The recipe for a Miracle. The recipe for a miracle with meat. Dargin "Miracle"

Not every resident of our country knows the recipe for a miracle. After all, this is a national Dagestan dish, which pretty much resembles a filling pie. It should be noted that such a product can be cooked in a pan and baked in an oven. Today we will consider both options using yeast and regular water test, as well as with various fillings.

Step-by-step recipe for a miracle with cottage cheese

As a rule, the mentioned dish is served at the table as a tasty, hearty and nutritious snack. But for the filling, it is recommended to use not only fine-grained cottage cheese, but also fresh herbs. The combination of the presented components will make the Dagestan dish incredibly tasty and healthy.

miracle recipe

So, for the preparation of such products, we need:

  • light wheat flour - 4-4.5 cups (until the dough thickens);
  • small iodized salt - dessert spoon (for dough);
  • filtered drinking water - 2.5 cups (for dough);
  • fresh dill greens - about 100 g;
  • cilantro - 60 g;
  • large egg - 3 pcs.;
  • fine-grained fat cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • ghee - for the lubrication of finished products;
  • small salt and allspice - add to the filling to taste.

Cooking basics

recipe miracle with cottage cheese

This recipe for a miracle recommends using the usual water dough as a base. To prepare it, you need to combine the filtered drinking liquid with wheat flour and salt, and then mix thoroughly until a dense and taut mass is obtained. After that, it must be wrapped in cling film and left for half an hour in a warm place.

Preparing the filling

The traditional miracle recipe using cottage cheese recommends purchasing a fatty, but fine-grained dairy product. Beat it thoroughly with a blender, and then add finely chopped greens, salt, eggs and allspice. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. As a result, a rather thick mass should form.

Formation and heat treatment

For the thermal processing of this variant of the dish, the presented recipe for a miracle requires the use of a pan. But before you thoroughly fry the curd products, they should be properly formed. To do this, you need to remove the dough from the bag, pinch off a piece from it and roll it into such an oval so that it fits well in the saucepan. Then, on one half of the base, it is required to place the curd filling and immediately close it with the second part of the layer. The edges of the formed product can be fastened with a special knife for the preparation of pasties. But if you do not have such a device, then some housewives recommend using a regular saucer with sharp edges.

miracle recipes with photos

After several products are fully formed, they should be placed on a preheated pan and lightly fry on both sides. At the same time, lubricating hot dishes is highly not recommended. It must be completely dry.

Ready rosy miracle must be placed on a plate, and then in hot form generously grease with melted butter. Serve such an incredibly delicious dish to the table should be along with fresh vegetables and hot sweet tea.

Dargin Miracle: A Step-by-Step Recipe

Externally, baking is very similar to a regular cake. However, the dough in this case rolls out quite thinly, as a result of which the finished product turns out to be so tender and soft that it literally melts in the mouth.

So, to create such a dish we may need:

  • granular dry yeast - dessert spoon;
  • sifted flour - about 500 g;
  • small salt - add to taste;
  • filtered drinking water - from 3 glasses;
  • medium potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • minced meat (you can take pork, beef, chicken, etc.) - 500 g;
  • dried cumin, dill, allspice and other seasonings - to taste;
  • butter - 65 g;
  • large egg - 1 pc. (for greasing a semi-finished product);
  • sweet onion - 3 heads.

Kneading dough

dargin miracle recipe

The recipe for a miracle with meat is designed to prepare a very hearty and nutritious dinner. In this regard, the basis for it is recommended to do pairing. To do this, dry granular yeast in water should be diluted, and then add fine salt and sifted flour to them. After kneading, you should get a pretty tight dough. It must be covered and left warm for one hour. At the same time, you should start preparing the filling.

Processing additional ingredients

The Dargin miracle, the recipe of which we are considering, turns out to be tasty and satisfying with any kind of minced meat. In addition, vegetables should be used to prepare such a dish. To do this, we purchased several medium-sized potatoes and sweet onions. They must be washed, cleaned, and then cut into very thin circles / rings and put into the meat. Having mixed all the products, they need to be seasoned with salt and pepper, as well as dried dill, caraway seeds and other favorite seasonings. Filling for a miracle is ready!

The process of forming and baking in the oven

After the yeast base is suitable, it should be divided into two parts, and then rolled into very thin sheets. Next, one of the layers needs to be placed on a greased baking sheet and gently lay the potato and meat filling on it. In conclusion, vegetables with minced meat must be covered with the second part of the dough, and then beautifully braid the edges into a β€œpigtail” or just pinch them.

To make such a hearty and very tasty dish also beautiful, it is recommended to grease its surface with a beaten chicken egg. Next, the baking sheet with the semi-finished product needs to be placed in the oven, where it should be baked for about 40 minutes. During this time, the filling and the dough should be completely prepared, and the surface of the pie should be beautifully browned.

miracle recipe with meat

After the specified time, the miracle with meat must be removed from the oven, and then immediately greased with fresh butter. Such a procedure will make the cake not only tasty, but also give it an appetizing gloss.

Proper serving

Ready miracle (recipes with photos were presented above) should be served directly in the hot table with greens and sweet tea. If you wish, you can additionally present tomato sauce or homemade marinades to such a delicious Caucasian lunch. Enjoy your meal!

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