Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease that has a negative effect on all organs and systems of the patient. It requires the patient constant close attention to his health. But even with the proper treatment of the pathology and the implementation of all the doctor's recommendations, various complications gradually develop. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, therefore, after diagnosis, much needs to be changed in your lifestyle. Some patients in the early years of the disease due to improper compensation of sugar levels develop various complications of diabetes, which may be accompanied by a condition that threatens the patient's life. The latter can lead to disability or severe chronic pathologies.
Why do complications develop?
Diabetes mellitus is characterized by high blood sugar. This pathology has two varieties. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin, which is responsible for the absorption of glucose by the cells, so it is in the blood and does not enter the tissue. Especially because of this, the brain suffers, for which glucose is a source of energy. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by a normal level of insulin, but glucose does not enter the tissue, as the resistance of cells to it is impaired. Therefore, blood sugar levels are also elevated. And this condition after some time leads to damage to the walls of blood vessels.
Another cause of diabetes complications is oxidative stress. Usually in the body there is a certain amount of free radicals that are needed for the oxidation of decay products. After doing their job, they are destroyed by antioxidants. But with an increased level of glucose in the blood, too many free radicals are formed, and the amount of antioxidants decreases. Therefore, healthy cells are actively oxidized, which leads to their death, premature aging of the body or the development of various chronic diseases.
What are the complications?
All complications from this disease can be divided into two groups: short-term and long-term (or chronic). Short-term complications of diabetes are easier to recognize, as they manifest pronounced symptoms. And they can develop in a matter of hours. The cause of these complications is too high or too low a sugar level. Often, a condition dangerous to the patientβs life develops - a diabetic coma. Short-term complications include:
- hypoglycemia - low blood sugar;
- hyperglycemia - increased sugar;
- diabetic ketoacidosis - poisoning with ketone bodies.
In addition, over the course of several years, patients often develop long-term or late complications. This is a chronic chronic disease. Most often, they are associated with damage to blood vessels, retina, peripheral nerves, feet and kidneys. Failure to treat diabetes complications at the time can lead to serious consequences, such as heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, or amputation of the leg.
This is a common complication of type 1 diabetes, especially in the first years after diagnosis. Indeed, with this form of the disease, the sugar level depends on the dose of insulin administered, diet and physical activity. Often it is required to select a dosage individually, each time different. If you inject too much insulin or skip meals after the injection, your blood sugar can drop dramatically. Hypoglycemia develops when it is below 4 mmol / L. If this level drops below 2.2 mmol / L, a hypoglycemic coma develops.
This condition is life-threatening, therefore it is important to detect the onset of symptoms of hypoglycemia in time:
- headache;
- dizziness;
- excessive sweating;
- weakness;
- trembling in the limbs;
- nausea;
- a strong feeling of hunger;
- depression;
- decreased attention span;
- double vision.
When blood sugar is too high, they talk about the development of hyperglycemia. This condition occurs when sugar rises above 7 mmol / L on an empty stomach or 11 mmol / L after eating. It is the frequent occurrence of hyperglycemia that leads to damage to blood vessels, nerves and other tissues. This common complication of type 1 diabetes (and 2, too) can develop for a variety of reasons. Most often this is the introduction of an insufficient dose of insulin or skipping the intake of a hypoglycemic drug. In addition, the use of such drugs implies the need for physical activity, its lack can lead to an increase in sugar levels. Drinking alcohol or a large amount of carbohydrate food can also cause hyperglycemia.
This condition is dangerous to health: the longer the high level of sugar lasts, the greater the likelihood of serious consequences for the health of the patient. Therefore, it is important to notice the first symptoms of hyperglycemia in time and take the drug to reduce sugar. The danger is that many of its manifestations are similar to hypoglycemia (headache, blurred vision, weakness, loss of consciousness). But with an increase in sugar levels, the patient feels a strong thirst, urination becomes more frequent with him.
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Many patients who were first diagnosed with this are interested in asking the doctor what complications of diabetes are the most dangerous. In addition to coma, which can develop if untreated, hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia is diabetic ketoacidosis. This condition is also life threatening. It develops with a prolonged increase in glucose levels. At the same time, the body begins to expend fats to replenish energy reserves. Because of this, a large number of ketone bodies are formed in the blood. Diabetic ketoacidosis develops in just a few hours, so it is important to provide the patient with the necessary help on time. You need to pay attention to the following symptoms:
- stomach ache;
- vomiting
- respiratory failure;
- tachycardia;
- dehydration;
- smell of acetone from the mouth;
- disorientation.
Without timely treatment, the patient may faint or even fall into a coma. It is necessary to recognize such a condition in time and not allow it to progress.
Late complications of diabetes
Such consequences are dangerous because at the initial stage they almost do not manifest themselves. They develop mainly in 5-10 years after diagnosis, therefore they are often called delayed. Unlike short-term complications, they do not immediately cause severe malaise. They develop for a long time due to constantly elevated blood sugar levels. Basically, they represent various chronic pathologies. These complications of diabetes include:
- myocardial infarction;
- atherosclerosis;
- stroke;
- coronary artery disease;
- amputation of the feet;
- loss of vision;
- impaired renal function;
- infectious diseases of the urinary system;
- impaired immunity;
- decreased sex drive.
