Cheesecakes - this is a simple and tasty dish that will be useful for both children and adults. Cooking cottage cheese pancakes will not take you much time, and the cost of products will be minimal. Due to its simplicity, taste and fast cooking - this dish has long been a favorite for many people. You can find a step-by-step recipe for cheesecakes with flour with a photo in this article.
Cheesecakes - Russian national dish
Nowadays, cottage cheese is considered one of the most useful products, which contains in its composition the optimal ratio of nutrients and protein. A few hundred years ago, cottage cheese was a favorite dish that was consumed in any form. Then cheesecakes were popular. But why did they get such a name, because they are made not from cheese, but from cottage cheese? The fact is that in Russia there was no division between cottage cheese and cheese - in fact, it was the same product with a similar taste.
Only with the advent of industrial production, when cottage cheese became available to people, the recipe for cheesecakes changed a bit. And in the molten state, cottage cheese is really a bit like cheese. How did cheesecakes come about? With the development of agriculture, an excess of milk was formed, which was nowhere to store. As souring, milk turned into cottage cheese, and various dishes, including cottage cheese pancakes, were already prepared from cottage cheese.
They were served with homemade sour cream or with jam. Each housewife knew the recipe for syrniki with flour, and they were prepared almost in the same way as now. Is it worth saying that since the dish has been popular for several centuries in a row, its taste is excellent?
A step-by-step recipe for classic cheesecakes
There is a huge variety of different recipes for cottage cheese pancakes with flour. But the classic recipe is still the most popular, which is simple, but has an excellent taste. To prepare several servings for one or two people, you will need the following products:
- 600 grams of cottage cheese or two standard packages of 300 grams, it is better to take cottage cheese of medium fat content;
- two eggs;
- a few tablespoons of semolina;
- 6 tablespoons of flour;
- a few tablespoons of sugar or sweetener;
- frying oil;
- a pinch of salt;
- a teaspoon of baking powder.
Using these ingredients, you can cook cheesecakes in two counts. The cooking process itself is very simple, just cook this dish once, and you will not forget the recipe.
- First you need to grind the cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass. If it is soft enough and not grainy, you can skip this step. The easiest way to beat the curd is to use a blender.
- Beat the eggs with a mixer and add salt and sugar slowly to taste.
- Now you need to combine the eggs and cottage cheese, and then mix the flour and baking powder into the resulting mass, continuously stirring the cottage cheese.
- Forming smooth syrniki is not so simple. In order to make the products of the desired shape, you can roll the balls and then slightly press on them with your open palm. To prevent cheese cakes from sticking to the table, it is enough to sprinkle it with flour first.
- It remains only to fry the curd products in butter. However, this process is not so simple. In order for the curd products to fry in the center, you need to brown them until golden brown, and then reduce the heat, cover and wait another 15 minutes.
Cooking rules
Every housewife has secrets of cooking different dishes. Small tricks help make an incredibly tasty treat out of a regular dish. There are several secrets in the recipe for cheese cakes with flour, which help to make them crumbly and tender.
- It is worth paying special attention to the choice of cottage cheese. Better to take a high fat product. Yes, it can harm those who are on a diet, but cheesecakes from 9% cottage cheese simply can not compare to taste with the same dish of low-fat cottage cheese.
- If you get too dry cottage cheese, then it can be softened with a small amount of cream or sour cream.
- It is better to take uncooked cottage cheese - this way the taste of cheesecakes will be much more pleasant.
- Of course, all the ingredients must be fresh, then the taste of the finished dish will delight you.
- If the cottage cheese is not homogeneous, then you need to beat it with a blender or rub through a large sieve.
- In order for the cheesecakes to turn out to be magnificent, replace part of the flour with semolina. It absorbs excess moisture and makes them more tasty.
- Those cheesecakes that do not look like little deflated pancakes look much more appetizing. 1 teaspoon of baking powder will help to add volume.
