Best summer cinemas in Moscow under the open sky

With the onset of heat, we all want to walk more and more often to be in the fresh air. Often, even instead of going to the cinema, you want to choose a walk in the park. Why choose? Every year, in the warm season, open-air cinemas in Moscow wait for viewers to watch copyright novelties and recognized film masterpieces.

Popular street movie formats

Open air cinemas in Moscow
Open cinemas are a new phenomenon for Russia. This format of film screenings came to us from the USA and Europe. And really, what could be nicer than watching an interesting film in the open air on a cool summer evening?

Today, open-air cinemas in Moscow exist in two versions. In the first case, a full-fledged open room with seating is organized in front of the large screen. Most often, these are wooden stands-steps, in some cinemas guests are offered additional soft pillows or bean bags. No less popular format avtokino. To watch movies, viewers are invited to car parking on their own cars. Cinema is shown on a large screen, and the sound is broadcast in radio format. This option has its own advantages, each viewer can independently adjust the sound volume. In addition, in the interior of your own car, many moviegoers feel especially comfortable.

Cinema "Pioneer"

Summer cinema pioneer
One of the largest summer cinemas in the capital is proudly named "Pioneer". The first summer venue of the famous cinema center opened in Gorky Park at Krymsky Val, 9. An amphitheater consisting of comfortable wooden steps awaits guests. The summer cinema "Pioneer" has two undeniable advantages: high-quality sound and a diverse repertoire. On the big screen, you can watch the latest movie distribution, copyright and festival films, as well as movie masterpieces of past years. There is an open cinema in the landscaped green recreation area. This means that watching a movie can be combined with a pleasant walk. The second Moscow summer cinema Pioneer is located in Sokolniki Park. Site address: Mitkovsky passage, 10. This open-air cinema is very similar to the first street cinema network. The cost of watching movies in the fresh air is the same in both Pioneers: from 300 rubles per person per session.

Summer cinemas of the capital

Museon Park
Every year, open-air cinemas in Moscow are becoming increasingly popular. It is possible that in the near future it will be possible to watch a movie in every park in the capital. Of great popularity among fans of combining a walk with watching movies is the summer cinema in the Muzeon art park. Its highlight is the presence of a capital roof. And this means that watching a movie will be comfortable in any weather. The Museum Museum is a territory of non-format film. Short and full-length author films, participants in the program of world festivals are the main part of the program. The exact address of the cinema: Krymsky Val, 2.

You can watch a movie for free in the open air in the Grandmother's Park. The repertoire pleases with positive: good family films, comedies and cartoons. Another popular summer cinema is located in the courtyard of the Strelka Institute of Architecture and Design. Guests are seated in comfortable chairs; if necessary, rugs and pillows are provided. Most often, festival films are shown in this open cinema. The cost of visiting is from 300 rubles. Cinema address: Bersenevskaya embankment, 14, building 5A.

Car cinemas in Moscow

Moscow open-air cinema in the car
One of the most famous Moscow open-air cinemas is Kinoparking. This is a mobile car cinema, regularly organizing sessions at various venues. Follow the poster and do not miss your favorite movies!

Borodino is another open-air cinema. Moscow, the car is warm and comfortable in any weather, and the films on the screen are only the most interesting. What more could you want? Come to Mytishchi, the exact address of the cinema: Ostashkovskoye Shosse, house 59. Favorable difference between cinemas for car enthusiasts - low cost of viewing. Usually no more than 400-450 rubles are taken from one machine. The number of real viewers is not considered.

Open-air cinemas in Moscow are open during the entire warm season. And some do not close in the winter months. This is the original version of leisure activities, in which you do not have to choose: go to the cinema or for a walk.

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