How to treat a cold for a nursing mother? Folk remedies and preparations

During lactation, taking many drugs can lead to unexpected negative reactions. If, during pregnancy, the placenta protects the baby from the influence of medications, then after its appearance all the medicines taken by the mother inevitably pass into the milk. At the same time, the immunity of a nursing woman is always somewhat weakened, since many parents cannot eat fully, and the vitamins and minerals that come with food are taken away by the baby.

What if the representative of the weaker sex got sick during lactation? How can nursing mothers be treated for colds and flu? Today's article will answer these questions for you. You will learn about the drugs that you can take, and also find out all about the folk recipes that are actively used by women.

how to treat a cold for a nursing mother

Use only approved antiviral agents.

Most often, the common cold has a viral origin. Statistics show that 8 out of 10 cases are affected by viruses. Some time ago, such a pathology did not require medical correction. The body itself is able to cope with the disease. But a woman who is lactating is unacceptable to take risks. After all, a complication may begin, which will require even more strength and medicine. So how to treat a cold to a nursing mother? You can take approved antiviral agents.

  • "Anaferon" and Ergoferon. " These drugs are produced by one manufacturer. They have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Ergoferon tablets also have antihistamine activity. Both funds are allowed to be used during the period of the action.
  • "Genferon" and "Viferon" - an immunomodulator produced in the form of suppositories. You can safely use it for nursing mother and baby (with the goal of prevention).
  • "Grippferon" - a spray or drops having antiviral activity. This medicine is prescribed for pregnant women and newborns. It can also be used during lactation.

Homeopathy: Pros and Cons

Homeopathic remedies are believed to be safe and effective. They are prescribed to expectant mothers and preschool children. And what can you drink from a cold to a nursing mother from homeopathic medicines? Here are some proven and safe medicines:

  • "Oscillococcinum" - granules made from duck liver. Used for the first symptoms of a cold for three days.
  • Aflubin is a drug based on restorative extracts. Available in tablets and drops. The latter contain ethanol in their composition, therefore, are not recommended for lactating women.
  • Engistol is a medication that is an analogue of Aflubin. But this tool contains much less components.

Many doctors do not recommend taking homeopathic remedies during lactation. Doctors say that you can drink from a cold (nursing mother) such drugs only in exceptional cases. It has long been known that the active substance of such medicines is not found in the blood. Therefore, the principle of the work of the drugs is not completely known. Perhaps he may not be as harmless as it is today.

what can you drink from a cold to a nursing mother

How to eliminate nasal congestion and runny nose?

Often, infection (viral and bacterial) is accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucous membranes. This is a completely natural reaction to an irritant. Tissues are filled with blood, hyperemia occurs. How to make breathing easier? How to treat a cold for a nursing mother with such symptoms?

Use safe saline solutions (Dolphin, Aquamaris, Rinostop, Sodium Chloride). They will rinse the mucous membrane, remove pathogens, soften and moisturize tissues. In addition, such drugs can slightly relieve swelling due to the content of salts. You can also use the Miramistin antiseptic. This tool will have an antibacterial and antifungal effect, prevent further reproduction of viruses. Among antiviral drugs for nasal use, one can distinguish "Grippferon", "Interferon", "Nazoferon".

If the nose is very stuffy, use vasoconstrictor drugs. It is worth remembering that such drugs are not used for more than 3-5 days. Particularly dangerous is the addiction to such medicines for women during lactation. How to treat a cold for a nursing mother with swelling of the nasal mucosa? Pay attention to such means as “Nazivin”, “Snoop”, “Rinostop”, “For Nose”. Use them only when necessary and in the minimum dosage.

What antibiotics can be taken by a nursing mother?

What drugs can nursing mothers take for colds if it is caused by a bacterial infection? In such a situation, self-medication is unacceptable. It is strictly forbidden to use antibiotics on their own. Be sure to consult a doctor. Before prescribing this or that medication, the doctor will definitely conduct a number of tests. When breastfeeding, preference is given to the penicillin row or macrolides. The question of the possibility of continuing breastfeeding is decided individually.

how to treat a cold for a nursing mother with folk remedies

What to do at high temperature?

What can be taken from a cold to a nursing mother in order to eliminate fever? Many mistakenly believe that at a high temperature, a woman's milk burns out. At the same time, mothers begin to refine themselves as soon as they can: boil breast milk, decant before putting the baby. All these manipulations are not only not beneficial. Moreover, they are harmful to you and the baby. If you have a fever, then you just need to take an antipyretic.

