Each person can have a different kind of formation on the skin. Some of them pose a serious danger, others do not manifest themselves for a long time. Today weβll talk about such neoplasms as keratomas. What it is? Why appear? How to treat keratomas? We will consider these and other questions below. Also in the article will be presented a photo kerat.
General information
Keratomas are specific neoplasms of a dark brown or brown color, which in appearance resemble freckles. Initially, such neoplasms are quite small in size, but over time they darken, horn, peel and turn into plaques, the color of which can vary from dark brown to black. Keratomas reach 1-2 cm in diameter. Neoplasms can be single or multiple. The ailment is most often asymptomatic, in some cases, skin lesions disappear on their own. When contacting a medical institution, the doctor will show a photo of keratitis and talk about what types they are.
Reasons for their formation
Keratoma of the skin (photos are in the article), according to scientists, most often occurs due to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight with exposed exposed skin. This is especially true for people after 40 years. In adulthood, the skin in this way reacts to excess ultraviolet - the epidermis grows and subsequently becomes keratinized. The effect of solar radiation disrupts the keratinization of the skin at the cellular level.
It is also proven that there is a hereditary predisposition to the development of keratomas. Most often, the disease is transmitted along the male line.
Provocative factors
The likelihood of keratoma formation increases with metabolic disorders, vitamin A deficiency in the body, neuroendocrine pathologies, malfunctioning in the production of sex hormones, exposure to the skin of juices of poisonous plants or certain chemical compounds, prolonged use of antibiotics, diuretics.
Species keratoma
Manifestations of keratoma depend on the type of this pathology. Neoplasms differ in external manifestations, the nature of growth and sensations of the patient.
Senile (age-related) keratomas
What it is? The first symptom of senile keratoma is a brown or light yellow spot. Externally, the neoplasm has the appearance of a small hyperpigmented area of ββthe skin. Developing, the spot darkens and can acquire a brown, burgundy, gray color, its dimensions also increase. The structure of senile keratomas also changes: they become more friable and softer to the touch.
Due to the accelerated growth of individual sections, a tuberous surface is formed (ledges and depressions, layers, streaks, dark spots, etc. alternate). Later, age-related keratomas become rough, the layer of cells that covers them begins to peel off and exfoliate with small grayish scales. The size of senile keratoma is in the range of 0.5-6 cm, often 1-2 cm. Some formations brighten over time, acquiring a pale brown or gray shade.
These neoplasms, as a rule, have a multiple distribution pattern, localized on the lower and upper limbs, neck, face, and in rare cases on the body. If the keratoma is damaged, it begins to bleed and become inflamed, pain may occur.
Seborrheic keratomas
Such neoplasms are characterized by very slow growth. Initially, a yellowish spot with a diameter of 2-3 cm is formed on the skin. Then, its surface begins to condense and become covered with easily separated scabs. Over time, keratoma increases in size, the crusts become multilayer (their thickness can reach 1.5 cm or more) and become covered with deep cracks. The color of the formation becomes dark - brown, black. If seborrheic keratitis is damaged, painful discomfort is felt, moderate bleeding may occur. This type of neoplasm is localized most often on the chest, back, shoulders, scalp, and rarely on the face and neck. As a rule, tumors are located in groups, sometimes singly.
Skin horn
Another name for such neoplasms is horny keratomas. What it is? A gray or brown spot appears on the skin, then keratinized elements begin to form, gradually forming keratoma tissue. Externally, the skin horn has the appearance of a convex tubercle, which rises strongly above the skin and has an uneven keratinous surface, crumbling areas, flaky scales. Some of these formations look like a flat plaque of light gray color with an extremely dense texture.
The skin horn can be of primary or secondary nature - it appears as a result of the pathological process caused by other ailments, such as tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, etc. There are single or multiple neoplasms on the face (forehead, around the nose and lips, eyelids), mucous membranes of the mouth , genitals, scalp, ears, rarely on the body.
Follicular keratomas
This type of formation has the form of a node with smooth pink or flesh-colored borders , the size is no more than 1.5 cm. The follicular keratoma of the skin (photo on the right) has an uneven surface with small tubercles that rise slightly above the skin. In the center of the neoplasm there is a deepening or flat flake of gray color. Keratoma is most often affected by the cheeks, the region of the nasolabial triangle, the border of the lips, the head, and occasionally the limbs and body.
Solar keratomas
At first, the disease manifests itself with multiple scaly elements that rise slightly above the surface of the skin. Later, they transform into plaques surrounded by erythematous tissues. The scales are rough and hard to the touch, they are easy to separate from the neoplasm. Solar keratoma is most often localized on the face, hands, feet, back.