Vascular damage
One of the most common complications of type 2 diabetes is vascular damage. Due to a lack of glucose in the tissues, the body tries to fill the energy needs of cells with fats. As a result, fat metabolism is also disturbed. This leads to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels - atherosclerosis develops. Because of this, the risk of thrombosis also increases. All this becomes the cause of the development of ischemic disease and other pathologies of the heart.
These complications are manifested by chest pains, heart rhythm disturbance, a feeling of heaviness and constricting sensation in the heart region with increased load. Sometimes shortness of breath, a feeling of fear, increased sweating, weakness appears. A frequent complication of diabetes is also an increase in blood pressure. If this condition lasts a long time, it can lead to a stroke.
Eye damage
Due to the defeat of small vessels, the eyes suffer greatly. The permeability of the walls of the capillaries increases, as a result of the tissue receive less nutrients and oxygen. Because of this, another complication of diabetes is developing - diabetic retinopathy. It is characterized by damage to the retina, resulting in a decrease in vision or its complete loss. Moreover, this pathology at the initial stages can develop asymptomatically.
In addition to decreased vision, cataracts, glaucoma, and frequent conjunctivitis can develop. Particularly susceptible to such complications are patients who are overweight, with a prolonged course of the disease, in the presence of anemia or kidney pathologies. Therefore, with the appearance of blurred vision, fog in front of the eyes, it is imperative to examine vision in order to begin treatment of diabetes complications in the eyes in time.
Impaired renal function
As a result of disruption of the vessels, the kidneys also suffer. Such complications of diabetes also develop slowly, their cause is a frequent increase in blood sugar. They are called their diabetic nephropathy. Damage to the vessels of the kidneys leads to urinary retention, nitrogen compounds accumulate in the blood. Renal failure develops and intoxication of the body is possible.
This pathology proceeds in a chronic form. About 30% of patients are exposed to it. Especially often it develops with decompensation of diabetes. If you miss the onset of this complication, kidney failure will progress rapidly.
Nerve damage
If you do not prevent the complications of diabetes, more serious consequences may develop. As a result of disruption of blood vessels, peripheral nerve damage develops - diabetic polyneuropathy. In this condition, the nerves can be damaged in any part of the body, mainly the legs that lose sensitivity are affected. But such neurological symptoms may develop:
- noise in ears;
- numbness and tingling in the hands;
- muscle weakness;
- disruption of the intestines.
Leg problems
The most common chronic complication of diabetes associated with damage to peripheral vessels is foot pathology. Due to malnutrition, various wounds heal longer, the skin is more easily damaged and infected. Trophic ulcers, non-healing corns are formed on the feet, a fungal infection often develops. This condition is called a diabetic foot.
In addition, diabetes causes damage to nerve fibers. Because of this, the sensitivity of the feet may be impaired. The patient may not notice that he was hurt, does not feel a change in temperature. But at the same time, severe burning pains in the feet, a feeling of tingling, creeping creeps may appear. Loss of sensitivity of the feet leads to an incorrect distribution of the load when walking, and if the patient also has increased body weight, different pathologists develop. Often ulcers appear, infection can occur, phlegmon or gangrene develop.
Prevention of the unpleasant consequences of the disease
Raising the topic of prevention of complications of diabetes, it should be noted that with this pathology you can live without suffering. Although this disease is considered incurable, serious complications can be avoided. It is only necessary to carefully monitor the level of glucose in the blood and monitor the diet. Prevention of diabetes complications is to comply with all the doctor's recommendations, drink all prescribed medicines in the right dosage and prevent sugar from rising.
To do this, you must regularly monitor the level of glucose and undergo medical examinations. It is especially important to do tests for cholesterol, to check vision and blood pressure. You need to prevent weight gain, avoid stress and abandon bad habits. To prevent damage to the skin of the feet, it is necessary to regularly inspect them, prevent injuries, daily wash and use emollient cream.
Treatment of complications of diabetes
It is easiest to cope with early complications, although it is they that most often cause consequences that threaten the patient's life. But if you learn in time to recognize a strong drop or increase in sugar levels, the onset of a coma can be prevented.
With hypoglycemia, you need to eat a few glucose tablets. If they are not at hand, you can replace them with a piece of sugar, candy or fruit juice. Be sure to monitor the sugar level every 10 minutes until it normalizes. If the patient has lost consciousness, it is urgent to call an ambulance team. If possible, an injection of Glucagon should be given.
In diabetic ketoacidosis, when the sugar level rises above 15 mmol / l and ketone bodies accumulate in the blood, the patient can also fall into a coma. This condition develops with insufficient compensation for diabetes mellitus or in violation of the daily regimen and diet. Therapy of ketoacidosis is carried out only in a hospital.
Treatment of complications of diabetes mellitus, which are associated with damage to nerves and blood vessels, should be constant and comprehensive. A complete examination is needed to help identify the presence of pathologies. Symptomatic therapy is usually used. The patient is required to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and control the level of sugar.