The nursing mother can use the same medicines as the baby. Usually, medications based on paracetamol and ibuprofen are prescribed: Nurofen, Panadol, Ibuklin, and so on. Use them strictly in the dosage prescribed by the instructions. It is strictly forbidden to take aspirin! If you do not have the indicated safe medicines, then you can use any available (besides aspirin), but only once if the level of the thermometer exceeds 38.5 degrees. Remember the rules for measuring temperature for nursing mothers.

how to treat a cold for a nursing mother with folk remedies

How to get rid of a cough?

What should I do if mom begins to cough? Can I take any medications myself? Before treating a cold for a nursing mother and using antitussive medicines, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Not always on your own you can choose the right medicine.

The cough may be wet and dry. In the first case, mucolytic compounds are prescribed, for example, “Herbion”, “ACC”. If a dry cough is accompanied by wheezing in the bronchi, then you need to use "Lazolvan" or "Ambrobene." These funds contribute to the thinning of sputum and its gentle excretion from the respiratory tract. When a dry cough is caused by irritation of the throat, the doctor recommends taking antitussive formulations: Codelac, Herbion, Sinecode. But at the same time, it is necessary to compare the expected benefit for the mother and the possible risk for the baby.

how can nursing mothers be treated for colds and flu

Treat a sore throat

What drugs can nursing mothers take for colds and flu to relieve sore throats? Usually prescribed medications in the form of sprays and lozenges. They act locally on the source of the disease and practically do not enter the bloodstream. It is allowed to use such compounds as Tantum Verde, Ingalipt, Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, Strepsils and some others. After using such medicines, you should refrain from eating and drinking for a while.

Is it permissible to use herbs? Medical opinion

You already know how to treat a cold for a nursing mother. Folk remedies prefer to cost more than half of the fairer sex. The opinion of the newly-made parents is such that such compounds will not have a negative effect, because they do not have chemistry. But doctors believe otherwise.

Doctors say that many traditional medicines can cause an even more negative reaction than proven medicines. Indeed, the composition of "safe" drugs include herbs. They are strong allergens. If mommy does not notice pronounced unpleasant consequences, then for the baby it can be quite dangerous. Doctors do not recommend self-medication, and even more so take folk remedies themselves. Such formulations should be prescribed only by a specialist after a thorough examination.

what medications can be taken for nursing mothers with a cold

Folk remedies

Despite all the medical recommendations, many mothers prefer grandmother's prescriptions. What are the new parents treated for with a cold? Here are some ways that are proven, but recall, not safe!

  • Garlic and onions are natural antiseptics. From these components, you can prepare drops in the nose. Add some sodium chloride or olive oil. After using such a medicine, a woman's taste in milk may change, which is also fraught with its consequences.
  • Aloe juice is a good tool for nasal instillation. It cleanses the nasal passages and facilitates breathing, has a bactericidal effect. May cause an allergy in the child.
  • Honey with milk is an excellent cough cure. It softens the laryngeal mucosa and has an immunomodulating effect, relieves inflammation. Honey is an allergen for the baby, and milk can cause digestive problems.
  • Herbal teas with chamomile, eucalyptus, thyme and sage - excellently relieve inflammation, heal, fight microbes and viruses. They can also cause allergies in the child, take them very carefully.
  • Vitamin C - boosts immunity, fights viruses, improves blood circulation. Contained in all citrus fruits, parsley, cabbage.

What should not be done?

How to treat a nursing mother from a cold and not infect a child? Many believe that breastfeeding should be stopped for the duration of the illness. This is more of a misconception, because with milk, antibodies are released that protect the baby from infection. Therefore, the first wrong action is the cessation of lactation.

It is also unacceptable to take such drugs as Arbidol, Isoprinosine, Rimantadine, Amiksin. The independent use of antibiotics is forbidden - you already know about this. In addition, they are completely ineffective in case of viral infection.

It is forbidden to self-medicate, if within three days you do not feel better. It is necessary to consult a doctor at high temperature, severe cough, general deterioration of well-being.

what can you take from a cold to a nursing mother


From the article, you were able to learn how to treat a cold for a nursing mother. Folk remedies should not be abused. Do not think that they are all safe and harmless. Many can cause a severe allergic reaction in a baby, falling into his body through breast milk. This does not mean that folk methods cannot be used. You can, you just need to consult with a specialist on this issue. Be treated correctly, but rather, do not get sick!

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