Morgellon's disease: symptoms and treatment, history and etiology

Not so long ago, representatives of official medicine did not want to hear anything about Morgellon's disease. A more familiar and “traditional” explanation was found for specific symptoms due to the lack of information about the real reasons for the development of this pathology.

Today, methods of treating Morgellon's disease are spoken around the world. The news of this disease quickly spread around the globe. Mention of pathology is found in Europe, Australia, the United States. About 7,000 cases of Morgellon's disease were diagnosed in Russia as well. At the moment, the only country in which the complaints of patients with an ailment have never been registered is Iceland.

How did it all start?

Of particular note is the Morgellon's medical history. According to one of the popular versions, mysterious pathology became known from housewife Mary Leytao. An American once removed a strange thread from a wound on the lip of her son Drew. A little later, a two-year-old baby began to complain about the occurrence of other erosions on the body, from which white, blue or black fibers of unknown origin appeared. The boy also repeated repeatedly about terrible sensations: it seemed to him as if some insect were crawling under his skin.

The frightened mother went to the clinic, but nobody helped her there either. Pediatricians, dermatologists and allergists made a helpless gesture. None of the consultations with leading experts yielded results, there was no question of making a diagnosis - the specialists did not answer the woman the question of what happened to her child. Mary Leitao realized that the baby had an illness unknown to the world.

Going for advice to other specialists, the girl found that thousands of people suffer the same problem. Patients with a mysterious pathology shared with each other a description of the symptoms, offered therapeutic methods one after another. Almost 16 years have passed since then, but official world medicine still remains powerless in treating the symptoms of Morgellon's disease. None of modern scientists have yet revealed the secret of etiology and the mechanism of development of pathology.

Morgellon's disease treatment

External manifestations of pathology

So what is Morgellon's disease? Photos of the symptoms will help to imagine how the disease looks and how it differs from known dermatological ailments. Judging by the images, abscesses appear on the epidermis, often patients themselves open wounds from which they extract dark brown fibers, white threads, particles, granules and even something resembling small bugs. But this is not all, judging by the stories of people who have recovered from Morgellon's disease.

The protocols of medical institutions noted that patients experienced unbearable itching and burning under the skin, and most importantly, they all felt the movement of a foreign creature, an unknown parasite or insect. Most people described unbearable pain. Some of them, trying to get rid of excruciating discomfort, opened their bodies with needles and knives, applied an iron, hot metal to it. All people with this disease almost unanimously declare that under their skin are "not just threads, but living insidious creatures that can hide from prying eyes."

Specific subcutaneous fibers and the pain associated with their appearance are not the only symptoms of Morgellon's disease. In addition to itching and burning, the course of the disease is accompanied by uncontrolled convulsions, swelling of the joints and memory lapses. Many patients experience intense hair loss, nails break, teeth crumble. People suffering from this inexplicable pathology are weak and weak, as they constantly experience physical and mental suffering. It becomes difficult for such patients to communicate with others, they are alienated even from their relatives and friends, plunging into deep depression.

What do the researchers say?

Of course, all the stories and stories of patients were carefully checked, and the formations extracted from under the epidermis were subjected to repeated studies in laboratories. The findings of the scientists were amazed: the fibrous filaments turned out to be unknown formations, which at the same time cannot be called a foreign body - the human gene is present in their structure.

It turns out that about 10 years ago, American scientists received a grant in the amount of $ 300 thousand to finance research activities devoted to the study of Morgellon's disease. Unfortunately, no solution was found.

Morgellon's disease in Russia

At the moment, when the above symptoms appear, they are inclined to the version of the patient's psychoemotional disorder, since infectious and parasitic elements are usually not detected during examination. The threads that are extracted from the tissues and sent for study in the laboratory, and remain unknown formations of science. The biomaterial was even passed on to experts in the field of forensics. After a series of spectroscopic analyzes that did not yield real results (the structure of the fibers does not match any of the 800 samples available in the database), the scientists conducted an unsuccessful chromatographic test. Comparing the threads from under the skin of patients with tens of thousands of organic substances, the researchers found no coincidence.

Reasons: major versions

Despite the fact that there is no official version of the etiology of the disease, world science nevertheless put forward several hypotheses regarding the nature of its origin. According to one of them, the cause of Morgellon's disease is mutated genetically modified organisms, clandestine scientific and experimental trials and the development of military nanotechnology.

Mutated fungus

There is another version: a fungus causes skin pathology. Allegedly, this microorganism underwent a mutation, therefore it differs in aggressiveness of influence on the human body. This representative fungus can be found in silk and polymer fabrics. Unlike other mycoses, this pathogen is resistant to external influences - neither high nor low temperatures kill it.

The consequence of borreliosis

Another theory is also popular. Its supporters are sure that Lyme disease, acute immunodeficiency or environmental toxicity can provoke the development of a strange pathology. By the way, many celebrities have been credited with Morgellon's disease. Alec Baldwin, Billy Koch, Avril Lavigne are among them, but in fact, these people have successfully overcome common tick-borne borreliosis.

