Reviews on the film "Berlin Syndrome" and its assessment

At the beginning of 2017, the premiere of the film "Berlin Syndrome" took place. This film has attracted the attention of many moviegoers thanks to an intriguing plot and famous actors in the lead roles. But what are the reviews of the film "Berlin Syndrome"? If you are interested in this issue, then welcome. In our article you can find the answer to it.

The film "Berlin Syndrome"

General information

The world premiere of the picture took place on January 21, 2017. The film was directed by Kate Shortland. The duration of the film is 1 hour 46 minutes. The film is not intended for viewers under 18 years of age.


Reviews of the film "Berlin Syndrome" - this is certainly a very interesting topic, which we will devote a separate section. But first, let's get acquainted with the plot of this picture and the actors who took part in its filming.

In the center of the story is a tourist from Australia named Claire. Once a girl came to Berlin, where she met a young man named Andy. For several hours, the main characters walked around the German capital and ended up in the same bed in the evening. After a night of love, Claire realized that she would like to continue a romantic relationship with her newly minted boyfriend, but that, as it turned out, had completely different plans for her. Andy locks the poor girl at home and is not going to let her out so easily ...

Reviews on the film "Berlin Syndrome"


List of actors performing central roles:

  • Teresa Palmer - Claire.
  • Max Rimelt - Andy.
  • Lucy Aron - Elodie.
  • Matthias Habich - Erich.

Interesting Facts

We think those people who liked this film will be interested to learn about some interesting facts related to its production:

  1. The plot was based on the novel of the same name by the writer Melanie Justin.
  2. The filming process took place in Melbourne and Berlin. After completing the shooting of the Berlin Syndrome, Teresa Palmer immediately left for Australia, where she began filming Mel Gibson's film "For Conscience."
  3. The premiere of the film in the Russian Federation took place later than the world - July 20, 2017.

Reviews on the film "Berlin Syndrome"

You already know about the plot and actors of this film, now let's move on to the main topic of this article. We are, of course, talking about reviews of the film "Berlin Syndrome" in 2017.

In general, the film discussed in the article received average reviews from both professional film critics and ordinary viewers.

The plot of the film "Berlin Syndrome"

The editors of the famous film portal Lumiere gave the film 8 points out of 10, praising it for its gloomy and cold atmosphere and intriguing plot. The authors of the Kotonavty website did not respond very well to the slow pace of the picture, but overall it rated it positively and gave 7 out of 10. Critics from the and Weburg portals rated the lowest. In their reviews, they rated the film at 6 out of 10, scolding it for having unnecessary and non-affecting scenes, as well as for the lack of tension where necessary.

If we talk about the reviews about the film "Berlin Syndrome" from foreign critics, it is worth noting that at the Sundance festival the picture was nominated for a grand prix in the "Drama" section of the "World Cinema" program, but lost in this fight the film " Case at the Nick Hilton Hotel. ”

And what do ordinary viewers who have nothing to do with the world of professional film criticism think about the film? The audience’s rating for the film on the foreign film portal IMDb is 6.3 out of 10. On Kinopoisk, the audience’s rating for the film is 5.9. The twisted plot, as many noted, keeps in suspense and causes curiosity to the very end of the picture.

Now you know the reviews about the film "Berlin Syndrome" from critics and viewers, as well as about the actors of this picture and its plot. We hope that the information provided above was useful to you, and you learned a lot of interesting things.

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