Anatoly Ledenev: reviews, photos, biography, date of birth. How to contact with Anatoly Ledenev?

Anatoly Valentinovich Ledenev - psychic, healer, medium. He appeared on television in 2011, becoming a member of the twelfth season of the exciting television project “Battle of psychics.” Contradictory, non-standard, sometimes touching - sometimes it seems that it does not fit into modern reality. Today is our story about him.

People with unusual abilities

At all times, people have been asking questions about who he is, how he came to this world and why he lives on earth, what is the meaning of his existence. And I always felt that in parallel with everyday real life there are others - otherworldly worlds, not visible to the eye, but determined intuitively. Among the huge human population there were always those who became the vehicle between these parallel worlds. Such people were called differently - sorcerers, oracles, soothsayers. They possessed a special power, uncharacteristic for an ordinary person. People with superpowers helped mere mortals to overcome obstacles in life. They opened many answers to them.

Anatoly Ledenev
Today, Anatoly Ledenev can be distinguished from among unusual people of this kind. He appeared on television screens as a participant in the television project “The Battle of Psychics” and immediately divided the audience into two camps - some liked the psychic, others accused him of quackery and the absence of any abilities.

Ledenev is indeed a very ambiguous personality. Outwardly slightly untidy, large man, he sometimes behaved like a child - directly and openly. Sometimes, however, he displayed aggression uncharacteristic for him - conflicts often occurred between the participants in the Battle of Psychics on the set. It happened that during trials a man suffered a fiasco, and sometimes he brilliantly completed all the tasks. What abilities does he still have? There is a lot of information on the Internet about this - let's get it together.


In the summer of 1954, Anatoly Ledenev was born in Moscow. The date of birth of the future psychic is June 23. From an early age, the boy was aware that something was happening to him and he was very different from other children. Being vulnerable, very sensitive, it seemed to him that there was some kind of strength in him and he noticed something that others did not see.

Since childhood, Anatoly showed his creative essence, dreaming of the profession of an archaeologist or sculptor - it seemed to him a romantic pastime. Often, immersed in his own thoughts, he did not notice what was happening in reality, in the reality surrounding him. Twice Anatoly Ledenev became a second-year student, and due to "bad" behavior he was even expelled from school at some point.

But this does not mean that Ledenev was lagging behind in development. Anatoly was a versatile child - back in school, he and his comrades organized a musical ensemble, independently fashioned a bass guitar for himself. In his teens, he became interested in yard football. By the way, sport in his life occupied an important place - Ledenev is a master of cycling.

Restorer Ledenev

After graduation, the question arose about admission. It was necessary to determine the choice of profession. Anatoly understood that the exact sciences were not his thing. In the search for himself, he wanted to be realized as a creative person, and as a result he entered a vocational school, where he received the specialty of a restorer and cabinet maker. I must say that in the house of Anatoly Ledenev - a whole range of beautiful furniture made by yourself. Looking at the refined interior items, it becomes clear that the person who created this is at least talented.

How to contact with Anatoly Ledenev
The man had a chance to serve in the army - at one time he served as a degassing chemist there and miraculously avoided participating in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident during the events of 1984. The man did not get into the ranks of the rescue squad for health reasons - at that time he was tormented by bouts of radiculitis. In 1975, Anatoly Ledenev married. Anna Yastrebova, a girl from a neighboring yard, whom Anatoly had known since childhood and whom he had been in love with from a young age, became his chosen one.

The man is happy in marriage to this day. He has three children - son Michael and daughters Anastasia and Margarita. In addition, Anatoly Ledenev is already a grandfather - he has three grandchildren.

How did the gift come about?

Unusual abilities fully manifested themselves in Anatoly Ledenev after the stress he experienced. In the spring of 1994, a man was driving to a summer cottage in the near Moscow region and saw what is today called an "unidentified flying object" - in the sky, illuminated by bright light, something inexplicable seemed. The man claims that a column of energy penetrated into him and he felt how nature endowed him with superpowers. Returning home, Ledenev came to his senses for a long time and did not immediately decide to tell his family about what had happened. Close psychics, on the contrary, noticed strange changes in the relative.

Anatoly Ledenev date of birth
After some time, Ledenev felt that something had changed in his mind - it began to seem to him that he knew about events that should happen in the near future. Sometimes it really turned out to be true. You must admit that it’s hard to believe overnight that now you can do what previously seemed unrealistic. At first Ledenev felt the same thing - he believed that perhaps it was just intuition or elementary coincidences. However, later abilities gained great strength. The man really began to “receive information” - he “saw” events from the past.

In addition to clairvoyance, Ledenev is able to attract metal objects to himself. The man claims that he learned to help people cope with their physical ailments and positions himself as a healer.

"Are you capable of participating in the battle? .."

