Boil on the nose: causes, treatment methods, reviews

In the article, we will consider how to get rid of a boil on the nose.

The appearance of boils, correctly called boils, is always manifested by soreness and worsening of the general condition of a person. Children are especially poorly tolerated. Inflammation on the skin with purulent contents is by no means harmless and requires qualified help. In order to recognize the boil in time and conduct the correct therapy, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the appearance and the main signs of the formation of a boil on the nose.

boil on the nose


A boil is an inflammation of the hair follicle located next to the sebaceous glands and adjacent tissues. In the people, boils are often called boils. The most common version of the reason for the appearance of a boil on the nose of a child and an adult among ordinary people is considered colds or hypothermia. However, doctors refute this opinion and believe that their appearance is due to the activity of pathogenic pyogenic microorganisms.

A photo of the boil on the nose is presented in the article.

Boils can occur in any area of ​​the human body. Sizes may also vary. The appearance of several boils at the same time indicates a disease such as furunculosis.

The danger of self-medication

Many adults do not perceive the appearance of a boil on the nose of a child as something serious. Some rely on life experience and begin to treat a boil in a child on their own, without going to a doctor. It should be understood that the disease is provoked by infectious inflammation of staphylococcal origin. If incorrect treatment is carried out, it can threaten with complications such as sepsis, purulent inflammation of the internal organs, including the brain, toxic shock. Therefore, when purulent inflammation is detected, one should not blindly trust recipes of alternative medicine, but it is necessary to consult a doctor.

boil on the nose how to treat


The main cause of boiling on the nose is staph infection. In the vast majority of cases, this is a golden variety of staphylococcus. In other situations, the culprit of purulent formation becomes the epidermal type of microbes.

Staphylococcus aureus lives on the skin and mucous membranes of almost every person. Slightly less than half of the population are carriers of this infection, which does not manifest itself throughout life. The pathological process is activated when the body's defense system is weakened and loses its ability to restrain the infectious pathogen.

Provocative factors

In order for the boil to appear on the nose, along with weakened immunity, other conditions must be present. So, the following factors can affect the development of furunculosis:

  1. Damage to the integrity of the skin, the presence of abrasions, microcracks, punctures and scratches on the body.

  2. Poor skin care. Contaminated epithelium is a breeding ground not only for staphylococcus, but also for other equally dangerous infectious pathogens.

  3. Acne, the appearance of which is due to blockage of the sebaceous glands.

  4. An allergic reaction, accompanied by manifestations on the skin, including atopic and allergic dermatitis.

  5. Any diseases that occur in a chronic form. A particularly significant provoking factor is the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and dysbiosis.

  6. The patient has a history of diabetes.

  7. Confirmed diagnoses of a neurological nature.

  8. Depletion as a result of an unbalanced diet, poor nutrition, deficiency of trace elements and vitamins. According to the results of a blood test, the patient is diagnosed with anemia.

  9. Intense physical activity, especially in childhood.

    how to treat boils in a child's nose


All doctors agree that colds alone are not able to provoke a boil inside the nose.

The relationship between hypothermia and reduced immunity, however, exists. Most likely, it was she who served as the source of the myth of the common cold as the cause of furunculosis. No less dangerous for a child with reduced immunity is the prolonged exposure to sunlight and overheating of the body. The fact is that any thermal effect can lead to the activation of staphylococcus and, accordingly, to the occurrence of boils.

Developing and multiplying in a favorable environment, staphylococcus pathogens produce a large number of toxins and enzyme substances, which cause a deterioration in the general condition of the patient.

Staphylococcus tissue damage is accompanied by the formation of large volumes of pus, as well as the death of cells. When it accumulates under the skin, a boil forms over time, which hurts a lot and looks pretty scary. In some cases, a boil may appear on the face, including on the nose.


From a pimple or an allergic rash, boils can be distinguished quite simply. The development of the boil is rapid, already on the second day you can see the necrotic core. Most often, furunculosis begins with a single inflammatory focus.

Depending on the stage of development of the boil, the symptoms and external signs of the disease differ. Three stages are distinguished: infiltration, suppuration and scarring after opening. Consider the signs of the disease in stages:

boil on the nose what to do

1. At the initial stage, compaction occurs under the skin. The seal looks like a red tubercle that protrudes above the surface of the skin, painful on palpation. A characteristic feature of furunculosis is the rapid increase in the size of education. A few hours after the appearance, damage to neighboring areas of the skin occurs, swelling, and an increase in body temperature are observed. If we are talking about a child, then behavior changes, weakness and lethargy appears.

