"Sanorin" during pregnancy: instructions for use, composition and reviews

For any woman, the period of pregnancy is a unique time, full of new discoveries, reverent care and pleasant expectation. In these amazing nine months, the pregnant woman can fully enjoy her special condition, and I do not want something to bother her. But, unfortunately, many have to deal with some problems. For example, with a phenomenon such as nasal congestion. And it is not necessary that it will be caused by the influenza virus or SARS.

In medicine, there is such a thing as pregnant rhinitis - swelling of the nasal mucosa without other signs of a cold, which goes away by itself after the birth of a child. The fact is that when a pregnant woman undergoes a large-scale hormonal restructuring, which causes swelling of the mucous membranes. Rhinitis is especially pronounced at the end of the first - the beginning of the second trimester and can persist until the very last week of pregnancy. Of course, not everyone develops this ailment, but very many. A woman cannot breathe freely, and she needs drug therapy. The question immediately arises of how to get rid of rhinitis to a pregnant woman, because many drugs are prohibited for use in such a crucial period.

Rhinitis of pregnant

Pregnant doctors often prescribe Sanorin. It is necessary to understand what this drug is and is it possible to "Sanorin" during pregnancy?

"Sanorin" - a medicine of the Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. In fact, "Sanorin" is a whole line of drugs. This includes Sanorin, Sanorin with eucalyptus oil, Sanorin-analergin. All of them are united by a common active substance - naphazoline. However, they differ from each other in other components, so each of them has its own list of indications for use.

Packing "Sanorina"

Description and form of release

The released forms are slightly different:

  • Sanorin nasal drops are a clear, odorless solution.
  • "Sanorin with eucalyptus oil" is a homogeneous emulsion of white color, with a bitter-cold smell of eucalyptus.
  • Sanorin-Analergin is also a colorless, clear solution.

In the pharmaceutical market, a drug is presented in several forms:

  • Drops that are for children (0.05% naphazoline) and adults (0.1% naphazoline).
  • Spray with a concentration of 0.1%.
  • An emulsion with a similar spray concentration.

The substance is contained in glass bottles packaged in cardboard boxes.

Mechanism of action

Naphazoline is an alpha-adrenergic agonist. By binding to the alpha-adrenergic receptors of the nasal mucosa and stimulating them, naphazoline helps to narrow the vessels, reduce swelling, and reduce the formation of exudate. Thanks to this, after five minutes, nasal breathing is restored.

The drug "Sanorin with eucalyptus oil" has additional anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. This is due to fintotsidami (fellandren and aromadendren), which are part of the plant. The fact is that these substances, when interacting with oxygen, form compounds that can destroy microbes and stop the inflammatory process.

Eucalyptus leaves

The drug "Sanorin-analergin", in addition to naphazoline, has another active substance - antazolin. It is a blocker of histamine receptors that are found on the nasal mucosa. When these receptors are blocked, the severity of allergic symptoms, swelling and exudate production are reduced.

Indications for use

Sanorin with eucalyptus oil has the following indications:

  • Acute rhinitis.
  • Sinusitis is an inflammation of the accessory cavities of the nose.
  • Eustachitis is an inflammatory process on the shell of the middle ear.
  • Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx.
  • Also, the drug can be used if it is necessary to stop nosebleeds.

In the medicine "Sanorin", the application is added to the listed indications in order to eliminate swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa before various diagnostic or therapeutic interventions.

Sanorin-analergin has a different list of indications. It is used mainly to alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and stop the flow from the nose with severe rhinorrhea.


Contraindications are as follows:

  • You can not take this drug to people suffering from chronic runny nose.
  • It is forbidden to take the drug with high blood pressure, with a rapid heartbeat.
  • Diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis - another couple of contraindications.
  • You can not use "Sanorin" also to those who use any drugs belonging to the group of monoamine oxidase inhibitors ("Aurorix", "Pyrazidol" and others). In addition, even after taking these drugs, you must maintain an interval of two weeks before you start using Sanorin.
    Drops and spray "Sanorin"

Adverse reactions

Any drug can cause the development of various side effects. Despite the fact that Sanorin is applied topically, this also applies to it. Side effects may include the following:

  • Nausea, increased heart rate, increased pressure in the arterial vessels.
  • Headache.
  • Increased irritability, irritability.
  • An allergy in the form of itching and a rash on the skin is possible.
  • In addition, local side effects may develop: redness and swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  • With prolonged use, the development of dryness of the walls of the nasopharynx is possible.

special instructions

It is worth remembering that, like any other decongensant, Sanorin causes the development of tachyphylaxis - a temporary decrease in the effectiveness of the drug. This happens if the patient takes the drug for longer than one week. In addition, when consumed longer than the specified period, there is a risk of addiction to the drug, when the vessels of the nasal cavity cannot narrow without the help of the medicine. This is especially true for cases of use of "Sanorin" during pregnancy.

Nasal congestion in a pregnant woman

Dosage and administration

Shake the bottle slightly before use. Further action depends on the selected dosage form:
  • If these are nasal drops, it is necessary to tilt the head back slightly and instill 1-3 drops in each nasal passage.
  • If this is a nasal spray, you do not need to throw back your head, 1-2 injections are made into each nostril.
Repeat this action as necessary, 2-3 times a day. However, in cases of use of "Sanorin" during pregnancy, it is advisable to try to do this as little as possible. For example, only at night, and in the daytime to be saved in more gentle ways. Also, some doctors advise pregnant women to moisten a cotton swab with a drug and lubricate the nasal mucosa, thereby reducing the likelihood of side effects.