As soon as the man realized that he had superpowers, he began to make efforts to develop them - gradually, step by step, training and discovering something new. At first, Anatoly Ledenev, whose biography was distinguished by cooperation with several psychic mentors, was not confident in his own abilities. He periodically made mistakes, but thereby gained the necessary experience. Each time, helping people to cope with their problems, he cultivated self-confidence.

Anatoly Ledenev biography
Among the people to whom Ledenev was offering help was his own mother-in-law. The woman was seriously ill - she discovered the last stage of oncology. Of course, Anatoly could not heal a relative, but he managed to alleviate the pain and suffering of a weak woman. And it was precisely because of her that Anatoly dared to go on qualifying rounds to the television project “Battle of Psychics”. The man and the mother-in-law had a conversation - the woman asked whether Ledenev was able to participate in the program - at that time the 11th season of the program was announced on television. Anatoly Valentinovich replied that he did not yet feel within himself the strength to do this, however, having prepared himself, he would try to become a participant in the next twelfth season. And so it happened.

"Battle of psychics": relationships with participants

Anatoly Ledenev became a participant in the twelfth season of the “Battle of psychics” program, and I must say that the people who got into the project with him were very individual and stood out sharply from the crowd of ordinary citizens. However, like the participants of previous seasons.

Anatoly Ledenev also introduced himself quite vividly. Conflicting, unlike anyone, he could turn around and leave the test, not even trying to cope with it. The man explained this to poor health or unwillingness to shock others with his revelations. On the other hand, it also happened that, unexpectedly for everyone - both the film crew and the colleagues in the workshop - Ledenev became the leader of any issue following the results of the tasks completed.

Anatoly Ledenev photo
On the set of the program, different situations occurred - as in any team, among the project participants there were quarrels and omissions, the man was often considered an eccentric and did not perceive him as a serious competitor. But in vain. Anatoly Ledenev reached the finals, hitting the top three. Together with him were Elena Esevich and Victoria Kamakina. According to the results of the audience’s voting, having gained 44.3% of the votes of the fans of the program, Anatoly Ledenev deservedly got the second place in the project. Photos of the psychic immediately streaked on many information resources.


After participating in the “Battle of psychics,” Anatoly Ledenev’s life changed dramatically. Now they recognize him on the street - people often come up with requests and questions. By the way, as the psychic himself says, he tries to help everyone. But often this is not possible. For example, a man claims that not all pathologies can be cured - karmic diseases cannot be corrected. And the requests of people are not always “bright”, positive. Here, the psychic admits, a strict filter is needed so that, helping others, do not harm yourself. And this is sometimes a very difficult task.

Many people ask the question: "How to contact Anatoly Ledenev?" The healer on the Internet has his own page on which the most important information is contained - the biography of the medium, his personal photos and, most importantly, contacts, on which you can communicate with him. The link to the page appears among the first in the search query.

The site contains phone numbers by which you can make an appointment with a psychic and ask him all your questions. According to information posted on Ledenev’s website, a personal meeting with a medium includes the following:

  • personal questions and detailed answers;
  • diagnosis of existing diseases and assistance in their correction;
  • restoration of an aura;
  • work with photography (remote service);
  • attraction of good luck in business;
  • getting rid of the negative impact;
  • correction of family relationships.

The network also has a lot of conflicting information about Ledenev’s abilities - someone speaks of him as a very strong healer, saying that in human terms, Anatoly Ledenev is incredibly pleasant and positive. Negative reviews, however, are also present - some say that they did not help the treatment of psychics. In any case, this question is a very delicate matter, and each for himself determines for himself whether to turn to Anatoly Valentinovich for help or not.

About different

Be that as it may, one thing is clear: Ledenev is an unusual person. He is a very interesting conversationalist, with him incredibly interesting. The healer has his own vision on various conflicting and rhetorical questions. For example, Anatoly Valentinovich claims that you can not resort to a love spell of a person - this is not only a great sin, but also a very bad thing. And that's why. Each person has his own biofield - the energy shell. Its breadth depends on the physical and spiritual health of everyone - a sick person has a much more biofield than a healthy one. When a love spell is performed, the “channels” that feed the biofield of the enchanted person are closed. He begins to behave as “attached” - he cannot do without his “second half”. In real life, it looks like an inexplicable reluctance not to part with a "beloved" person. However, at a more subtle level, the following happens - a charmed person does not have enough energy to feed his biofield, and he begins to take energy from the one who fascinated him. So in this bad business two suffer. In addition, due to such "theft" the life of a bewitching person is significantly reduced.

Anatoly Ledenev reviews
Ledenev speaks about bad habits. The psychic claims that drunkenness and smoking are from the evil one, and advises everyone who is fond of it to think about their life, to review something in it.

And Anatoly Ledenev is sincerely convinced that we are all the biorobots created by God in which the soul inhabits. “We are all gods because we have a particle in us. Only someone knows about it, but someone does not ... ".

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