This education is referred to as precancerous disease. Keratomas can disappear on their own and appear later on the same area of ββthe skin.
The tumor has the form of a nodule of blue, red, black colors. Its cells form the papillary layer of the epidermis with inclusions of the vascular network. The diameter of the neoplasms is 1-10 mm, nodules rarely have clear boundaries and regular shapes. Angiokeratomas can be observed in newborns, outwardly they resemble hemangiomas.
The location of such neoplasms depends on their variety: papular angiokeratoma is localized on the abdomen or back, limited on the skin of the limbs, Fordyce angiokeratoma affects the skin of the genitals.
How dangerous are keratomas?
Basically, such neoplasms do not threaten human health and life, while they are a pronounced cosmetic defect. Large formations greatly spoil the appearance of a person, especially when localized in open areas of the skin. With constant friction of keratoma with clothing or frequent injury, there is a risk of penetration of fungal or bacterial microflora, as a result of which pyoderma, microbial eczema can develop . As a result of tissue damage, infection with the human papillomavirus, herpes, is not excluded.
Some types of keratomas degenerate into malignant tumors (solar, horny). In this case, the area around the neoplasm becomes inflamed, painful, itching and bleeding appear. Therefore, if skin keratoma is diagnosed, treatment should not be postponed, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.
How to get rid of keratitis?
Removal of keratomas is necessary if the neoplasm interferes and causes a certain discomfort. There are several ways to eliminate this defect. Each of the methods has its own advantages.
To date, laser keratom removal is the most common way by which you can get rid of a neoplasm quite quickly and almost without pain. This technique has no contraindications, after such a procedure, keratoma recurrence is minimal.
Operational method
Surgical excision is an inexpensive and classic way to solve a problem. The method consists in the removal of neoplasms from the surface of the skin with a scalpel. Such a procedure can be performed in almost any specialized medical institution, however, after keratoma removal in this way, scars on the skin are not excluded.
Today, this method is recommended by many specialists to remove neoplasms. During the procedure, you can get rid of various skin defects, while the surrounding tissue is not damaged.
This method also allows you to eliminate keratomas. It consists in cauterizing the neoplasms with nitrogen, after 5-7 days the keratoma disappears, leaving a small pink mark. In the process of removal, unpleasant sensations may occur, but in general the procedure is painless.
With a defect such as skin keratoma, treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist. The doctor will examine the problem areas of the skin and advise on the most optimal method for eliminating the neoplasm.
Keratomas: treatment with folk remedies
With such a pathology, alternative medicine methods are also effective:
Wash young leaves of aloe, put in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator for 3 days. Then thaw at room temperature and apply to the affected area of ββthe skin, leave it overnight, wipe the neoplasm in the morning with salicylic alcohol. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
Grate the potatoes, apply the resulting slurry to the keratoma region, cover with a cotton cloth and wrap with cling film. After 40 minutes, rinse off with not hot water.
Take 2 juniper and 10 bay leaves, chop, add butter (100 mg) and fir oil (20 drops). Received ointment daily lubricate neoplasms.
Castor oil is used to treat hydrocyanic keratomas. It is preheated and rubbed on the affected areas of the skin.
To get rid of keratitis, as well as to prevent their relapse, celandine is used. An infusion of stems and leaves of a dry plant is made (2 tablespoons of raw material are poured with 25 ml of water), used for lotions and skin rubbing.
Walnut in combination with vegetable oil is an effective tool in the fight against skin keratomas. Slightly unripe fruits should be poured with pre-warmed up to 45 ΒΊ vegetable oil (in a ratio of 1: 6, respectively). Put the mixture in a thermos and insist for a day, then cool and filter. Rub the resulting balm into problem areas of the skin for 14 days.
To prevent the development of keratoma, it is recommended to include foods containing vitamin P in your diet . These are buckwheat, legumes, citrus fruits, dill, parsley, purple berries, green tea, and an infusion of burdock leaves.
Preventive actions
To prevent the formation of keratomas, it is first of all recommended to limit exposure to direct sunlight, to regularly use sunscreens with a high SPF.
It should protect the skin in contact with aggressive chemicals, wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics.
Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle have a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole organism and, in particular, significantly reduce the risk of the formation and further development of such a skin defect as keratomas. What is it, and how to deal with this phenomenon, you learned from this article. We hope you find the information useful. Be healthy!