Candles Acylact, instructions for use.

In modern life there are a great many health troubles. And many of us have often heard various drugs to maintain it. However, we still do not know about the action of some of them, and we don’t even think about it. Today we’ll talk about what are “Acylact” candles , the instructions for their use will also be further considered by us. What is this medicine and in what cases is it used?

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation in the oral cavity, various urogenital diseases, during preparation for gynecological operations, as well as before giving birth to a woman at risk of inflammatory disease, “Acylact” suppositories are prescribed, the instructions for which are extremely simple.

A contraindication to the use of this pharmaceutical agent is the presence of candidiasis and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. "Acylact" - suppositories during pregnancy can be used only after clear recommendations of the attending physician! Never self-medicate.

Suppositories “Acylact” (an instruction in Russian is attached) contain live lactobacilli, which are active antagonists against many pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria (staphylococci and even enteropathogenic Escherichia coli). These lactobacilli normalize the digestive process and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improve and accelerate the metabolism in the body, and also help to increase and restore reduced immunity. The glycogen of the vaginal epithelium of the Acilact suppository, the instructions for which will be described below, is metabolized to form lactic acid. With its help, normal vaginal pH is maintained (level from 3.8 to 4.2). In high concentrations, lactic acid creates extremely unfavorable conditions for the development and vital activity of opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, which are acid-sensitive.

"Acylact" candles, instructions for use and dosage

One dose contains at least ten million live acidophilic lactobacilli in a single dose. The suppository contains one dose of the drug. It is applied intravaginally. For various inflammations of the urogenital tract - one dose (one suppository-suppository) twice a day. The course of admission must be continued for five to ten days. If the purity of the vaginal secretion in a pregnant woman is in the range to the third or fourth degree, then it is necessary to use one suppository once or twice a day for at least five days, sometimes ten, and if necessary, longer. This should be done until the clinical manifestations and symptoms disappear, and the purity of the vaginal secretion is not restored to the first or second degree. For the prevention of various septic or purulent complications, it is necessary to apply one suppository once or twice a day for five to ten days (before the intended delivery or planned operation). After the use of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, a recovery course is needed - one suppository once or twice a day for ten days. The course must be repeated after three to four months with an interval of ten to twenty days.

Special instructions:

Suppositories can be combined with the simultaneous administration of antiviral, antibacterial and immunomodulating drugs. Expired Acylact suppositories with a specific smell of rancid oil are completely unsuitable for use. Any violation of the packaging is also an absolute contraindication.

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