G. Donizetti, "Love Drink" (opera): contents, description and reviews

Lightness, unobtrusiveness and charm - all this is “Love drink” (opera). The content of the masterpiece is melodramatic, but diluted with simple-minded comic moments. It is thanks to this combination that the work has not lost its popularity to this day and often appears in various new variations.

love drink opera content

Short biography of Donizetti

Parents of Gaetano Donizetti were simple and poor people. The father of the future genius worked as a watchman, and his mother as a weaver. At the age of nine, the boy enters a charity music school, where he becomes the best student. Donizetti continues his education at the Musical Lyceum in Bologna. Here he begins to write his first works, with which come success and fame.

Gaetano begins working as a professor at the Conservatory in Naples, where he later becomes director. During this period, he creates a huge number of successful operas and other musical works. The following is work in France, Austria and other European countries. After 1844, Gaetano ceases to work on music, as he begins to suffer from mental disorders.

content opera love drink


His first operas Enrico, Count of Burgundy and The London Carpenter were positively received by the public, but did not become particularly popular. Glory to the author brings his work “Anna Boleyn”, followed by other works.

Such operas as “Favorite”, “Don Pasquale” and others were very popular. The work “Love Drink” by G. Donizetti deserves special attention. The opera was a great success during the author’s lifetime, and has not lost its popularity even now.

In the work of the author, two large periods can be distinguished. In the first (until 1830), Rossini's influence was noticeably strong. Here, the author pays special attention to the melody and harmony of his works. As for the second period, at this time he creates his most famous masterpieces, which became classics of world music. Here a special place is given to feelings, emotions, feelings and the human soul.

Throughout his work, Donizetti wrote 74 pieces of music, including operas, masses, cantatas, psalms, etc. The speed of the author was especially astonishing. Unlike other composers, he composed his masterpieces in a few days. The basis of his work was deep melodramatism, a huge poetic talent and a very keen sense of theatricality.

opera love drink summary

Features of the opera

Two weeks - that’s how much time Gaetano Donizetti needed to have “Love Drink” (opera) presented to the audience. The content of the work was built on a collision of various surprises, which ultimately leads the main characters to a positive ending. The following are used as such moments: the arrival of a soldier in the village, the appearance of a charlatan doctor, the death of a wealthy relative, etc. The opera “Love Drink”, the summary of which is presented below, became the author’s fortieth work. Since its inception, it has been staged hundreds of times in the best theaters in the world. She has not lost its relevance now.

main characters

“Love drink” is a two-act melodrama. The main characters of the works are:

  • Adina is a rich, capricious and wayward tenant who dreams of sublime love.
  • Nemorino is a simple poor guy in love with Adina.
  • Janetta is a peasant woman, a friend of Adina.
  • Belcore is a garrison sergeant in a village near Rome.
  • Dulcamar is an itinerant physician, a charlatan.

Donizetti's opera Love Drink (L'elisir d'amore) also has minor characters. Among them: a notary public, soldiers, peasants, servants, troubadours, etc. All actions take place in Italy, in the countryside. The content of the opera Love Drink is presented below.

Mr. Donizetti's love drink summary

Act one. Scene one

Poor guy Nemorino secretly in love with his fellow villager Adina - a rich and wayward girl. All that he hears from her is ridicule and reproach. Similarly, she communicates with other fans. One event, however, changes the course of the work “Love Drink” (opera). The content conveys to us a conversation between Adina and her friend, who accidentally overhears Nemorino. Girls talk about an old legend about Tristan and Isolde, as well as about a magic elixir that makes people fall in love.

At this time, soldiers under the command of Belkore arrive in the village. The sergeant is interested in Rhinestone Adina, however, she rejects his courtship. Nemorino also tries to confess to the girl his feelings, but to no avail.

love drink Mr. Donizetti Opera

Act one. Scene two

The content of the opera “Love Drink” in the second scene is connected with the appearance of a doctor. Desperate Nemorino is looking for a miraculous love elixir from him. After a little reflection, the charlatan hands the hero a bottle of ordinary wine and warns that it is possible to drink this magic remedy only after a day. During this time, the healer hopes to be far from this village.

Nemorino can not wait long, so he drinks the whole bottle at once. Adina sees a change in mood of her boyfriend. He became cheerful, jokes a lot, promises to completely get rid of his love. In revenge, Adina agrees to the wedding with a sergeant. Struck by this news, Nemorino begs her beloved to wait at least one more day.

Act two. Scene one

Preparation for the wedding - this is how the second act of the work “Love Drink” (opera) begins. Its content is as follows: Nemorino is trying to find the money to buy another bottle of the miraculous elixir. He receives them only after he enters the ranks of soldiers.

Holding the coveted coins in his hands, Nemorino urgently sets off in search of an elixir. The doctor at this time is near the house of Adina.

opera donizetti love drink l elisir d amore

Act two. Scene two

The rapid development of events is a feature of the last scene of the work “Love Drink” by G. Donizetti.

The summary is as follows. The whole village heard unexpected news. The rich uncle Nemorino dies, leaving him all his inheritance. Only the main character does not know about it, because at this time he drinks the second bottle of the doctor’s magic elixir. This time, Dulkamar promises an accurate and quick effect. The guy begins to believe this, because Janetta, whom he meets on the road, is more affable than usual. However, he does not know that this is due to the fact that now Nemorino has become an enviable and rich bridegroom. Seeing their conversation, Adina begins to be jealous and realizes that she is in love with Nemorino.

After the drunkenness from the wine passes, the main character realizes his stupidity and falls into despair, but at this time Adina appears. She redeems the recruitment note of Nemorino, and also agrees to his marriage proposal. The opera finale is happy: the doctor sells all his bottles, the sergeant is not upset, because he is sure that the world is full of other beautiful girls, and the peasants and servants joyfully welcome the young couple.


“Love Drink” is one of Donizetti’s most successful and popular operas. It has been repeatedly put in the lifetime of the author, and is very relevant now. Viewers say that this is an opera with a simple and good-natured plot characteristic of such a work. According to them, she is filled with subtle humor, emotional feelings and sensitivity. Those who at least once saw such a production forever remembered it, because it fills with joy, bewitching with its lightness and uniqueness. That is why this opera often appears on the most famous world scenes both in its classical, traditional appearance, and in various modern interpretations.

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