The time has come to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, and on the table there are already familiar dishes for us, which from year to year are preparing for this holiday. These dishes are paska, colored eggs, fried fish.
To paint eggs, many methods have been invented to date - from traditional (painting), to introduced innovations in the form of stickers, on an egg painted in a certain color, or completely clinging to an entire egg, painted for painting films.
Fried fish is most often served ordinary, caught from ponds or fresh-frozen, as you like.
Paska can also be prepared in different ways according to different recipes. Baking it at home is much better than buying it. Many do not want to fool around with the preparation of this holiday cake, but this is a big mistake, since the paska cooked at home is much tastier than the purchased one. But you just need to find out the recipe for delicious paska and do the cooking. Here is a paska recipe that does not require a lot of food and fuss, but you and your loved ones will be satisfied with the result.
1.250 g of milk, 150 g of yeast, 4 eggs, 200 g of butter, 1 tbsp. sugar, a handful of raisins, vanillin, 30 g of rum and 500 g of flour.
Bring a small amount of milk to a boil and pour into a medium-sized container, add a spoonful of flour there, and mix everything well and put it to cool to 40 degrees. Dissolve the yeast in milk and, adding a pinch of sugar, sprinkle lightly with flour. All this needs to be left for a while in order for the dough to rise, this process will take about 1-2 hours.
Next, pour the flour into a larger bowl and strictly observing the paska recipe, grind the yolks with sugar, and beat the whites. Pour the whites with yolks into the flour, add milk and heated oil. All this must be kneaded for at least 20 minutes. Then rum is poured into the dough, this is done in order to give a more pronounced taste to our holiday cake. Next, add the already grown dough, vanillin, pre-steamed raisins, and again knead everything. The dough should stand at least 3 hours. In the process of how the dough will fit, it should be kneading 1-3 times.
When the dough has already stood, it needs to be decomposed into molds. To do this, lubricate the molds with sunflower oil or melted interior fat. The mold is greased so that the cake does not stick to the bottom and walls of the mold. The baking dish should be filled in 2/3 so that the paska during the baking process does not acquire an indefinite shape due to the fact that when it grows, it will simply fall to the edges of the form.
The laid dough must be greased with egg yolk so that the top is as if glossy.
Next, the preparation of paska occurs in the oven at a temperature of 220-250 degrees.
Ready cupcakes are laid out in a large bowl and covered with a towel so that they do not cool very quickly.
The following paska recipe is just as simple. So, the necessary products: 1 liter of milk, 10 eggs, 3 cups of sugar, 200 grams of butter, 200 grams of margarine, 3 kilograms of flour and 180 grams of yeast.
Stir the yeast and sugar well, add milk and melted butter and margarine. Separate the yolks from the proteins and beat well, adding them to the same mass. Knead all this well and leave for 40 minutes so that the dough comes up.
The recipe for paska must be observed with a proportion of proportions, if 3 kg is a lot for you, then it is better to divide everything and bake half.
Next, add flour and knead another 40 minutes, then add raisins, vanillin and zest of lemon or orange.
So that the paska recipe does not seem too ordinary, I add steamed poppy to the dough, this gives the baking an unusual taste and appearance.
The final step in each paska recipe is topping a festive cake with crushed walnuts or a special topping for apiaries. The festive dish should look appropriate.