So can or cannot pregnant women use these drugs?

Instructions for use "Sanorin-Analergin" states that this drug should not be used by pregnant women. In the event that the girl is undergoing treatment with the drug and finds out that she is in position, it is necessary to immediately stop using this medication.

If you carefully study the instructions for using the other two drugs from this line, you can find that they indicate information about the lack of data on the effect of drug components on the fetus. Manufacturers advise before using "Sanorin" during pregnancy, to correlate the possible risk for the unborn child with the benefit of the therapeutic effect for the pregnant woman.

But then what decision to make?

There is an American organization FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It oversees food and drug administration in the United States. According to the conclusion of this organization, the substance naphazoline belongs to category C. When examining this category in laboratory animals, no fatal effect was revealed. It is important to remember that similar studies in humans have not been conducted.

It should be concluded that when treating rhinitis with the help of "Sanorin" during pregnancy 1 trimester, as well as 2 and 3, the expected benefit for the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus. Despite this, the use of the drug is allowed only when prescribed by a doctor. The fact is that naphazoline causes vasospasm. This is due to the stimulating effect on certain receptors. However, these receptors are located not only in the nasal cavity, but also in other organs, including the placenta. Excitation of placental receptors can lead to disruption of the fetal blood supply process. Therefore, the use of "Sanorin" during pregnancy is necessary only in case of emergency. If it is possible to tolerate, it is better not to use this drug. This is especially true for those women who will have to give birth in the near future, because their gestation period has reached 3 trimesters. The use of "Sanorin" during pregnancy can be replaced with more gentle treatments for rhinitis:

  1. Nasal lavage with hypertonic saline solutions.
  2. To alleviate the condition, you can also do breathing exercises, which will remove the swelling of the mucosa.
  3. To avoid the use of drops of "Sanorin" during pregnancy, you must make sure that the air in the apartment is sufficiently moistened and does not overdry the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.
  4. Also, pregnant women should avoid contact with strong and pungent odors: tobacco smoke, household chemicals.
  5. Especially often it is necessary to resort to the use of "Sanorin" during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. Therefore, at this time it is especially important to comply with all of the above recommendations. You also need to remember that dehydration can lead to severe swelling, so you need to drink plenty of fluids, especially in the heat. Optimal if it will be ordinary drinking water. It is better to abandon the use of strong tea, coffee, sweet drinks.
    Free breathing during pregnancy


Is it acceptable to use the drug during pregnancy? The instruction of "Sanorin" does not give an unambiguous answer to this question. However, many pregnant women are forced to use the drug to alleviate the condition. Some of them have symptoms of rhinitis that are so pronounced that other methods do not help, and they use Sanorin during pregnancy. Reviews in the vast majority of cases are positive. Women note breathing relief only a few minutes after applying the medicine, calling it a savior in such a difficult situation. Especially positive are those women who used Sanorin with eucalyptus during pregnancy.

Analogs of Sanorin

The pharmaceutical market has a wide selection of nasal drops, the main active ingredient of which is naphazoline. This includes "Naphthyzin", "Naphazoline-DF", "Nazorin" and others.

An analogue of the drug "Sanorin with eucalyptus oil" is "Nazorin with eucalyptus oil."

All of the above drugs have a similar composition, which means the same therapeutic effect, as well as a list of indications and contraindications for use.

The choice of vasoconstrictor drops is huge. In addition to naphazoline preparations, there are also those whose active substance is xylometazoline (Xylen, Galazolin, Ximelin, Otrivin, SNUP and many others) and oxymetazoline (Nazivin, Afrin and others) . Medicines with these trade names can also help cope with nasal congestion. The difference is only in the active substance, on which the onset rate and duration of the effect directly depend.

Packaging "Afrina"

So, for example, the preparations based on oxymetazoline have the fastest and longest effect, and the shortest on the basis of naphazoline. Nevertheless, all of the listed drugs do not have evidence of safety of their use during pregnancy.

Terms and conditions of storage

Storage temperature "Sanorin" should be in the range from 10 ° to 25 ° C. You can not store the drug in a place where direct sunlight.
The shelf life of the drug is four years from the date of manufacture. An open bottle is stored for 4 weeks.
At the expiration of these periods, the use of the drug is unacceptable.

Pharmacy Vacation Terms

The drug belongs to over-the-counter, therefore it is freely available. When buying it, the pharmacy worker will not ask you to present a prescription from the doctor.

Israeli drug "Sanorin" is not one drug, but three. One of them - "Sanorin-analergin" - is strictly prohibited for use in pregnant women. The other two - "Sanorin" and "Sanorin with eucalyptus oil" - can be used to eliminate nasal congestion in pregnant women, having previously estimated the risk ratio for the fetus and the benefits for the mother. However, it is worth repeating: if a pregnant woman can tolerate, it is better to do this, resorting to other ways to alleviate the condition. This will help to avoid even a minimal threat to the condition of the fetus.

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