Morgellon's disease symptoms and treatment

Modified cotton

A mysterious disease is found mainly in the United States. The states in which the most frequently diagnosed cases of Morgellon's disease (California, Texas, and Florida) are the leading producers of genetically modified Bt cotton. Such a coincidence is considered strange by the medical director of the Natural Solutions Fund Rimma Leibou. She believes that the cause of Morgellon's disease lies in the negative impact on humans of genetically modified organisms.

Some time after studying filamentous fibers extracted from the skin tissue of patients, scientists came to the conclusion that these specific formations contain DNA of both fungi and bacteria used to create GMOs. To a greater extent, they consist of cellulose, and therefore can not be either recycled or neutralized by the human body. Rita Leibou believes that genetically modified technologies can literally revive the inanimate. According to the doctor, the fibers twist and curl, grow and multiply. The pathology mechanism can be used as a universal tool for gene transfer and the creation of foreign proteins. Affecting the human body, it is able to change leading DNA structures.

Returning to the topic of modified cotton, one cannot but note the assumption of the harmful effects of low-quality textile products imported from China. Treatment of Morgellon's disease involves cleansing the body of spores of parasites that have infiltrated almost all cheap cotton products from Asian countries and penetrate our body.


Some scientists adhere to the version that inexplicable and mysterious threads under the skin are microscopic cyanobacteria twisted into bundles. These microorganisms have the ability to adapt to the color of the environment. Some microbes are fixed by a thread, the rest join them. Then they begin to curl, forming a kind of rope. Suddenly removing this "bundle", in its place a person will see a small ulceration or wound. Infection with bacteria occurs, as a rule, in bodies of water with stagnant water, contaminated ponds.

When the spores of cyanobacteria fall into places of damage on the skin, their bodies begin to grow rapidly directly under the upper layer of the epidermis. As a result, long fibers appear under the skin, resembling stiff bristles. An increase in a foreign body provokes severe pain in the patient. Having reached a certain size, the “tourniquet” grown from cyanobacteria leaves the body through the same wounds appearing on the body, leaving posterity behind itself. The cycle repeats over and over. Judging by the photo, Morgellon's disease manifests itself in a similar way.


By the way, in Russia it became known about Morgellon’s disease several years ago, but they have been warning about hairworms (parasitic worms) since ancient times. In the villages, children were even forbidden to swim in water bodies, where earlier cases of infection had already occurred.

According to popular belief, free-floating worms are horse tail hair that has come to life in water and which penetrates human skin, usually in the heel. After that, he eats away the insides of man and "reaches the heart." Conrad Gesner, author of Natural History (XVI century), believed that all this was unlikely. Scientists later confirmed: hairs, despite their appearance, are absolutely harmless to humans. In the human body, they do not parasitize.

How to treat a mysterious disease?

If you find yourself having symptoms of Morgellon's disease, hurry to see a specialist. Remember, information about this pathology is not enough. Modern medicine cannot yet say what is the panacea for this ailment. Ideally, it is worth consulting with narrow specialists from different fields. With suspected Morgellon disease, you can contact:

  • therapist;
  • to a dermatologist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • to the infectious disease specialist.
Morgellon's disease symptoms

If you associate your current hearing or vision problems with the symptoms of this unidentified disease, contact your optometrist or ENT doctor. As already mentioned, there are no pills or exact recommendations on how to treat Morgellon's disease. All the advice of specialists comes down to the need for general strengthening of the body and the immune system.

Balanced diet

First of all, make adjustments to the usual eating style. Only a healthy diet and following an optimal diet will help the body recover. Since scratches appear during Morgellon's disease, it is important that the ulcers and wounds on the skin heal as soon as possible - this will prevent the secondary infection from joining. Proper balanced nutrition will increase immunity, provide the body with energy and allow you to more effectively fight pathology. The UK-based Morgellon's Disease Research Foundation provides the following recommendations for adjusting the daily menu.

First, the advantage should be given to products that include not “fast” but complex carbohydrates. These substances are digested longer in the digestive system, supplying the body with energy for a longer period. “Slow” carbohydrates are present in whole grain bread, brown rice, oats, buckwheat and wheat groats, and durum wheat pasta. Minimize the consumption of processed sugar: it is present in baked goods and any confectionery.

Vitamins and valuable trace elements found in natural products (vegetables, fruits, berries) should be a useful alternative to sweets. These substances are necessary for every person to maintain health and the course of a number of natural physical, biological and chemical processes, including regenerative ones. Spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, apples, citrus fruits, currants, gooseberries will help improve the condition of the epidermis.

Morgellon's disease symptom photo

Secondly, do not give up eating healthy protein foods - low-fat meats (rabbit, turkey, chicken), fish. Eggs, milk, cottage cheese and other dairy products are necessary to replenish the body's calcium reserves. You can get protein from plant foods (peas, beans, nuts), and seasonings and spices will help to resist bacterial or fungal infections. In the process of cooking, add coriander, turmeric, cumin, black and red pepper, cloves, sesame to the dish, unless, of course, you are sure that you are not allergic to them.

