Anime "Kitty from Sakuraso": characters, plot. Sakurasou no pet na kanojo

In 2010, a multi-part ranobe (light novel) was published, dedicated to the student hostel of the Japanese university and, of course, its inhabitants. Based on it, manga and anime adaptations were later released. Posted by Hajime Hamashida.

sakuraso kitty characters

Double meaning dormitory

The anime "Kitty from Sakuraso" is a teenage series full of events and the most unexpected surprises. The plot focuses on the Suimei Japanese art school, famous for its highly cultured hostel and detached house called Sakura, a rather unusual place to stay.

Problem students who differ from normal people by any talents are accommodated in Sakura. For example, a unique painter will certainly get to live in "Sakura", a gifted writer - there too. A student of Sorata Kanda, who lived and slept surrounded by forty cats, was also determined to be permanently resident in Sakura by the will of fate. The spirit of freedom is in the house, breathing is easy there. The only inconvenience is that the building is going to be demolished and even razed to the ground. Therefore, all the inhabitants of the house are forced to ensure that this does not happen. Almost daily, students living there, right in the morning, line up in a living chain to interfere with bulldozers. Then, after the director’s reassurance that everything will be fine, they disperse among the audiences.

When the main character of the series, the gifted artist Masiro Sina, arrived at the university from England, she was placed in Sakura only because the girl could absent-mindedly squeeze toothpaste from a tube onto her boots to clean them, and used brushes instead of curlers in the morning . At first, the residents were horrified by Mashiro’s inability to cope with household issues on their own, and then decided to put Sorata’s care for the artist, motivating her decision with the fact that, since Sorata easily copes with twenty cats, then Mashiro Sina will not be a burden for him. In addition, she will be able to draw portraits of cats in turn.

anime cat from sakuraso

Sakuraso Kitty Characters

The series involves eight main characters and as many secondary ones. The anime "Kitty from Sakuraso", whose characters are randomly located at first glance, is actually subject to strict laws of priority.

The main character Kanda Sorata, obsessed with the desire to take care of cats, cats and kittens, is in fact a whole and characteristic person, otherwise he would not be able to contain a "cat farm", and even make sure that the breeds do not mix too much. The series “Kitty from Sakuraso”, whose characters somehow relate to the life of the protagonist, deserves a certain analytical approach, because each student is not just a participant in the series, but a close friend of Sorata.

It was not so troublesome and even pleasant to look after Sorata for Mashiro, because he quickly fell in love with his ward, did not lower his eyes and did not leave a single step.

In the anime series "Kitty from Sakuraso" the characters (of those who live in "Sakura") are close friends, help each other in everything, and some even secretly fall in love.

mashiro sina

Seiyu: Ai Kayano (Aoyama Nanami)

One of the most notable characters is Nanami Aoyama, a close friend, classmate of Sorata. In love with him, and at the same time in all his cats. He understands that Sorata is close to the artist Mashiro, if not yet physically, then probably morally. Nanami decides to retreat, especially since there is not enough time, the girl has several part-time jobs. Moved to the hostel in order to save. He is engaged in acting school, despite the categorical objections of his parents.

Fiasco and return to Osaka

However, she failed the final acting exams and returned for a while to her father and mother in Osaka. From the threshold, Nanami Aoyama begins to persuade her parents to give her one last chance and send her to Sakuraso for another year. When a girl is worried, she begins to stutter and at the same time experiences a strong sexual arousal, sometimes she suddenly switches to the Kansai dialect.

