The drug "Genferon". Instructions for use

The medicine "Genferon 500", the price of which is about 370 rubles, is a combined remedy. The mechanism of its activity is determined by the properties of the constituent components. The drug has a systemic and local effect. Interferon alfa-2 has immunomodulating, antibacterial and antiviral effects. This component directly inhibits the transcription and replication of chlamydia and viruses. Taurine - the second active substance of the drug - has a hepatoprotective and membrane-stabilizing, reparative and regenerating effect. The component has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity.

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Anestezin was used as a local anesthetic in the Genferon medicine (instructions indicate this). This component lowers the permeability of cell membranes for sodium ions, displaces calcium ions from receptors located on the inner membrane surface. Anestezin is also able to block impulse transmission. The component prevents the development of pain in the nerve endings and its subsequent passage through the fibers. With local use, absorption is carried out through the mucous membrane. The drug penetrates the lymphatic system, tissues. This ensures the systemic effect of the drug.

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Genferon suppositories (500,000 IU) are recommended in combination with other medicines for inflammatory infectious pathologies that have arisen in the urogenital tract. In particular, the indications include chlamydia, herpes (genital), ureaplasmosis, vaginal candidiasis (recurrent type), mycoplasmosis. Prescribe medication for bacterial vaginosis, papillomavirus infection, trichomoniasis, gardnellosis, urethritis, prostatitis, vulvovaginitis. Means "Genferon" (the instruction contains such data) is effective in adnexitis, erosion in the uterine neck, balanoposthitis, bartholinitis, cervicitis, balanitis.


The medicine is not prescribed for intolerance to the components. During pregnancy or during lactation, the use of the drug is allowed if there are vital indications and after assessing the ratio of the expected benefits and the likely risk of developing negative reactions after treatment.

Dosage regimen
geneferon instruction

The drug "Genferon" instruction recommends applying topically (rectally or intravaginally). With lesions of the urogenital tract in women, it is prescribed by the suppository twice a day. Duration of use - ten days. In severe cases (with protracted forms), it is recommended by the suppository three times a week. The duration of the course is from one to three months. For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies in men, suppositories are prescribed rectally. Recommended one suppository twice a day. The duration of treatment is ten days.

Side effect

The medicine "Genferon" (the instruction warns about this) can provoke an allergy. In particular, a rash, itching, and irritation may appear on the skin. As a rule, 72 hours after the termination of treatment, or when adjusting the dose and intervals between uses, these symptoms disappear.

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