In 1991, a film was released on wide screens, which became iconic for the actors and a cult for the audience. Director Katherine Bigelow introduced an action movie whose storyline seemed to many critics to be very weak, and the film was not foreshadowed as a huge success.
Cult ribbon
However, the film “On the crest of a wave”, the actors and roles for which Katherine was carefully selected, took its place in the top of the highest grossing pictures of the world thanks to the special atmosphere and amazing play of C. Reeves and P. Swayze.
It was not just an action movie with a set of stunt tricks. The two main characters, opposing each other, created a psychological drama, in the center of which stood their relationship.
Movie content
FBI employee Johnny Utah is a young man with good athletic training. He has been introduced into a gang of robbing banks for more than three years of extreme surfers in order to organize their capture. He meets Bodhi, the leader of a criminal group, with his philosophy of life.
At some point, the hero of Reeves loses touch with reality, confusing the law with his absence. The very moment comes after which the fate of the character changes dramatically. He reveals the crime, but understands that life will never be the same.
This is the summary of the tape "On the crest of a wave." Actors, whose photos appeared in all magazines, gained not only huge popularity, but also the status of sex symbols of Hollywood and the most coveted men.
Difficult tricks
Patrick Swayze, who played Bodhi, said that his insurance company did not give permission to shoot, fearing for his life. He studied surfing, painfully landing on coral reefs, and even said goodbye to life, falling on giant waves.
He was echoed by Keanu, recalling with a laugh, how he got a heavy board on the head on the first day of training in extreme sports for his role in the action movie "On the crest of a wave." Actors did not perform all the tricks themselves, the most complex elements fell to their doubles. “When you see me fall from the board - know that it’s for sure I am. I did it best, ”Reeves laughed at himself.
Remake of the popular action movie
In 2008, it was decided to repeat the box office success of the cult film, and the sponsor company redeems all the rights to the future picture. However, only five years later, the project was launched, and Erickson Kor, who worked as the operator of the no less famous action movie The Fast and the Furious, stood at the helm. The viewer became interested in the statement that this would be the first film staged in the world of professional extreme sports.
Keanu Riaves immediately cut off all the assumptions about his role in the tape: “I do not want to participate in this. But if they find a way to make a good continuation of the film, then God bless them. ” And he added that still some paintings should not have remakes.
New heroes
The main actors of the film “On the crest of a wave” (2015) - E. Ramirez and L. Bracy - conveyed the feelings of two people, who are becoming closer to each other every day, but their fates clearly diverge on different roads.
The director made a new movie, making surfers of these versatile people who are subject to all extreme sports. Actors lived in camps and visited 11 countries.
Spectacular betting bet
Many dangerous scenes were shot at a high level, which the source did not even dream of. Critically responded to the tape, wrote that the first part of "On the crest of a wave" rests on the excellent game of Reeves and Swayze. Actors of the sequel take exciting risky tricks.
However, the entertainment of the picture played a bad role, revealing the emptiness of the content and the lack of sincerity that ensured the incredible success of Katherine's tape.
Kor emphasized the limitless extreme and vivid picture, forgetting to draw the characters of the characters "On the crest of the wave." The actors and their play caused a lot of controversy not only among critics, but also ordinary viewers.
Lame game
Luke Bracey, in the role of Utah's agent, looks unconvincing. He does not have a sports figure and does not at all look like an adrenaline buff. But the negative character caused a lot more emotions and audience love.
Edgar Ramirez knew by heart the action movie with Reeves and Swayze and always dreamed of starring in something like that. When he was offered the role of Bodhi, the actor was simply happy. He understood the nature of a stubborn rebel who risked his life.
Sincerity or tricks?
The claimed budget of $ 100 million for the new action movie “On the Crest of the Wave”, whose actors did an excellent job of stunts, is fully justified. Many scenes were shot without the use of computer graphics, and thrill-seekers will like this tape.
But in comparison with the deep picture of Bigelow, who did not try to make her characters better than they really are, the remake loses. Even 25 years later, the film about sincere relationships looks at one go, but if the viewer wants to return to the continuation of the story of Agent Utah in the same time, only time will tell.