Shelf life of baking soda. How long can it be stored?

Baking soda is sometimes jokingly called an endless product. It really does not end there. The packaging is large, but it is consumed very slowly. When baking cupcakes or pancakes, we take literally half a teaspoon. Sometimes it can come in handy to clean silver cutlery. And what is the shelf life of baking soda?

what is the shelf life of baking soda

general description

This supplement is officially named E 500. It stands in the kitchen of every housewife. And where would it be without her. Add to baking, as a cleaning agent we use. And salt, soda and iodine are a great way to cure a sore throat. It can be used as a detergent, which compares favorably with what is sold in stores. Does baking soda have an expiration date? Mistresses sometimes think about this when the box is on the shelf for a very long time. Today we will deal with this issue.

how much soda is stored

Chemical formula

For chemists, this powder is represented by the following letter images - NaHCO3. The taste is brackish and soapy. But if you add it to a solution of acetic acid, then a neutralization reaction will occur. The result is an effervescent drink. To prepare it, you need to monitor the expiration date of baking soda. Then the result will be guaranteed to be expected.

The composition of soda is always the same. It is strictly regulated by quality standards, determined by category and grade. It is this technical documentation that contains information on acceptable levels of sodium carbonate, which causes an alkaline reaction, as well as other impurities.

Quite often, soda is used in pharmacology for the preparation of various drugs. In this case, the chemical purity of the substance is especially important. Therefore, for her there is a separate regulation that regulates the composition, as well as the shelf life of baking soda after opening.

shelf life of baking soda

Domestic use

Few people know that soda has an antihistamine effect, and is also an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent. Thanks to these properties, soda perfectly relieves itching after an insect bite. The solution can gargle. Baking soda is indispensable for thrush, and also gently whitens and brushes teeth. It helps with fungal diseases on the legs. At the same time, no one ever checks the shelf life of baking soda, although it actually is.

Danger and harm

What you need to know about this popular supplement. The shelf life of soda and its availability allows the wide use of the product. In this case, some restrictions must be taken into account. Soda is quite safe for humans, but with prolonged contact on the skin, irritation can occur. In order not to harm your skin, it is best to work with it in gloves. Although a negative reaction is very rare.

In rare cases, an allergic reaction to soda is possible. If dry powder gets into the eye, it can cause a burn. Very often use soda for heartburn. Gastroenterologists do not advise doing this, as this can injure the mucous membranes. In addition, there is a high probability of bloating. It is best to buy special medications to relieve heartburn.

shelf life of baking soda after opening

Side effects

The shelf life of baking soda is practically unlimited, from this indicator the effect provided by the substance does not change. However, there are certain points:

  • With prolonged treatment with soda, nausea may begin to bother you. In this case, you must immediately stop the course of therapy.
  • Very often, housewives add soda when cooking vegetables to preserve their color. Do not do this, because in this case all vitamins are destroyed.

That is, if you use soda correctly, then it can not harm your body. In fact, she has a lot of ways to use it. The main thing is to pre-study the instructions, consequences and tips.

Storage conditions

Of course, this powder does not belong to the category of perishable products. Therefore, you can not really worry about the safety of soda. But there are certain conditions that are better to adhere to. Let's take a quick look at the shelf life of baking soda.

The warranty period for a closed pack is 18 months. But this does not mean that after that it can be thrown away. It may well be beneficial in the future.

After you open the pack, the shelf life is reduced. It is recommended to use it in 6 months. After opening the pack, pour the powder into a glass jar with a tightly screwed lid. Store soda in a dry place so that it does not become damp. On the bottom of the jar you need to stick a sticker and write on it the expiration date. Do not be lazy to change soda to fresh after it has expired.

shelf life of soda and its availability

What to do with leftovers

After six months have passed since the packaging was opened, it is undesirable to use soda for cooking. But it is not at all spoiled. Therefore, boldly pour it into another package. Now this powder is suitable for giving shine to silverware. In this case, the expiration date is almost unlimited. Keep moisture away from it. Then it will retain all its useful properties for a long time.

Even after a few years, soda will cope with its tasks in the same way as on the first day you opened the package. Standard packages of 0.5 kg are on sale. You can pour a little for dining needs, and use the rest at home. Then you will have time to use the packaging in 6 months and buy a new one when this period comes to an end. Experienced housewives recommend replacing modern cleaning products that contain harmful acids and caustic alkalis.

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