried this medicine once and tested it in action, constantly keep it in their home medicine cabinet, because it is effective for treating the whole family: the youngest children and adults.

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