Urethritis: treatment and prevention

Urethritis is a disease in which inflammation of the urethra occurs . This disease can affect both men and women, however, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure in the male population, it manifests itself most acutely and painfully. However, urethritis is more common in women. Treatment is prescribed regardless of the gender of the patient.

This disease manifests itself by burning, pain, itching during urination, sensations spread throughout the genital area and perineum. The inflammatory process captures more and more large areas of the mucosa every time the urethritis worsens. Treatment should be started with the appearance of the first signs, otherwise sooner or later complications may develop.

urethritis in women treatment

When contacting a doctor, both local and general treatment are usually prescribed. As the latter, antibacterial therapy with drugs that have a bacteriostatic effect is prescribed. Its duration depends on the severity of the disease and may take from three days to several weeks.

Local exposure is directed, including the removal of unpleasant symptoms caused by a disease such as urethritis. The treatment in this case is the injection of medicinal solutions into the urethra. With a mild illness, this procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. In severe cases, with the development of complications, it is performed in a hospital.

urethritis treatment
In addition, with a chronic form, the urethra narrows, in this case, doctors have to carry out the procedure of bougieurage - expansion using special tools.

These methods are used in the acute course of the inflammatory process. However, if a person has chronic urethritis, treatment requires, in addition to instillations and antibiotics, immunomodulating agents.

In the event that it is not possible to consult a doctor with a problem such as urethritis,

urethritis treatment folk remedies
treatment with folk remedies can provide indispensable help. One of the effective ways is to use tinctures of the root of creeping wheatgrass. To prepare it, you will need four shredded tablespoons of the roots of this medicinal herb. Then it is filled with cold water and infused for 20 hours in the refrigerator. After the required time, we filter the resulting tincture, and pour the roots in boiling water for ten minutes. The last step is to mix both liquids. It is recommended to take tincture in ยฝ cup three times a day. In the event that the disease is accompanied by severe pains, the color of the linden will help relieve the condition . The broth of this plant should be taken before bedtime.

In the event that a person is faced with the urethritis disease, the treatment has yielded positive results or there is simply no desire to ever encounter it, doctors advise to adhere to several rules:

  • Do not supercool.
  • Do not abuse spicy, pickled, salty.
  • Avoid stool disorders.
  • Maintain an orderly sexual life.

This will minimize the possibility of acquiring this type of disease again.

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