2. The second stage is characterized by severe suppuration, the growth of the boil continues, it protrudes more and more above the surface of the skin, since the purulent head swells. The color of the skin around the abscess can change to red, purple or even dark brown. Experts explain this by the fact that inside the head, in addition to pus, there is a layer of the epidermis, in which tissue necrosis began. The temperature at the time of pus formation is almost always above normal, especially in children, and the lymph nodes also increase. The pain syndrome at the site of the formation of the boil becomes more intense, the child may not let it touch. If the boil is formed in the buttock area, it can be painful for the child to sit and walk, rubbing on clothes also causes pain. A boil on the nose and other parts of the face is the most painful. In addition, it is dangerous for pus to go into deeper layers of the epidermis and an abscess.

3. Relief in the patient’s condition occurs after cleansing the wound of pus after opening the boil. The full cycle of the development of education occurs in a period of one to two weeks. After the boil has been opened, a depression is formed in its place, which eventually grows with new tissues and smoothes. Traces from deep boils can last a lifetime.

If several abscesses are formed alternately or at the same time, specialists diagnose furunculosis, the treatment of which requires a systematic approach. Carbuncle refers to inflammation of the fiber under the skin around the hair follicles.

How to treat a boil on the nose?

Drug treatment

Boils are treated with conservative methods or by surgical intervention. The operation is far from always necessary and in most cases it is possible to do without it. If the lesions with boils are not extensive, and the formations themselves do not occur in the deep layers of the epidermis, therapy consists in using drugs for local use.

How to cure a boil in the nose, everyone should know.

Preparations for the acceleration of maturation

Therapy in this case is aimed at accelerating the process of maturation of the boil, since the process of infiltration and the formation of pus is painful for the patient. You can accelerate the development of the boil through the following medicines:

1. The Golden Star. Ointment, known for more than one generation as an antibacterial and disinfectant.

2. Balsamic liniment, or Vishnevsky ointment.

3. Ointment based on ichthyol.

4. "Vinylinum" in the form of a balm.

In addition, ointments based on antibacterial components, including Futsidin, Levomekol, Bactroban, etc., contribute to the breakthrough of the boil.

how to cure a boil in the nose

Antimicrobial agents

After the boil erupted and the wound cleansed, antimicrobials are prescribed. If the boil has formed on the nose, the doctor will definitely prescribe oral antibiotics in combination with intensive local treatment. If there is an extensive lesion with boils, especially in childhood, intravenous administration of antibacterial solutions is prescribed.

Most often, the choice falls on antibiotics of the penicillin group, and in case of intolerance, macrolides are prescribed. Most rarely, cephalosporins are preferred. The most effective for staphylococcal lesions are drugs from the category of tetracyclines, including Clarithromycin and Azithromycin.

Treatment directly depends on the type of infectious pathogen that provoked the appearance of boils. If it is Staphylococcus aureus, then the choice of antibiotics can sometimes be quite difficult. It is this type of bacteria that is most difficult to eliminate even with modern drugs.

What else to do with a boil on the nose?

boil inside the nose

Maintenance therapy

In addition to the main drugs, maintenance and rehabilitation therapy is also prescribed, including immunoglobulins and immunomodulators. Drugs are administered in a hospital when the infection is characterized as severe. In an outpatient setting, a specialist may prescribe Derinat or Polyoxidonium. In addition, in childhood, vitamin complexes are included in the therapeutic regimen for furunculosis.

How to treat a boil on the nose, the doctor will tell.


The indication for surgical opening of the boil is the likelihood of complications. For example, when a boil appeared on the face or a drug treatment did not give a result within five days and the pus did not come out.

The procedure itself is not complicated and consists of a cruciform incision under local anesthesia. After an incision, the contents of the boil are thoroughly cleaned, as are fragments of necrotic tissue. If it is not possible to completely clean the wound from pus, the surgeon sets up a small drainage.

Treatment of a boil on the nose should be comprehensive and timely.

The wound after surgery is treated with an antiseptic solution and closed with a bandage. It is impossible to warm boils, as many traditional healers advise, as this can lead to an abscess. Independently opening boils is also prohibited, as this should happen naturally or in a sterile room.

Now it’s clear how to treat a boil on the nose of a child and an adult.

boil on the nose of a child


For an unclear reason, a boil in many parents does not cause concern and is not considered something serious, even if it arose on the nose of a child. Some begin self-treatment by applying a baked onion to the affected area. Experts warn against such a frivolous attitude to furunculosis. This disease must be treated under medical supervision and, if necessary, an autopsy is performed by surgery.

Many people prefer home treatment, which is generally feasible, but always in compliance with the doctor’s instructions. A fairly large number of positive responses find the use of Vishnevsky ointment and ichthyol.

In some cases, patients had to take antibiotics orally. This was especially true for those whose boils appeared on the face.

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