"Secnidazole" - analogues and instructions for use

"Secnidazole" is an antimicrobial, antiparasitic and antibacterial agent. In this article we will talk about this drug, its use and analogues.

Pharmacological properties

This medication is a synthetic derivative of nitroimidazole. The drug is active against protozoal infections, as well as most anaerobic bacteria. The drug does not affect aerobic bacteria. This is confirmed by the "Secnidazole" instructions for use. Analogs will be presented below.

secnidazole analogues


This drug is prescribed for vaginitis and urethritis caused by Trichomonas, amoebiasis of the liver and intestines, giardiasis.

Dosage and administration

With vaginitis, giardiasis and intestinal amoebiasis in adults, the drug is taken once at a dosage of 2 g, in children - 30 mg / kg. With liver amoebiasis, adults take 1.5 g per day, children - 30 mg / kg for five days. In the treatment of liver amebiasis , drug therapy should be combined with the elimination of an abscess. With prolonged therapy, it is necessary to control the blood formula. In patients with leukopenia, continued treatment is determined by whether there is a risk of developing an infection. Unfortunately, the instruction does not indicate analogues to Secnidazole.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindication is an allergic reaction and the age of 18 years. Also, the drug is not used in the active stage of the organic pathology of the central nervous system, with pathological changes in the blood formula, during lactation and during pregnancy.

secnidazole instructions for use analogues

Description and analogues of "Secnidazole" are of interest to many.

This drug is not prescribed for patients with a history of blood disease. With caution should be used "Secnidazole" drivers and other representatives of professions associated with increased concentration of attention. Side effects are expressed in the form of disturbances in the digestive system, metallic taste in the mouth, stomatitis, glossitis, urticaria, leukopenia, dizziness, ataxia, impaired coordination of movements, polyneuropathy. If dizziness, ataxia, and other signs of a deterioration in neurological status appear, treatment should be discontinued immediately.


In case of an overdose, symptomatic and supportive treatment should be carried out. Analogues of Secnidazole can also be checked with your doctor.

secnidazole analogues in Russia

Drug interaction

Taking the drug with alcohol is categorically impossible, since complications are possible in the form of nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, headaches. In this case, confusion, psychotic states and paranoid reactions are observed. "Secnidazole" enhances the anticoagulant effect of drugs such as warfarin, indandion, coumarin derivatives. In addition, it increases the risk of bleeding, as the hepatic metabolism of anticoagulants decreases. As necessary, the dosage of coagulants should be adjusted throughout the course of therapy and for another week after it. Concurrent use with amoxicillin enhances efficacy against Helicobacter pylori. The medicine increases the concentration of lithium in the blood in case of simultaneous use with preparations containing lithium. In addition, the treatment enhances the hypoglycemic effect of insulin and hypoglycemic agents.

Analogues of "Secnidazole"

To synonymous analogues containing a related active substance include drugs such as "Safocide", "Tagera". We will tell you more about each of them.


"Tagera" belongs to the same group of drugs as the described drug, the active substance is the same - secnidazole. Available in the form of granules. The pharmacological action is characterized by antimicrobial and bactericidal action against anaerobic bacteria. Indications for use are the same as in the original: urethritis, vaginitis, intestinal and liver amoebiasis, giardiasis. Side effects and contraindications also coincide.

secnidazole instructions analogues

The treatment regimen and recommended dose are determined by the doctor, but general recommendations for use are as follows: for urethritis, vaginitis, giardiasis, 2 g is indicated once. With intestinal amoebiasis, adults take 2 g, children 30 mg / kg once. With an asymptomatic course of amoebiasis, adults - 2 g, children - 30 mg / kg once a day for 72 hours. With a purulent course of amoebiasis, it is necessary to combine drug therapy with the removal of pus. Instructions regarding a categorical prohibition of drinking alcohol along with medicine also have a place to be. What other analogues are there for Secnidazole?


β€œSafocide” is a combined preparation that has an antifungal and antibacterial effect against the simplest microorganisms. The composition of the medication includes three types of tablets of different colors:

  1. The first group consists of pink-break tablets containing fluconazole.
  2. The second group consists of tablets with white contents inside, which contains azithromycin.
  3. And the third group consists of white tablets inside and outside with secnidazole.

Analogues of "Secnidazole" in Russia can be purchased at any pharmacy network.

secnidazole description and analogues

One package contains: 1 tablet of fluconazole, 1 tablet of azithromycin and 2 tablets of secnidazole. Fluconazole is responsible for the antimycotic effect, inhibiting the activity of fungal infections. Azithromycin inhibits the spread and growth of pathogenic bacteria. Secnidazole is an antimicrobial agent that suppresses anaerobic bacteria. This drug is recommended for infectious diseases of the urinary tract and sexually transmitted infections. "Safocide" is contraindicated for use in organic lesions of the central nervous system, renal failure, blood diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding. As side effects, the appearance of nausea, diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region, tachycardia, as well as allergic reactions. The drug is taken an hour before meals. You need to drink the entire set of tablets in one go and drink plenty of water.

So, we examined the analogues of Secnidazole.

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