Spinach: the benefits and harms of a green product

Raw spinach contains a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins that are necessary for the human body. A modern plant has up to two dozen varieties, and useful properties do not decrease at all with the removal of hybrids. Let us consider in more detail all the advantages and disadvantages of using this green product.

Positive traits

spinach benefits and harms
Spinach, the benefits and harms of which have been known for a long time, is actively growing in our region. Quite often it can be found in summer cottages or gardens. Spinach is planted for adding to salads or for stewing with meat. This green product contains various mineral salts, trace elements and vitamins. Here are some of them:

  • vitamins PP, C, A, group B;
  • vitamin D2 (an excellent tool for the prevention of rickets);
  • protein (the content of this substance in spinach is so high that only green peas can be compared with it ) ;
  • a huge amount of iodine, which is simply necessary for the body to prevent aging and not only.

Another excellent quality of spinach is the safety of all elements during cooking, which is very important for those who do not eat fresh herbs.

Plant abilities

Spinach, the benefits and harms of which have long been familiar to humans, has the following properties:

  • increases hemoglobin in the blood due to the high content of iron salts in the product;
  • protects the body from various infections;
  • replenishes the reserves of most vitamins, which is very important in the spring;
  • helps in the prevention of hypertension, strengthens blood vessels;
  • prevents retinal detachment and preserves vision;
  • normalizes the pancreas and has a mild laxative effect, cleansing the intestines;
  • slows down the aging of cells;
  • spinach is often recommended for children who are diagnosed with rickets;
  • Another wonderful property of this green plant is its calming and relaxing effect, which allows you to relieve irritability and normalize sleep.

Negative qualities: spinach

raw spinach

The benefits and harms of this product are unequal. It is safe to say that in fact the plant has no negative consequences for the body. However, it should be remembered that the use of old leaves in food can lead to negative reactions. This is because oxalic acid accumulates over time , which can affect organs such as the kidneys and liver. Heat treatment of spinach with the addition of cream or milk to the dish helps minimize the effect of this component. If the prepared product is stored for several days, nitrous salts begin to accumulate in it, which also negatively affect the body. Try to cook spinach at once. There is another drawback, but for some this is an advantage. Greens weaken, but along the way, and cleanse the intestines, so in large quantities spinach is eaten only by those who decide to lose weight.

Recipe: Spinach with Egg

spinach with egg
Carefully sort and wash the greens. Put it in a pan and pour a little hot water (no more than a glass). Boil over low heat for about 10 minutes, then wipe through the sieve together with the released liquid. Prepare the sauce by frying a spoonful of flour with butter, and then boiling with a glass of milk and salt. Add sugar and a little nutmeg. The dish is served as follows: croutons or toasts are placed at the edges of the plate, a green mixture is laid out in the middle, and decorated with a boiled egg on top. Everything is ready.


In this article, we examined a plant such as spinach. The benefits and harms of this product are very relative, because if for one laxative effect is harm, then for another it can be extremely useful.

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