Candles for a child from temperature: which are better?

Every child has had a high fever at least once in his life . The task of parents at this moment is to alleviate the condition of their baby, to bring down the temperature, to be close to their baby and give him all the love and care.

Many mothers and fathers ask quite a reasonable question about when to start taking antipyretic drugs to their offspring, so that it becomes easier for him. It can not be answered unequivocally, all children are individual. One baby may continue to play at temperatures above 38 and 5, and the other will feel unwell at 37. In general, doctors recommend starting to take antipyretic drugs when the level on the thermometer reaches 38 degrees. But if you see that the child is ill, then you can give funds and at a temperature lower. Many children, even with a slight increase in it, can refuse to eat, drink, or feel weak.

Candles for a child on temperature

The better to bring down the temperature

There are many different antipyretic drugs. Modern medicine offers the use of tablets, syrups and suppositories for a child from temperature. What is the best of all medicines, we will consider below.

Syrups are good in that they can easily be given to a small child, but because of the aromas and substances they contain to taste, they can cause allergies in children. Pills are uncomfortable to use for babies. Another thing is candles for a child from temperature. You will only need to correctly enter them into the anus of the baby, after which the antipyretic will be absorbed into the body, and the temperature will drop.

The best candles on temperature

What are the best candles on temperature

Candles or, as they are also called, suppositories are also different. The main active substances in them are paracetamol, ibuprofen and others. They are issued under various names. If you do not allow an overdose, paracetamol is a very effective substance for lowering the temperature, in addition, it is not toxic to the liver and kidneys. Candles "Efferalgan", "Tsefekon" are very effective. They also include paracetamol.

There are also drugs with the active substance ibuprofen. These are such candles for a child from temperature, such as "Nurofen", "Ibufen". In addition to the antipyretic effect, they also have anti-inflammatory effects.

When to call a doctor

If you put a candle, but there was no effect, or you are still worried about some other symptoms, urgently call a doctor. This should also be done if the child has the following:

  • Temperature is above 39 degrees.
  • Convulsions appeared.
  • Headache , chest or abdominal pain.
  • The child is pale or skin blue.

In all these cases, you should immediately contact a pediatrician and follow all his instructions.

Candles for temperature for babies

For babies

Suppositories for temperature for babies can also be used with paracetamol, you just need to strictly follow the instructions. In no case do not self-medicate, refuse rubbing and rubbing with vinegar or vodka. Pediatrician Komarovsky has long established that these manipulations do not lead to anything good. The baby can get poisoning with hydrocyanic acid or alcohol.

Now you know which candles for a child from the temperature are best used. May your baby be healthy!

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