Nanami Aoyama

Seiyu: Mariko Nakatsu (Kamiigusa Misaki)

An unusual character is Misaki Kamiigusa, a third-year student at Suimei School, a resident of room 201. Lively and sociable, she never sits in one place. Selflessly draws anime, which is why she was relocated to the house "Sakura". It is considered a long-lived school, the first among the main characters. Once I chose an object for love for myself, I did it almost by lot. Jin turned out to be the chosen one, who was dumbfounded by her decision, and the whole point is that he himself loves Misaki, and for a long time, but did not dare to reveal his feelings. After waiting for his confession, the girl marries Jin.

sorata kanda

Jin Mitaka

He is a third year student, lives in room number 103. As already became known, he has been in love since childhood with the incomparable Misaki, considers himself unworthy of her attention. The novice writer invests all his talent in scripts for the anime Misaki. For no reason, he began to meet several girls at once, including Misaki's sister, which added special piquancy to his relationship with Kamiigus herself. After a while, she decides to break off all relations with all the girls and seriously engage in texts for the anime Misaki.

After graduating from school, he leaves for Osaka to continue his studies. Before leaving, hoping for nothing, brings Misaki a completed application form to the registry office for marriage registration. I was surprised that the girl did not break the statement and did not throw it in his face. Instead, she married the same day without even calling Jin to the registry office. So another strange but happy couple appeared.

misaki kamiigusa

Seiyu: Takahiro Sakurai (Akasaka Ryunosuke)

Ryunosuke Akasaka, a sophomore, lives in room 102. Recluse, does not communicate with anyone, especially with girls. He is trying to communicate with everyone through the Internet. The genius of computer technology, he personally developed artificial intelligence, which he put into the basis of a super-answering machine that answers any questions on any communications. The program was given the name "Handmaid", and a visual image was created for her by a puzzle. Almost does not appear at school, except in order to give a couple of lectures.

He likes tomatoes very much, convinces everyone that he trusts only them. Cynical enough, too blunt. Never a haircut, got the nickname Dragon from Misaki. Before arriving in Sakuraso, he was engaged in the development of computer games, but he was so ahead of his colleagues that it became uninteresting to work with them. Thus, in the end he was left alone.


Rita Ainsworth is a close friend of Mashiro, an artist. The girls lived together in England. For some time now, she began to admire the talent of her friend, and against this background even quit painting. Then she decided to distract Mashiro from painting in order to reduce its popularity. I suggested that my friend switch to manga and mastering the computer, hoping that Mashiro would fail both.

Invites her friend to return to England. Once, having arrived in Sakuraso, he is convinced of the stunning successes of Mashiro in both manga and computer science. She barely survived her disappointment and returned to London. In love with Akasaka Ryunosuke.

jin mitaka

Seiyu: Yui Horie (Sengoku Chihiro)

Chihiro Sengoku is the commandant of the Sakuraso Hostel, one of Suimei's teachers. A relative of Mashiro. She dreamed of becoming an artist, but managed to achieve only the level of a teacher of drawing. The reason is very lazy, he drinks a lot of beer, is illegible in relationships.

Minor Characters

Kanda Yuko, Sorata’s younger sister, is in high school in third grade. Jealous of his brother to all the girls, is a fan of Mashiro. After elementary school is going to go to Suimei.

Kazuki Fujisawa is the creator of computer games. The organizer of the "Make a Game" contest with Sorata. A former student at Suimei School, lived in Sakuraso. Indifferent to Chihiro.

Shintaro Asanuma is a third-year student in the Suimei School of Music. Writes music screensavers for anime Misaki. Met with Soichiro. After school, he leaves with his family in Hawaii.

Soichiro Tatebayashi is a former student at Suimei School. He is friends with Jin, trying to save the hostel from demolition together with the rest of the students. Going to leave for the USA to work as a computer engineer.

Satoshi Hino is a classmate of Sorata and Nanami Aoyama. In love with the latter, but she does not reciprocate.

Mayu Takahashi is a fellow student of Nanami Aoyama and Sorata, a friend of Nanami. The girls visit Sorat together for the purpose of intimate communication.

Iori Himemiya is Saori’s younger brother, a freshman at Suimei School. He was punished by relocation to Sakura for spying on the girls in the shower.

Kanna Hase, a freshman student, received a high score on admission, but voluntarily moved to Sakura, explaining her decision with the noisy behavior of her neighbor Yuko, from whom she wanted to be away.

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