Instructions for use "Atoxil", price, description, reviews

In this article, you will be presented with detailed instructions for the use of Atoxil. What kind of drug is it and for what purpose is it prescribed, we will tell a little further.

instructions for the use of atoxil

Form, packaging and composition of the medicine

The drug "Atoxil" is a powder intended for the preparation of a suspension. It can be packed in a bottle (10 g each) or in sachets (2 g each). Both drugs are placed in a pack of cardboard.

The active element of this tool is a highly dispersed substance - silicon dioxide.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Instructions for use of Atoxil informs patients that this drug is antiallergic, wound healing, bacteriostatic, antimicrobial and detoxification.

The medication in question refers to enterosorbents of the 4th generation. According to the instructions, it has a pronounced sorption effect.

Due to the active substance of the preparation, endogenous as well as exogenous toxins of various origins (for example, endotoxins of microorganisms, food or bacterial allergens, as well as other toxic substances that appear during the decay of proteins or unprocessed products in the intestine) are adsorbed from the digestive tract quite quickly.

Adsorption of toxic elements occurs on the surface of Atoxil. Subsequently, they are excreted from the body.

atoxil bags instruction

Drug properties

How does the agent in question affect the human body? Instructions for the use of Atoxil states that its high dispersion ensures a high rate of adsorption processes. Due to the presence of osmotic as well as concentration gradients in the preparation, it accelerates the removal of toxic substances from the lymph, blood composition or gastrointestinal tract tissues.

The bacagglutinating property of the drug is provided by the absence of reverse sorption. Small particles of drug powder attach to bacterial cells, and then they are completely agglutinated.

Indications for the use of the medication

For what purposes can Atoxil be prescribed? Reviews of experts say that such a tool is actively used for the following deviations:

  • viral hepatitis A and B;
  • allergic diseases (e.g., diathesis or atopic dermatitis);
  • acute intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea;
  • food poisoning, including alcohol or mushrooms;
  • burn and purulent lesions, trophic ulcers.

Why else use Atoxil powder? Use for children and adults is indicated as a detoxification agent for cirrhosis, kidney diseases, accompanied by signs of chronic renal failure, and toxic hepatitis.

atoxil instructions for use for children


Instructions for use "Atoxil" informs us that this drug can not be used:

  • during pregnancy;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • exacerbations of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • ulcers and erosion of the intestinal mucosa;

Children under the age of one year are also prohibited.

The drug "Atoxil": instructions for use

For children and adults, such a drug should be taken only as directed by a doctor (after prior consultation).

To prepare the medical powder for use, it must be combined with 250 ml of drinking water (room temperature), and then shaken vigorously until a cloudy, uniform suspension is obtained. The finished medicinal solution is taken 60 minutes before eating food, as well as other medicines.

The average daily dosage of the drug in question is 12 g (for adults and children from 7 years). If necessary, then the specified amount of the drug is increased to 24 g (after preliminary consultation with the doctor).

atoxil use in children

How should I give small children (aged 1-7 years)?

The drug "Atoxil" for children, the instructions for use of which are discussed in the article, must be prescribed in an amount of 150-200 mg per kg of baby body weight. In this case, the medicine is recommended to be divided into 4 doses. A single dosage of the medication can not be higher than half the daily.

In acute intestinal diseases and viral hepatitis, the initial dose of the drug is 7-10 g (three times a day). If the patient cannot take the medicine on his own, then it is administered using a probe directly into the stomach.

The duration of treatment for acute forms of intestinal infections is 4-5 days. In severe cases of the disease, the doctor can increase the course to 15 days.

Therapy of viral hepatitis is carried out on average 7-10 days depending on the severity of the disease.

External use of the drug

For skin wounds and trophic ulcers, Atoxil powder can be used externally. To do this, it is applied to carefully cleaned integuments about 5 mm thick. After this, the medication is covered with a dry aseptic dressing and left in this form for exactly one day.

atoxil for children instruction

Changing dressings is recommended after 24 hours, until the wounds are cleaned.

Adverse reactions after taking the medication

What side effects can the Atoxil medication cause? Reviews of experts say that treatment with this drug sometimes provokes the appearance of constipation and allergic reactions. With the development of these and other undesirable effects, you should immediately consult a doctor to cancel the drug and adjust the therapy.

Drug interaction

The simultaneous use of the Atoxil medication and acetylsalicylic acid can enhance platelet disaggregation processes.

The combination of this drug with nicotinic acid or "Simvastatin" very often contributes to a synergistic effect. This effect leads to a decrease in atherogenic fractions in the blood, as well as an increase in the level of VP lipoproteins and cholesterol.

In case of intracorporeal detoxification, the combination of the Atoxil drug with antiseptics (for example, Furacilin, Trifuran, Bifuran, Chlorhexidine, etc.) can increase the effectiveness of treatment of purulent and inflammatory processes.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug "Atoxil" in bags, the instructions of which were presented above, should be stored in a dark and dry place, protected from small children. The same applies to products that are sold in bottles. Store such medications preferably at a temperature of 15-25 degrees.

atoxil powder

As for the finished suspension, it should be kept in a cool place (at a temperature of 8-15 degrees), in a sealed bottle. Such a medicine preserves its qualities for 32 hours. After this time, the suspension is prohibited.

The drug is dispensed in pharmacies without a medical prescription.

Special instructions for use, the price of the drug and its analogues

The main analogue of the Atoxil drug is the Silix drug. In addition, the following agents have similar actions: Enterosgel, Regidron, Lactofiltrum, Polysorb, Sorbex and others.

The average cost of the medicine in a bottle and sachets is 150-170 rubles.

Before using this tool, you should carefully read the attached instructions. It says that the simultaneous use of this drug with alcoholic beverages is not prohibited. Moreover, it is designed specifically to eliminate alcohol intoxication.

Drug Reviews

The drug in question is one of the most popular absorbent agents. In this regard, reviews about him are very common.

Most patients who regularly use this tool report its high effectiveness. According to them, the Atoxil drug helps to eliminate almost all of the unpleasant symptoms associated with intoxication of the body.

Quite often, reviews of such a powder are left by the parents of young children who take it for the treatment of acute intestinal infection. Many of them note that the therapeutic effect of such a medication appears immediately after taking the suspension inside.

atoxil reviews

It should also be noted that this remedy is taken by pregnant patients and people suffering from food and other allergies. Almost all of them note a marked improvement in their health status.

Despite the high effectiveness of the drug in question, some patients use other drugs with a similar effect. They explain their choice with a lower price of analogues, as well as their easy availability.

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