Actress Beth Littleford: biography and career, personal life

Actress Beth Littleford plays exclusively in films with comic content. The movie star herself is a representative of those personalities who are quite “sharp on the tongue”. The cinema actress got the most popularity after participating in a project called "The Daily Show". Beth played in the film from 1996 to 2000.

Actress biography and first steps to success

movie actress

Beth Littleford was born in Nashville, Tennessee in 1968. As a very young child, Beth already showed excellent creative abilities. The girl independently came up with various types of scenes and all kinds of interesting practical jokes. In the late 80s, the girl entered college in Pennsylvania, and after graduating, she studied at a New York school.

A cheerful and funny actress on her own was able to make her way into the world of television. The main direction in which Beth works is comedy. This is where the application of her verbal talent is. As mentioned above, Littleford became famous after filming a project called The Daily Show. However, in addition to this, the films with Beth Littleford, in which the actress took part, are the following comedy films: Spin City and Family Guy.

Work in the cinema

actress Beth Littleford

Around 2004, the actress was able to get one of the main roles in the project called “MethodMen and RedMen Show”, which was in great demand among the audience.

After 6 years, the actress took part in a film called "Ben 10: Racing Over Time." Then Beth Littleford appeared before the audience in the image of the mother of the protagonist named Sandra Tennyson. This film tells the story of an ordinary 10-year-old boy who has a magic watch. With the help of them, the protagonist is able to turn into alien superheroes. The boy’s life changes when a villain appears on Earth from another galaxy who wants to take the clock and destroy the planet. An interesting fact is that the actress not only played Ben's mother in the film, but also voiced her in the animated series of the same name. In the filmography of Beth Littleford, there are more than 30 works in various films and series, as well as television programs.

The personal life of the actress

actress with family

Many fans of Littleford are interested in the personal life of the star. It is now known that a woman is married to Robert Fox. In 2005, the couple became happy parents. The couple gave birth to a son, who was named Oliver Fox. In addition to the birth of a son, the couple decides to adopt a girl named Halcyon June, who was born on March 23, 2012.

Unfortunately, the marriage did not last long, and, as it became known in 2015, the actress divorced her husband. Currently, the actress lives with her two children in Los Angeles. After the woman knew the taste of motherhood, she did not stop appearing on television and continued her acting career. Since 2005, Beth Littleford has been actively involved in numerous films and television series with elements of humor.

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