Askaneli - cognac from the very heart of Georgia

The history of Georgian cognac dates back more than 150 years. On an industrial scale, it began to be produced only in the second half of the 19th century. Among the drinks developed by local winemakers, the famous “Askaneli” occupies a special place. Cognac with such an unusual name has its own story, which is worth talking about in more detail.

Interesting to know

For centuries, Georgian land has been considered a fertile place for the development of cultural viticulture. In its vast expanses, knowledgeable craftsmen collect enviable crops. Beautiful weather and wonderful fertile soil create excellent conditions for the growth of vines. It was here, in the small village of Askana, one of the oldest regions of the country, that Antimoz Chkhaidze organized his wine production in the late eighties of the nineteenth century. His company's products sold well both in Georgia and abroad. After some time, the production faded into the shadows for a short while, and only at the end of the 20th century the Chkhaidze brothers decided to revive the family tradition. They founded Askaneli Brothers, which began to produce wine, chachi and brandy. It was they who became, so to speak, the progenitors of a strong alcoholic drink with the beautiful name “Askaneli”. Cognac turned out just excellent.

Ascaneli cognac

This is evidenced by the awards that were presented to him at various international exhibitions, tastings and competitions. "Askaneli" - cognac, which is made from high quality raw materials using old technology. This product is recognizable by its characteristic taste, in which notes of nuts, honey and fruits are clearly traced. According to many experts, the quality of this drink is worthy of the highest praise.

Rich assortment

Askaneli Brothers products are well known throughout the world. The main reason for this recognition is the high quality of the product itself. Why is Askaneli so good? Cognac of this brand is particularly sophisticated and noble taste. It is produced from the best grape varieties: Tsitska, Rkatsiteli, Mtsvane, Cholikauri, Chinuri and others. For a long time of its existence, the company has developed six types of cognac produced under this brand:

  1. Three year old. A minimum exposure (3 years) allows you to turn cognac into a drink with a delicate bouquet that combines the aroma of vanilla and fresh grapes with a touch of spice.
  2. Five year old. For 5 years, the product acquires a characteristic golden amber color and rich taste with distinct notes of honey and almonds.
  3. Aged. After 6 years of being in oak barrels, the color of the drink becomes copper-golden, and the notes of chocolate with the aroma of flowers and dried fruits are clearly visible in the taste.
  4. Old. For 10 years or more, the product forms a complex bouquet. In addition to vanilla, chocolate and oak, it also has a light apricot aroma. It tastes a bit like prunes and walnuts.
  5. XO. These letters on the label indicate that the exposure of cognac spirits in this case is at least 20 years.
  6. Extra XO - these are unique products with 50 years of aging. During this time, they acquire a delicate aroma with various notes and a rich taste with a whole gamut of shades.

Currently, these cognacs can be found on store shelves in many countries around the world.

Consumer Opinions

Few can boast that they were able to try the famous Georgian cognac “Askaneli”. The reviews of the lucky ones, who nevertheless were able to do this, indicate that not one of them regretted his decision.

cognac askaneli reviews

Any of these drinks have a rather pleasant natural taste. They completely lack even a hint of any “chemistry”, which many types and varieties of alcoholic products sin today. Cognacs of this brand have a delicate, soft and very harmonious taste, as well as a pleasant deep aroma. In addition, true connoisseurs noticed another feature that Askaneli cognac has. Customer reviews unanimously confirm the complete absence of an unpleasant alcohol taste. The drink is very easy to drink and has a soft, pleasant aftertaste. But this is the opinion of the mass consumer, with whom Rospotrebnadzor experts disagree for some reason, who refused to register the cognac presented by Georgian winemakers for supply to the Russian Federation. The management of the company was extremely indignant at this decision, because the quality of their products was recognized as worthy in fifteen countries of the world, such as the USA, UK, Czech Republic, Finland and others. The company hopes that this is only an annoying misunderstanding that will be resolved in the near future.

Significant difference

Winemaking experts say Askaneli is brandy. Cognac, as you know, can be distinguished by three signs:

  1. Grape variety used for production.
  2. The area in which it is grown.
  3. Special technology.

Given these subtleties, of course, it is difficult to call this Georgian drink a real cognac. Although in terms of organoleptic characteristics, it is quite close to the classical version.

brandy cognac

In addition, Askaneli Brothers uses traditional technology based on double distillation and subsequent aging of the semi-finished product in oak barrels for production. If we talk about the raw materials themselves, then the grapes that are grown on Askana's plantations are not inferior in taste to the famous varieties. It has the same pronounced taste and wonderful aroma. As for the area, the Georgian fertile lands of Georgia are no worse than those on which the Cognac region is located. All this allows us to conclude that the Georgian Askaneli, at least conditionally, can still be called cognac. In principle, he is brandy. Cognac is its affiliation, taking into account some features. In this matter, each consumer can have their own opinion.

Decent product

One of the most popular of the entire product line is Askaneli 5 Stars cognac. It is manufactured using classic distillation technology.

Ascaneli cognac 5

According to experts, this is a pretty decent product. It has a pleasant golden amber color and an original taste, which gradually reveals hints of almond nuts and sweet honey. The sophisticated aroma of this cognac is rich in fruity tones with a distinct shade of vanilla. The average age of cognac spirits that are used to produce this drink is at least five years. The unsurpassed taste and individual features of the product were awarded a silver medal at a professional competition held in 2003 in Moscow. This award is a worthy confirmation of excellent quality. In 2005, the same five-year-old Georgian cognac received a gold medal. Given the main gastronomic features, such a product is better to use as a digestif, so that you can slowly enjoy its taste and aroma.

Price of pleasure

Most buyers are usually interested in the cost of the product. For many of them, this indicator is ultimately decisive. So how much does Ascaneli (brandy) cost? The price will primarily depend on exposure.

ascanel cognac Price

Almost all products of this brand are produced in glass containers of 0.25 and 0.5 liters with an alcohol content of 40 percent. The cost of a unit of goods is quite affordable for any buyer. The affordable price allows everyone to purchase it if they wish.

The price of Georgian cognac brand "Askaneli"
No. p / pCapacity of containers, litersThe term of exposure, yearsPrice, rubles

Longer aging products cost about twice as much. This is understandable. Gift sets in bright colorful packaging also often go on sale. Sometimes products are bottled in non-standard containers, which also have a higher price. But this factor does not stop those who really understand drinks.

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