Enrich your daily diet with essential Omega-3 acids, as well as vegetable fats (linseed, hemp, olive, sea buckthorn oil). Completely exclude the use of acidic and soda drinks - black tea, coffee, cola, etc. Before eating 2-3 times a day, use vegetable juices.

Cleanliness in the room

Try to maintain cleanliness in the house, wear only freshly washed clothes. Do not forget about caring for pets. In order not to doubt the safety of the microclimate of your premises:

  • Wet the house daily. This will help prevent the formation and reproduction of mold spores, household dust. If the humidity in the room is high, use a dehumidifier.
  • Wash clothes at temperatures not lower than 60 ° C. To disinfect tissues, add bleach to the water that gently acts on colored material.
  • Periodically show your four-legged pets to the veterinarian to always be sure that they have no parasites. Attend vaccination events in a timely manner and, if necessary, conduct seasonal prophylaxis of helminthic infestations.

Skin care

Since damage to the epidermis is one of the main signs of Morgellon's disease, it is especially important to ensure proper care for it. Try different ways to cleanse ulcers and remove unidentified threads from them. Before using any method, make sure it is safe by consulting a doctor - this is of fundamental importance in the presence of open and bleeding skin lesions:

  • Peeling procedures. When taking a bath or shower, gently rub your skin with a washcloth or a gentle washcloth. As a scrub, you can use pharmacy, store or personally prepared formulations. The simplest home options: thick coffee or soda (the second is a tougher and coarser abrasive).
  • Baths with therapeutic disinfectant solution. If there are no ulcerations and wounds on the body, add a pack of sea salt to warm water and lie there for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse with clean water and dry with a towel. Some experts recommend adding 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar, hydrogen peroxide or bentonite clay (these components not only disinfect the surface of the skin, but also eliminate itching).
  • Moisturizing. After water procedures, apply a little olive oil to the entire surface of the skin, without damage and scratching. This method is also suitable for the painless removal of pathological fibers under the skin.

Stress under control

The clinical picture of Morgellon's disease causes a lot of discomfort and affects the psyche in a depressing way. The patient becomes vulnerable not only physically, but also mentally. To withstand stress, worries and worries, follow a few rules:

  • Seek support from loved ones. Share your fears with them, do not withdraw into yourself, continue to communicate with relatives and friends. Even if they are far away, often call on the phone, keep in touch in correspondence, communicate on social networks.
  • Keep fit. Sports activities contribute to a comprehensive relaxation of the body. With minimal physical exertion, the body produces endorphins - these hormones have a positive effect on well-being, improve mood. It is enough to allocate 10-15 minutes every day for physical education.
  • Use relaxing techniques. If your well-being leaves much to be desired, it is better to postpone playing sports for later. You can bring your body into tone with the help of meditation, breathing exercises, calming visualization, relaxing yoga.
Morgellon's disease causes

Try other treatments. First of all, it is important to exclude borreliosis. Morgellon’s diseases are attributed to a psychogenic origin, so be sure to consult a psychiatrist. The thing is that the clinical manifestations of the disease depressing effect on the psyche and nervous system, leading to depression and anxiety disorder. In turn, the normalization of the psychoemotional background can improve well-being and quality of life. It is important to find a doctor whom you can trust and frankly share your problems, fears, experiences.

A specialist can prescribe medication. Regardless of the cause of the Morgellon's disease, medications can help reduce the severity of symptoms. To treat this disease, today is prescribed:

  • Antibacterial drugs, the action of which is aimed at destroying the focus of infection (for example, tick-borne borreliosis).
  • Antimycotic agents to combat the causative agent of skin infections.
  • Anthelmintic drugs to remove parasites from the body.
  • Analgesics and antispasmodics to eliminate pain in muscles and joints.
  • Antiallergic drugs to reduce the sensitization of irritated epidermis.
  • Sedatives, antidepressants and tranquilizers.

Still, is there a Morgellon disease?

Many experts are sure that in fact it is not about some mysterious pathology, but about a disease recognized by doctors - dermatozoic (zoopathic) delirium. This psychological ailment has another name - Ekbom syndrome. Medicines in the treatment of such a disease do not bring any significant results.

If the patient claims that something is crawling under his skin, the doctors only remember the last thing about Morgellon's disease, since this kind of symptom is a mediocre manifestation of Ekbom's syndrome. Therefore, a diagnosed illness is treated as a mental disorder. Some experts believe that patients with Morgellon's disease (photos of external manifestations do not make one doubt the severity of the course of this disease) suffer from psychosomatic disorders, and therefore therapy is carried out with the use of antipsychotic drugs.

Morgellon's disease photo

There are many theories and hypotheses of the origin of the disease, and each case is individual. To date, Morgellon’s disease has no description, no confirmed etiology, no specific causative agent, therefore it is impossible to say unequivocally that the world has to defeat an unknown ailment. Scientists have every reason to believe that a disease is a symptomatic complex of dermatological and mental disorders that causes similar complaints and feelings in patients. By the way, with severe lesions of the blood vessels, patients also declare a sensation of movement under the epidermis.

Be patient. Morgellon's disease cannot be cured in a couple of weeks, and it is possible that a specialist will guide you through all circles of research procedures and therapies.

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