Knee hurts: how to treat minor injuries and serious injuries?

The knee joint is subjected to serious daily stress, even for those who do not play sports. It is not surprising that it is in him that pain often occurs. This makes walking difficult and interferes with everyday life. Obviously

Knee hurts: how to treat?
that with diagnosis and treatment should not be delayed if your knee hurts. How to treat the affected joint and how?

Damage diagnosis

As a rule, pain is caused by various kinds of injuries. It is impossible to determine them yourself, so you need to contact a qualified specialist in a timely manner. During the visit, try to describe as accurately as possible what pain you are experiencing. If you suspect an injury, you should also talk about it in detail. If your knees really hurt, then magnetic resonance imaging will tell you how to treat them. With the help of an X-ray, only the probability of a fracture can be excluded, and the tendons and connections in the picture will not be visible. MRI assesses the condition of the ligamentous apparatus much more efficiently, so an injury, if any, will be immediately diagnosed. In some cases, the appropriate treatment is determined by arthroscopy. This is a small surgical intervention in which a microchamber is located in the joint cavity, which determines the source of damage.

Conservative treatment

If the cause of discomfort

My knees hurt badly: how to treat?
in sprain or bruise, a conservative treatment will suffice. When knees hurt in this situation, an ointment or compress may be the best solution. Take pain medication to ease your condition and try to reduce swelling and pain by avoiding overloads using ice packs and bruise ointments. Do not actively walk and strain immediately after an injury, as this can worsen your condition. If fluid begins to accumulate in the damaged area, consult a doctor to remove it. In some cases, physiotherapy is recommended for a sick knee, and therapeutic exercises can be selected. Simple movements will help restore mobility and avoid muscle atrophy. Do not ignore the doctor's recommendations for this if the knee hurts. How to treat arthritis that can develop
Sore knees: ointment
subsequently, with improper rehabilitation, it is better to immediately take the necessary measures.


If conservative treatment is not enough, surgical intervention is required. As a rule, physiotherapy is first required to reduce swelling and restore joint mobility, after which it will be possible to understand whether surgery is needed. In the event that neither ointments nor physiotherapy exercises help, and your knee still hurts, you don’t have to think about how to treat it. Need arthroscopy, minimal surgical intervention, characterized by extreme effectiveness. After several weeks of rehabilitation, the functionality of the knee joint will be fully restored and the discomfort will be completely forgotten. Now, if you have a sore knee than to treat it, you already know.

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