Diet cheesecakes
If you follow your figure and count calories, then classic cheesecakes along with sour cream or jam can make up half of your daily diet. But this can be avoided by replacing some of the ingredients. For example, you can cook a meal without any flour. The recipe for cheesecakes without flour in a pan is very simple.
- You will need a 300-gram package of cottage cheese, an egg and rice groats. It will act as a binder component instead of wheat flour. Before cooking, grind the rice into flour using a coffee grinder or purchase a finished product in the store. Rice flour is widely used in diet foods: its glycemic index is lower than that of ordinary baking flour, and there are much more useful substances. For one serving of cheesecakes, it will be enough to take 2 tablespoons of rice flour.
- Further, the cooking process is similar to the classic cheesecake recipe. If you want to reduce the calorie content in cheesecakes even more, you should use low-fat cottage cheese, and remove vegetable oil altogether and fry in a non-stick pan. In this case, cheesecakes will definitely not harm the figure.
With semolina
The recipe for syrniki with semolina, but without flour, is strikingly simple. You just need to eliminate all the flour by replacing it with semolina. Compared to the classic recipe, such a dish is more lush and friable. However, lovers of cheesecakes do not recommend completely excluding flour from the recipe - because the delicate taste is lost. The most optimal can be considered the use of semolina and flour, especially since they are almost identical in caloric value. But if you still decide to cook cheese cakes without flour, then you will need the following products:
- half a kilogram of cottage cheese of 5% fat;
- 6 tablespoons of semolina porridge;
- baking powder or soda, quenched with vinegar;
- 2 tablespoons of sugar;
- vanillin and raisins to taste.
The ingredients are mixed in stages: first you need to mix sugar and eggs in the cottage cheese, then gradually add the flour and baking powder. If the cottage cheese is too fat or liquid, then you need to put it on a sieve and wait until the excess liquid drains. In order for the finished dish to look beautiful as in a restaurant, you need to let it cool slightly and pour jam or chocolate syrup on top.
Cheesecakes with buckwheat flour
Cheesecakes - this is a universal dish. Although many people only eat it for breakfast, you can take them with you as a snack or eat at midday. Of course, they are unlikely to replace a full-fledged dish, but they will help to forget about food for a long time - after all, cheesecakes are very satisfying. That is why they are often prepared by those who care about their health and seek to save their time. For people who adhere to the basics of proper nutrition, a special, unusual recipe was invented in which buckwheat flour was replaced. You can find the recipe for cheesecakes with buckwheat flour below.
- You will need: 1 egg, 200 grams of dried cottage cheese, 30 grams of buckwheat flour and blueberries instead of sugar. If you do not like berries, then you can replace them with sugar or stevia.
- Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, add flour, sweetener and carefully pour the berries.
- Stir the resulting mass and add the beaten egg to it.
- Form small balls and place them on the pan, pressing lightly on top. Be careful: buckwheat flour does not stick well together, so cheesecakes can just crumble. To avoid this, moisten your hands with water and make cheesecakes more dense.
- 15-20 minutes on low heat and they are ready.
What is this recipe good for? Buckwheat is one of the most healthy cereals. It has a low glycemic index, which means that it does not cause blood sugar spikes and contributes to a long feeling of fullness. That is why athletes love to eat buckwheat as a source of slow carbohydrates. Cheesecakes that combine cottage cheese and buckwheat - this is a real "super-product" that will saturate you for a long time, without causing any harm to the figure. In addition, such syrniki can be eaten by people with gluten intolerance, and this is a big plus.
The most unusual recipes
On the Internet you can find many recipes for cottage cheese pancakes, semolina and flour. But what unusual recipes can you come up with this classic dish? Croissants, which look like the famous French buns, are very popular. To prepare them, you need to take more flour and make a curd dough, from which you need to mold these sweet products. It is better not to fry them in a frying pan, but in the oven they will turn out to be very mouth-watering.
