For those who have a biopsy of the cervix with erosion. Pros and cons of this procedure

What is a biopsy?

Uterus biopsy is a medical procedure. This is called taking a piece of tissue in order to make an analysis for cancer cells. The procedure is performed under suspicion of oncology and even ordinary erosion (gynecologists often send all patients with erosion to "cauterize" with a laser, but ideally they should only do this after a series of tests). In addition, this action is often prescribed absolutely without any indication: for example, a biopsy of the cervix during erosion, which proceeds without complications, colposcopy and ectopy are completely unnecessary.

cervical biopsy with erosion

Indications for the procedure

Before the gynecologist writes you a direction, you should definitely do a colposcopy. If, according to the results, plots of the epithelium stained in white were detected (this is checked by acetic acid), a woman is prescribed a biopsy. We repeat again: a cervical biopsy is not done with erosion!

cervical erosion after childbirth


If you suffer from acute inflammatory diseases, a biopsy will only be possible after a full recovery. Women with bleeding disorders should, if possible, avoid such procedures.

How to prepare for the procedure?

First of all, visit a gynecologist and take a smear to make sure there are no infections. In addition, a blood test for RW, hepatitis C and the human immunodeficiency virus should be done. After the analysis, a small wound will remain in the cervical region. This is one of the reasons why they do not perform such an operation as cervical biopsy with erosion. Ideally, the wound should heal before the woman begins critical days. That is why the procedure is usually prescribed in the first phase of the cycle. Do not do it before the start of menstruation: an infection can get into the wound and the tissue will become inflamed.

Biopsy Methods

Perhaps the most common way among doctors is to take a piece of tissue with a scalpel; then stitches are applied to the place where the fabric comes from. Another biopsy method is a radio wave loop (the Surgitron apparatus is used for this). The disadvantage of this option is that the taken piece of tissue can be damaged, which complicates the histology. In addition, for about ten days after this, a woman may experience vaginal discharge. However, one should not forget that this method is much less painful and completely not traumatic. Therefore, if you have a high pain threshold, the doctor will prescribe it for you.

uterine biopsy

Before carrying out the procedure, the doctor must obtain written consent from the patient. He is obliged to warn her about contraindications (in particular, that a cervical biopsy with erosion is not indicated) and possible side effects. Many women are interested in how painful the procedure is. In general, it all depends on personal tolerance. If there are several sites from which the tissue is taken for analysis, and they are very large, you can ask the gynecologist for local anesthesia (the cervix is โ€‹โ€‹sprayed with lidocaine or an injection is made into it). In order to prevent spasms, the patient should be in the most relaxed state.

What can not be done after the procedure?

After taking the tissue for analysis for at least a month, do not use tampons or engage in sexual contact. You should also refrain from visiting the baths, saunas and from taking a hot bath. Do not lift weights and do not strain yourself at all. If the biopsy has not yielded results, and the unpleasant symptoms continue to bother you, it is possible that you have nothing more than cervical erosion after childbirth. In this case, the gynecologist will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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