Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen are one of the most common types of ailments. Unfortunately, in such cases, we most often do not rush to see a doctor, but we are self-medicating at home. That is why many people are wondering what to take for pain in the stomach. In fact, there is no universal answer to it, because the choice of a medicinal product largely depends on the cause of the problem.
How is food processing?
Before determining what to take for pain in the stomach, you should understand the principle of internal digestive processes in the human body. The first stage is represented by the esophagus, it is here where food processed by teeth first comes. In the stomach, they continue to be digested and decompose under the influence of acid, which is subsequently neutralized by alkali. Leftover food is eliminated by the intestines.
Causes of discomfort in the stomach. Diseases and temporary conditions
What should you do first if you feel pain in your stomach? The main causes of this phenomenon will need to be determined. These may include a decrease or increase in the amount of gastric juice, as well as a change in the level of acidity. Let's specify the main list of diseases that cause discomfort. These include the following:
- Gastritis. Represents inflammation of the mucous membrane, there are several types. May be due to allergies, weakened immunity, mechanical stress. The main reason for its development is the bacteria that live in the stomach.
- Peptic ulcer. May affect the intestines or duodenum. It arises as a result of malnutrition, heredity and increased production of hydrochloric acid.
- Cancer. A malignant tumor, the formation of which occurs under the influence of many different factors.
- Benign formations. Often referred to as polyps. Their appearance is based on internal inflammatory processes, with the combination of a number of circumstances, they can degenerate into a malignant tumor.
- Appendicitis.
Among other things, pain can be caused by temporary phenomena - overeating, an allergic reaction to foods, nervous breakdowns, physical overwork. Severe spasms cause poisoning, mechanical injury, intolerance to a number of products. Mild colic can occur due to sore throat or pneumonia. In each of these cases, we take pills for stomach pain.
What you should tell your doctor at the appointment
The unpleasant sensations that we experience are expressed in completely different ways. You may suffer from bouts of nausea and vomiting, heartburn in the morning, constipation, or diarrhea. In some cases, there is heaviness in the stomach and difficulty swallowing. As a rule, all these symptoms are alarming, and it is not recommended to eliminate them yourself; it is best to consult a specialist. When visiting a doctor, be sure to tell him the following information:
- the nature of the pain (acute, cutting, stitching, pulling, constant, episodic);
- the place of localization of pain (where it is felt most);
- the time of manifestation of unpleasant sensations (morning, day or evening);
- processes that stimulate unpleasant sensations (physical activity, food intake, etc.);
- in what way cramps, colic are eliminated.
It is the doctor who will tell you what to do with stomach pains, what to take, what preventive measures to follow.
General prescribing information
If you still decide to deal with the malaise yourself, you will need to thoroughly approach the question of what to take for pain in the stomach. Remember that there is no panacea for all ills, and the wrong choice of the drug can not only not bring the desired result, but also worsen the current condition. So, in some cases, exacerbation of existing diseases is noted.
With increased acidity, artificial blockers should be used. These include such well-known tools as Maalox or Rennie. Heaviness in the stomach is a symptom of a lack of stomach acid. To eliminate it, as a rule, Mezim or Pancreatin preparations are used. For bloating, doctors recommend taking Motilium, and Smecta will help with poisoning. It is possible to eliminate a sharply appeared spasm of unknown nature with the help of the well-known No-Shpa drug.
The drug "Mezim" for heartburn and pain in the morning
Let's look at a few specific situations. So, in the morning before eating, you feel heartburn and pain in the stomach. What to do in such a situation? In this case, it will be quite appropriate to take Mezim. The components of this drug contribute to the processing and breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and various fats. The main effect of the drug occurs 40 minutes after taking one capsule.
"Maalox" - a remedy for the treatment of gastritis
One of the most common diseases is gastritis, with it also severe pain in the stomach. What to do to improve your condition? It will be most correct to adhere to a special diet and take the drug "Maalox". This drug not only fights the cause of the disease, reduces the amount of gastric juice produced, but also minimizes discomfort.
The drug is available in the form of tablets and suspensions. With prevention, it is consumed an hour after the main meal. The maximum dose in one day can be 12 tablets or 6 sachets. Contraindication to its use is Alzheimer's disease, pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the constituent components, problems with the work of the kidneys.
Activated carbon - the first means of a first-aid kit
Activated charcoal is a medication that should be present in every medicine cabinet. It is indicated for poisoning, overeating and stomach pain. What to take in childhood or during pregnancy? Of course, coal. It is harmless and highly effective. The action of this natural sorbent is based on the collection and removal of toxins, bacteria, toxins from the human body. Thanks to this natural cleaning, you can experience an amazing sense of lightness and comfort.
At the first symptoms of poisoning, you should drink about 5 tablets of coal, and after a couple of hours, repeat the specified dose. This will help stop the action of the poison and quickly restore health. It should be remembered that, despite all the safety, this drug should not be taken for more than three days in a row. If there is a need to continue treatment with it, be sure to consult a doctor.
"No-shpa" - a remedy for cramping and sharp pain
In some cases, determining the nature of the discomfort is quite difficult. You may experience the following symptoms: stomach cramps, stomach pain. What to do in this case? Your main task is to minimize or eliminate pain. The No-Shpa tool will do just fine with this. For a day, you can use a maximum of 240 grams of the drug, dividing the specified dose into three doses. The drug should not be taken in children under one year of age, with renal, cardiac or hepatic insufficiency, as well as with increased sensitivity to one of its components. In rare cases, when using this medication, adverse reactions (nausea, constipation or headache) can be observed. When such symptoms appear, the drug should be stopped.
Traditional medicine recipes
What to do in cases when you do not want to take pharmacy drugs, but feel pain in the stomach? Nobody canceled the treatment with folk remedies for pain, some recipes are effective and effective. However, you should be aware that they are unlikely to help in a difficult health situation. Basically, such funds only eliminate the external symptoms of the disease. Below are the most popular recipes that are used to minimize discomfort:
- A glass of fresh cabbage juice with the addition of a tablespoon of honey will help with suspected peptic ulcer.
- A glass of potato juice with a tablespoon of honey will help with heartburn and high acidity.
- Shredded to a uniform state dandelions with sugar, diluted in warm water, prevent various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Thirty drops of alcohol tincture of St. John's wort help from pain in the stomach.
- Four tablespoons of warm olive oil will help relieve pain not only for adults, but also for babies.
Now you know what to take for pain in the stomach, even in the absence of drugs. However, it should be remembered that the effectiveness of the above drugs can be significantly lower than special medicines.
Proper diet
It is important to know not only about which drugs they drink for pain in the stomach, but also about how to avoid this phenomenon. A major role in the prevention of discomfort is played by proper nutrition and the absence of bad habits. By the way, the latter include not only alcohol abuse and smoking, but also the use of a large amount of soda, coffee and hot spices.
Try to eat smaller meals, but more often. Be sure to eat at least three times a day, breakfast is especially important. Do not start your day with fasting. If immediately after sleep you have no appetite, be sure to drink a glass of warm water. This will help activate the much needed digestive processes. Among other things, you should know that fiber should be included in the daily diet.
Be sure to consult a specialist for pain in the stomach. What to take, in what dosage and for how long, are questions that a professional doctor should answer. Self-medication measures are good only in isolated cases of discomfort, for the most part they are aimed at relieving external symptoms, and not at eradicating the underlying problem. Be mindful of your health. Timely prevention and adequate treatment will help to avoid very unpleasant consequences.