Joe Dassin: a brief biography, personal life, creativity

His hits are known everywhere, despite the fact that the famous French chansonnier has long been no longer among the living. Joe Dassin migrated to France as a little boy, and he was born in the United States. Despite the fact that he basically “re-chased” other people's compositions, he managed to attract tremendous attention to his performance. And the "fault" is his amazing velvety voice.

He loved animals


A blue-eyed boy named Joseph Ira Dassin was born on November 5, 1938 in New York. His dad worked in a Jewish theater, and his mother was a violinist. After some time, the father of Joe Dassin became an assistant to the legendary Hitchcock, and then took up directing.

When the future chansonnier was a sweet two-year-old toddler, the family moved to Los Angeles. From childhood, the boy was used to making money - simply because he liked it. The first earnings were spent on two volumes of The British, because he was driven by a thirst for knowledge and a love of reading. In Los Angeles, the family lived well, but the head of the family supported the idea of ​​communism, which is why he had to hastily flee to France.

New life

Joe Dassin fell in love with this country at a glance. But a year after moving, he had to go to study in Switzerland. From there in 1951 he moved to Italy for the same purpose. Then Joe studied for a couple of years in Geneva and finally graduated from the undergraduate program in Grenoble. During this time, Dassin became a real polyglot, having learned three languages.

In 1955, the young man was waiting for a painful blow - his parents decided on a divorce, and the sensitive Joe survived this news very hard. He urgently needed a change of scenery, so he entered the University of Michigan. However, three years later, he realized that looking at the blood daily was not for him. Transferring to the Faculty of Ethnology, Joe Dassin received a master's degree, after which he took up graduate school. While still studying (on weekends), the young man began to earn extra money by singing in a cafe, which brought him $ 50 a day. In America, there was everything in order to become famous. But Dassin was irresistibly drawn to France, where he soon went.

Creative activity

White seals are his weakness

Initially, the musician performed with folklore compositions, but by the beginning of the 70s he was re-qualified as a pop singer. When he met Jacques Plieux, the first fruits of their work appeared - Guantanamera and Bip-Bip.

Joe Dassin himself created songs infrequently, preferring to make cover versions of famous hits and performing them in his usual manner. The compositions became hits, as the charming voice of the singer did not leave anyone indifferent.


The year 1965 came, which brought the French singer stunning popularity. Vinyl Les Dalton received the status of gold, and after it was recorded hit Siffler sur la colline, after which Joe Dassin decided to appear in public without preliminary rehearsals.

Four years later, the world hit the Champs-Elysees, which the singer translated from English. At that time, he was known even in America and Africa, and vinyls scattered around the world in millions of copies. The time has come for hard work, as it was necessary to stay at the achieved height.


Dassin in his youth

In May 72, Joe Dassin released a new song called Taka Takata, which immediately won the hearts of the French and Germans. Russian fans of chansonnier creativity know her as "Taka-Taka", which is much more familiar to our ear.

In 1975, the world heard one of his best songs. Joe Dassin also translated and adapted it for himself. Initially, the song was performed by Toto Kutuno, and it was called Africa. Then the song migrated to the repertoire of Albatros. Dassin translated it into French and modified it somewhat. So the hit L'ete Indien was born, which in the Russian variation sounds like “Without You”. The song was distinguished by the fact that it began with recitative, against the background of a quietly sounding melody, and only with the growth of music did he begin to sing. This composition was published in several languages, for which he received another gold.

Soon a hit appeared, with which we associate Joe Dassin - “If You Weren't For You” (Et si tu n'existais pas), which in Russia was sung by many performers. And then the equally popular song Salut. In 1976, a new successful hit was released called the Luxembourg Gardens, which lasted 12 minutes. Closer to 1980, Joe Dassin became a world star and had a lot of touring tours in different countries. Over the course of his entire creative career, the chansonnier has sold 20 albums, and his songs are still alive thanks to the lips of other artists.

About personal

With wife and son

Like many famous people, Joe Dassin did not talk about the intimate side of his life. He was a modest and even somewhat shy person. Chansonnier built himself a cozy house in France and was happy, hiding behind its walls.

The first wife of Dassin was Marise Massier, with whom he married at the age of 28. However, after a family tragedy (the death of the first-born), the couple divorced.

After 10 years, the singer met his true love in the image of a Rouen photographer - Christine Delvaux. Cupid was waiting for Joe Dassin on the threshold: a simple need to show the film brought him to the altar for the second time. The celebration was held in the rain on January 14, 1978. Christine gave the singer two sons. However, after 2 years, Joe filed for divorce. The reason was a constant quarrel with his wife. He experienced a breakthrough difficult, so he completely immersed himself in work. This undermined his health, the chansonnier began to increasingly feel chest pain.


It all started on July 11, 1980 during a concert in Cannes. Joe was pale and didn’t look good, but he did his best and tried to seem cheerful. However, during the second branch, Joe suddenly fell down without feelings. He was urgently hospitalized. In the hospital, Dassin lay until the end of the month. This was not the first heart attack, so the musician did not think that everything was so serious. Doctors recommended that he rest, so Joe Dassin went to Tahiti, but during the flight, the disease again reminded of itself. The musician returned home in a gloomy mood.

Death was overtaken by a chansonnier on August 20, 1980, right at the restaurant table, where he came with friends. The singer simply lost consciousness, and the doctor, who by chance happened to be nearby, tried to resuscitate him. But, alas, to no avail. Joe Dassin did not live a bit before his 42nd birthday.

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