Ointment "Aurobin": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

In the article, we consider the instructions and reviews about the Aurobin ointment.

This is a combined topical glucocorticosteroid that has antiexudative, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-allergic, local anesthetic effects and is used in proctology for the treatment of hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, anal fissures and many other problems.

aurobin ointment instruction

Release form and composition of this drug

This medication is made in the form of homogeneous white ointments that are odorless. The pharmacological preparation is intended for external and rectal use.

According to the instructions, Aurobin ointment contains the following active elements:

  • D-panthenol;
  • lidocaine hydrochloride;
  • prednisone capronate.

Triclosan, Polysorbate 60, cetyl alcohol, glycerol, macrogol liquid stearate paraffin, propylene glycol, stearic acid, neutral oil and purified water are used as additional substances in the production of this pharmacological agent.

The ointment is packaged in aluminum tubes of 20 g, in a cardboard box there is one tube.

Pharmacological effects

According to the instructions for the Aurobin ointment, the pharmacological effect of this medication is due to its multicomponent composition:

aurobin ointment instructions for use
  • dexpanthenol - a substance that accelerates the healing of mucous membranes and skin;
  • lidocaine - a compound that helps eliminate pain and itching;
  • Triclosan - acts on fungi and bacteria and acts as an antiseptic with a wide range of effects.
  • prednisolone - a substance that is a corticosteroid that has a local anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, this substance also helps to reduce the permeability of the vascular walls and increase their tone.

In general, this pharmacological drug is a combination agent that is used in the treatment of diseases of the perianal region. Ointment has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects.

Indications for appointment

In accordance with the instructions, Aurobin ointment is indicated for the treatment of the following pathological phenomena:

  • fistulas, itching in the anus;
  • neuroallergic disease of the skin in the perineum;
  • development of anal fissures;
  • hemorrhoidal nodes;
  • expansion and protrusion of veins in the anus.

List of contraindications

Despite the fact that this medication is indicated for external use, it has some limitations, the list of which includes:

aurobin ointment instruction reviews
  • the presence of viral and bacterial skin diseases;
  • allergic symptoms to certain elements of the drug;
  • children's age up to one year;
  • simultaneous use with lidocaine for other clinical indications.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There are no data on the effectiveness and safety of the use of the medicine during pregnancy, which is why it is not recommended to prescribe Aurobin ointment for hemorrhoids in the first trimester of gestation. The instruction confirms this. In the future, if necessary, the use of this drug should correlate the level of the expected benefits to the mother and the risk to the fetus.

Lidocaine and corticosteroids penetrate into breast milk, therefore, if it is necessary to use the medication during lactation, it is necessary to resolve the issue of its termination.

Rules for the use and dosage of drugs

The instructions for the Aurobin ointment indicate that it can be applied externally rectally. Adult patients are recommended to apply the ointment to the affected surface 3 times a day. With the development of internal hemorrhoidal nodes, a small amount of the drug (the size of a pea) is injected into the rectum. With a decrease in the intensity of pathological symptoms, the drug can be used somewhat less frequently. The course of treatment lasts, as a rule, 5-7 days.

aurobin ointment instructions for use analogues

Side effects

Depending on the amount of corticosteroids and lidocaine absorbed through the skin, a variety of disorders can occur, which include:

  1. Visual organs: increased intraocular pressure, subcapsular posterior cataract, corneal ulcer, exophthalmos, glaucoma.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, peptic ulcers of the stomach with possible development of bleeding, esophagitis, perforation of the stomach, gastric bleeding.
  3. CNS: insomnia, dizziness, increased intraocular and intracranial pressure with puffiness of the papilla, cephalgia, mental disorders, convulsions.
  4. Cardiovascular system: inhibition of conduction in the myocardium, peripheral vasodilation, moderate bradycardia.
  5. The exchange of electrolytes and fluids in the body: sodium retention, potassium loss, hypertension, heart failure, hypokalemic alkalosis.
  6. Musculoskeletal system: corticosteroids can cause growth retardation and osteoporosis. In addition, the development of aseptic necrosis and myopathy is possible.
  7. Metabolism and endocrine system: decreased adrenal function, especially with prolonged use on large surfaces. A similar phenomenon occurs in childhood, as well as as a result of the use of occlusive dressings.

So it is said in the instructions for the Aurobin ointment. Analogues of the drug will be considered below.

Side effects

If you take into account the rules for using this medication, then side effects occur very rarely. However, local use of the ointment can lead to local skin damage, which manifests itself in the form of a burning sensation, slowing of wound healing, itching, thinning of the skin, dryness, irritation, hypersensitivity, folliculitis, hirsutism, various rashes, the formation of atrophic bands, diaper rash, skin atrophy, hypopigmentation, allergic contact dermatitis.

hemorrhoid ointment aurobin instructions

Overdose symptoms

What else does the instruction for use with Aurobin Ointment tell us? An acute overdose of this medication is unlikely. In the case of prolonged use or improper use of the drug, side effects may occur due to the systemic effects of GCS, as well as bradycardia with excessive administration of the drug into the rectum (due to exposure to lidocaine).

Special recommendations

When using this pharmacological agent, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Do not allow the drug to enter the eyes or periorbital region. If this happens by accident, wash skin with water.
  2. It is not recommended to use Aurobin ointment for a long period of time, since in this case the adrenal gland functionality is inhibited.
  3. Application of the drug to large areas or its use over time can contribute to the systemic absorption of active ingredients, which favors the development of atrophy of the skin, especially in young people.
  4. Before applying the ointment, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the areas of skin intended for therapy.
  5. The occurrence of a secondary infection and its spread are the reason for the cancellation of a medical product and the appointment of appropriate antimicrobial and antifungal therapy.
aurobin ointment

Drug interaction

With local use of the drug, drug interactions with other drugs are not described. Before treatment with this tool, you need to find out from a specialist.

In the instructions for use, analogues of the Aurobin ointment are not indicated.


There are no medical devices that contain a similar complex of active elements. However, you can choose drugs with a similar mechanism of action. Such funds include:

  • Hemorron;
  • "Posterisan";
  • "Procto-Glivenol";
  • "Bezornil";
  • "Ichthyolum";
  • Doloprokt;
  • "Proctosedylum M";
  • "Anuzol";
  • "Proctosan."

The cost of this medicine varies slightly depending on the pharmacy network and the manufacturer, but on average it is about 150-170 rubles.

aurobin ointment instructions analogues


This drug has relatively recently appeared on the modern pharmaceutical market, which leads to a small number of reviews about it. The majority of patients who used this medication were satisfied with the therapeutic effect that was observed during treatment. They say that the ointment practically does not cause adverse reactions, quickly removes the manifestations of itching, pain in the anus with the development of hemorrhoids. In addition, with inflammation of hemorrhoids, according to patients, already in the first days of use, the medication significantly reduces their size. This category of patients left positive reviews about the drug.

Other patients who did not like this medication indicate a burning sensation and redness of the skin in the area of ​​ointment application, and they cannot say about the effectiveness of the medicine due to the fact that they had to stop treatment or the effect was insignificant. Other remedies for hemorrhoids were prescribed to patients in such cases.

The opinion of experts about the drug is also ambiguous: some of them recommend this drug for use, but only under medical supervision, while others prefer to prescribe more effective and time-tested pharmacological preparations to their patients. In any case, doctors recommend that before use, carefully study the instructions and description of this medication, take into account limitations and contraindications, and only then begin therapeutic procedures.

We reviewed the instructions for use and reviews of the Aurobin ointment.

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