How to treat thyroid nodes with folk remedies?

treatment of thyroid nodules with folk remedies
If we imagine the human endocrine system as an orchestra, then the thyroid gland will be a soloist in it, on the normal functioning of which the work of many internal organs depends. It produces hormones that regulate the liver, stimulates and prevents the immune system from collapsing, contributes to the coordinated activity of nerves, and is also responsible for our sexual desire. Scientists have found that women are more prone to diseases of the "soloist". The exact reasons for this are not called, but there is a hypothesis that women are more prone to emotional manifestations and are sensitive to any endocrine disruptions.

The main causes of problems in the work of this body is a lack of iodine. It can lead to a decrease in activity, as a result of which a diffuse goiter or nodules on the thyroid gland can gradually form. They are of two types:

  • The first, not very dangerous, colloidal type occurs after a partial lesion.
  • The second type is tumors (adenomas are benign formations, and cancerous tumors).

Colloidal will not go anywhere, it's like adhesions after surgery. In relation to adenomas , thyroid gland nodes can be treated with folk remedies. But it will go as an auxiliary, together with medication.

thyroid nodules
First you need to determine the symptoms. Each woman should be guarded by the following manifestations: the appearance of apathy and a complete lack of interests, chronic fatigue at any time of the day, constant desire to sleep, weakening of memory, hearing and vision loss, a sharp set of extra pounds, brittle nails and hair. If you find at least half of the signs from this list, you need to see a doctor and be examined. But the pain in the thyroid gland can not appear, this is a myth. This impression is created due to the fact that the enlarged gland presses on the trachea, and a person feels suffocation and discomfort. In general, many organs do not declare themselves with direct pain, but "get off" with a deterioration in their general well-being. Therefore, despite the high level of medicine, we did not become sick less, as we often notice problems only when they become inevitable.

Treatment of thyroid nodules with folk remedies should be carried out carefully. First you need to make sure that the state of the body allows you to apply these methods. You need to start with balancing nutrition. Iodine is found in seafood and seaweed. The first ones, of course, are quite expensive, but algae can be found at affordable prices if you buy not in a store, but in the market from a seller selling ingredients for Korean cuisine. You can make a lot of delicious salads from seaweed. You also need to get away from simple salt and switch to sea salt, it really has active iodine. Many familiar vegetables also have this element. Eggplant is considered the record holder, followed by tomatoes, beets, carrots, garlic and many others.

thyroid pain
Treatment of thyroid nodules with folk remedies can be carried out using chamomile and feijoa. It is taken in a glass of fruit and filled with sugar, to taste. Take 2 tablespoons, it is possible with a decoction. For him, they first make a collection of the following herbs: mint, senna, flax seed, motherwort, immortelle, buckthorn, wormwood, tansy. The collection spoon is poured with boiling water and left for 20 minutes, then you can apply a quarter cup at a time.

Treatment of thyroid nodules with folk remedies can be carried out locally, that is, lotions and compresses. For example, from oak bark and shells and partitions of walnuts. They must be cooked for at least one and a half hours, then moisten a piece of cloth with this decoction and attach to the neck. On the basis of partitions of walnuts they still make vodka infusion (a 0.5-liter capacity is filled to a third with partitions, vodka is poured to the top, insisted for about a month). They are treated with infusion in courses of one month, taking ten-day breaks. There should be three courses in total. Take 1 table. spoon before eating.

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