Vitamins contribute to the optimal functioning of the body and all its systems. However, for a better effect, their use should be balanced. Daily Formula vitamins contain a set of vital trace elements, minerals and vitamins. Manufacturing company Universal Nutrition is known as a leader in the production of sports supplements and nutrition. Consider the features of this complex, application guidelines and customer reviews.
general information
All useful substances must be balanced in the body in a natural way (through food and drinks). However, the modern rhythm of life does not allow most people to eat right. To make up for the shortage of elements, experts advise taking special supplements. For example, the Universal Nutrition Daily Formula vitamins are a complex preparation that contains all the necessary substances.
The biological supplement under consideration will not only be appropriate in the diet of athletes, but will also have a beneficial effect on the body of people who lead a normal lifestyle. The use of the drug will make up for the lack of useful elements in the body. The product is of high quality, and its effectiveness is confirmed by numerous consumer feedback. It is worth noting that the supplement is not classified as a medicine.
Component parts
Daily Formula vitamins have a rich and impressive composition. To normalize the balance of beneficial elements in the body, it is enough to take one capsule per day. The additive includes the following components:
- Vitamins A (beta-carotene), D (calciferol), K (phytonadione group).
- Folic and ascorbic acid.
- Riboflavin, tocopherone, niacinamide.
- Pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanobaclamine.
- Biotin.
- Pantothenic acid.
- Vitamins B1, B2, B10, B7, B3, B12, E.
In addition, the composition of the preparation includes metals of the zinc, potassium, magnesium group, which are most important for the body, as well as phosphorus, iodine and selenium. The optimal balance of all components ensures the correct combination of elements and their rapid assimilation.
Operating principle
Daily Formula - vitamins, the composition of which is indicated above, when used correctly, can stabilize the work of all systems and organs, as well as improve the general condition of the body. Dietary supplement is available in tablets. One pack contains 100 capsules for daily use. This volume is enough to complete the recovery course for ninety days.
The vitamin complex, according to the manufacturer, has a variety of useful properties, allows you to make up for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins during vitamin deficiency. After the first course of taking the considered dietary supplement, immunity increases, the state of the nervous system and metabolic processes stabilize. In addition, Daily Formula vitamins activate the brain, positively affect the work of the heart, restore the mineral balance. Active enzymes provoke an acceleration of the biochemical process, provide better absorption of substances in the gastrointestinal tract.
The drug in question, which is suitable for ordinary people and athletes, has several basic indications. Among them:
- Malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system (stress and depression, fatigue).
- Disruption of the heart muscle and blood vessels.
- Reinforced physical and intellectual stress.
- Problems in the activity of the thyroid gland.
- Chronic fatigue.
- Incorrect metabolism.
- Various vitamin deficiencies.
Daily Formula vitamins belong to the group of active biological supplements. It is worth noting that the specific dosage of the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the body and needs. The fact is that an overabundance of useful elements, as well as their lack, is also not very good for health.
Daily Formula (vitamins): how to take?
According to the instructions, the drug in question is recommended for athletes to restore the balance of vitamins and minerals after active physical exertion. Ordinary people are advised to take the complex from time to time, during an exacerbation of chronic diseases and a decrease in the intake of natural vitamins.
As a rule, the Daily Formula vitamins, the instructions for which are available in each package, are taken one tablet per day, which helps to fill in the deficiency of useful elements. To improve the absorption of the drug, it is recommended to drink the supplement during or immediately after a meal.
To whom is the complex contraindicated?
Despite the fact that the drug in question does not apply to medical drugs, it is not shown to all categories of citizens. It is not recommended to take vitamins for children under eighteen years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Refuse to use the supplement should be to persons with individual intolerance to one or more components of the complex. The manufacturer recommends consulting a trainer or medical professional before use.
Possible side effects
If you follow the recommendations specified in the instructions, side effects after taking the Daily Formula vitamins are extremely rare. But taking into account the fact that the complex contains active substances, in case of exceeding the dosage a number of negative reactions are possible.
Do not think that an increased dose will give a better effect. An excess of vitamins and minerals in the body can cause the following temporary negative reactions:
- Allergic skin rashes.
- Peeling of the skin and itching.
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
- Headache and dizziness.
- Decreased appetite, sleep disturbance, general weakness.
It is worth noting that such reactions can occur exclusively with the systematic and prolonged use of increased volumes of the drug. After refusing to take the supplement or reducing the dosage, the state of the body quickly normalizes.
Universal Nutrition Daily Formula Vitamins: Reviews
As user feedback confirms, the product in question occupies one of the leading places in its segment. And this applies to the sports sector and ordinary people who want to make up for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Such success is largely due to the high quality of products, effective action and competent marketing policy.
Many experts argue that the regular use of this supplement in the diet of athletes can achieve better results. The main thing is to monitor the balance of the diet in everyday life, not to exceed the recommended dosage and take into account the individual needs of the body. Among the shortcomings, consumers note that the daily norm does not always coincide with the accepted complex. To correct this point, you should consult with a specialist.
Analogs and compatibility with other drugs
Daily Formula - vitamins, the reviews of which are given above, have a number of substitutes, similar in composition and principle of action. The most common of these include such biological additives:
- “Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men” (Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men), as well as an analogue specifically for women (“Opti Wumen”).
- Controlled Labs Orange Traid and some others.
These are also high-quality drugs, but it is advisable to consult a doctor or trainer before taking.
The Daily Formula vitamins can be combined in one step with gainers, protein preparations, as well as protein and carbohydrate sports nutrition. As practice shows, the best effect is achieved if you use the supplement after a regular meal or during it.
In conclusion
Whether or not to take biological supplements is a personal matter for everyone. However, to replenish the supply of vitamins and normalize metabolism, this is one of the best options. The leader in this market are the Daily Formula vitamins, which are also shown to athletes to normalize their balance after critical loads. The main thing is to buy a real product, beware of fakes and follow the recommendations specified in the instructions.