For those who have already tried everything, there is another recipe for syrniki with flour. A step-by-step recipe with a photo can be useful if the hostess reproduces it for the first time. So, cheesecakes are cooked in a glass. That's exactly what the chef of the restaurant Julia Vysotsky does.
To do this, you need cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs and jam. To cheesecakes in a glass turned out appetizing, you need to form from the resulting mass of meatballs and lightly fry them. Then make them a kind of tiramisu in a glass, alternating layers of thin cheesecakes with layers of sour cream and jam. Even the most fastidious gourmets will like this option. If you cook cheesecakes as a breakfast for children, then unusual pictures laid out with the help of food will help increase their appetite. Just try to give the cheesecake the desired shape, and put strokes with jam or sour cream. It will turn out both tasty and fun.
If you decide to cook cheese cakes without flour and semolina, you need to add a banana to the recipe - it will not let the mass fall apart.
Cook tips
Experts recommend using pancake instead of regular flour. The recipe for cheesecakes with pancake flour is no different from the classic cooking option, except for the ingredients. But the taste of such a dish is much more tender. The fact is that pancake flour is a ready-made mixture that contains egg powder, whey, eggs, salt and sugar. All this allows you to make the taste of cheesecakes more saturated.
A recipe for cheesecakes with photos can be found in different variations on the Internet. But most attention should be paid to classic proven recipes that have already been enjoyed by hundreds of people. So that the cottage cheese is not too fat, it is better to take care of the preparation of the ingredients in advance. If you are going to cook cheese cakes for breakfast, then get the cottage cheese and put it on a sieve for the night. So you can be sure that the mass does not blur in the pan.
Nutritional value and calorie content
It is important to know the nutritional value of a product not only to those who monitor their excess weight, but also to people with diabetes or other diseases. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is important for athletes and those who are concerned about their appearance. What BZHU is contained in the classic syrniki with a little sugar? After eating 100 grams of the product, you will get 15 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat and 18 grams of carbohydrates. As you can see, the ratio is very good. But if you want to reduce the amount of carbohydrates, then this can be done by replacing sugar with stevia. In this case, the amount of carbohydrates is reduced by 7 grams.
How many calories are in one cheesecake? If you cook cheesecakes according to the recipe from cottage cheese with flour, then the calorie content of one piece (weighing about 50 grams) will be 125 kcal. A full serving of 100 grams will already contain 250 kilocalories. If you are preparing a diet dish, then the energy value of syrniki can be reduced to 200 kcal. For comparison, approximately the same amount of energy is contained in 350 ml of a carbonated sweet drink. And by eating a cheesecake, you will satisfy your hunger and give the body cells rich material for growth.
The cost of one portion
A step-by-step recipe for cheesecakes with flour can be found in every cookbook for a reason. After all, this is not only a simple, but also a very budget dish. Calculating the cost of one serving is very simple. To prepare 300 grams of cheesecakes (3 servings) you will need only 200 rubles. And preparing such a breakfast will be only 20 minutes.
Benefit and harm
Not only the quality of our life, but also its duration depends on what we eat. Therefore, you need to be doubly careful, making a diet for yourself for a week. This is especially true for children and the elderly. Cheesecakes can hardly harm a person, with the exception of people with intolerance to cow protein or gluten. But a way out can also be found in this case. If you suffer from food allergies, you can replace wheat flour with rice flour, which does not contain gluten. If there is intolerance to casein, then you can try to bake cheesecakes using goat curd. It is much less allergic than cow's milk products.
As for the benefits, cottage cheese is a source of valuable protein, as well as calcium. Therefore, they are often included in the children's diet. One serving is able to satisfy half the daily calcium requirement. When cooking, cottage cheese does not lose its beneficial properties, so it can be fried without fear. It is better to exclude sunflower oil from the recipe for syrniki with semolina and flour, then they will not turn out overcooked, and they will not have bad cholesterol.