A person should try to ensure that his food is not only tasty, but also healthy. Grilled zucchini is a great way to combine one with the other.
Menu for the summer
In the warmer months, more than ever, I want to organize outdoor trips. It's nice to fry the kebab in the fresh air and chat with good friends. A great appetizer for this occasion is grilled zucchini. For their preparation you will need: 4 young zucchini, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, salt, half a glass of vegetable oil (odorless) and, of course, ground pepper.
The cooking process is very simple:
- Zucchini carefully cut into longitudinal slices with a thickness of not more than 1 centimeter.
- Prepare the sauce from vinegar, oil and garlic.
- Dip each slice of zucchini into the aromatic mass, sprinkle with pepper and salt, and then gently lay on the grill.
- The frying process will take 5-6 minutes. During cooking, the sauce partially drains, therefore, to give vegetables a better taste and aroma, they can be greased repeatedly.
- Arrange the finished product on a wide dish and allow it to cool slightly (15 minutes).
Grilled zucchini can be served on the table, abundantly sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs.
As easy as pie
As you know, any vegetable is good in itself, and in order to make a tasty dish out of it, it is not necessary to trouble yourself with the preparation of various sauces. Grilled zucchini will be good without any additions. Of the products on the desktop should be only fresh young zucchini in any quantity, salt as a dietary supplement and herbs.
It remains only:
- Chop the vegetables in circles.
- Spread them tightly to each other around the entire perimeter of the grill.
- Close the second half of the grid and place it over the heated coals.
- Salting on both sides is best during cooking.
- Fry should be two minutes on each side, constantly turning the grid. The main thing is that the product does not carbonize and does not lose its presentation.
- At the end, remove the grill from the heat and gently transfer the prepared vegetables to a clean dish with a fork.
As soon as the dish cools a little, it can be safely served with meat with dill and a green onion. However, everyone can choose greens to their liking.
At home
Life sometimes makes its own adjustments, and not everyone has the opportunity to go to nature on weekends. But this does not mean that you should give up your dream. With the same success, you can cook zucchini in a grill pan. This unique glassware can solve the problem in minutes. In addition to the main product, only any vegetable oil is useful for work.
Cooking sequence:
- For such a dish, it is better to take zucchini or even very young zucchini. The vegetables should be thoroughly washed and cut into smooth circles 1 cm thick.
- Dry the pieces with a napkin. After that, each of them, slightly oiled on one side, spread out over the entire ribbed surface of the pan.
- After 1-2 minutes, turn the slices and grease the second side.
Put the finished products on a plate and allow them to cool slightly. Serving striped vegetables to the table is best with sour cream or sprinkle them with still hot grated cheese.
Vegetarian dream
For those who do not use meat products, grilled zucchini is an excellent option. Recipes you can choose a variety of. For example, cook kebab of vegetables with cheese. For such a dish you will need: zucchini, cheese (Adyghe or feta) and vegetable oil.
Cooking process:
- Cut young vegetables into thin strips. If the peel is thick, then it is better to clean it first.
- Sprinkle each slice with salt and refrigerate for several hours (you can even overnight). This is necessary so that the strips become soft and elastic.
- Cheese cut into slices across the width of the vegetable plates.
- Wrap each slice in a strip of zucchini in the form of a roll and string on skewers two pieces each.
- Place prepared semi-finished products in a grill pan and fry on each side to a characteristic shade.
For work, you can also use the electric skewer. Just before serving, you will need to remove the kebabs from the skewer.